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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Late last summer, it would settle in at about 175 or so, the aftermarket gauge would read 185,the temp in the top of the rad would be about 170, so somewhere in between that I would imagine.........Fred
  2. Hi all, when I first got the clock running last fall, it was slow, I then cleaned the clock, olied it, it now runs fast, about 15 minutes fast every 24 hours, I did back the setting toward slower on the back of the clock, so far that did nothing, will try to set it even slower, any idea what might cause this any of you electronic gurus.......Thanx Fred
  3. Hi all, a few weeks back after discovering my engine was starting harder than usual I discovered thath the points were only at .010, and they should be,.020. This dwell angle point gap must have affected the timing of my engine, although it seemed to run well at this setting once started. Last summer my engine was running warmer than I think it should have been, if my points were at .010, would thi affect timing enough to create the engine to run hotter............Fred
  4. Passports for what? If going to Canada or coming from Canada, you do not need a passort, if crossing the border by road, you can use a birth ceritificate, drivers license etc, it is only if you are flying I believe
  5. Hi John, glad to hear you are on the way to a successful recovery, hope you are feeling better and that you re-gain your weight and strength quickly................Fred
  6. Here is a pic of 5/16 poly armour tubing, bent to shape by hand, no problem and easy to do. This a nice flexible product to work with, the outer coating should be a good corrosion fighter too...........Fred
  7. Ed, you and I weez northern folk, they still have winter fronts, and people use cardboard, carpet etc. I do find modern vehicles with a 195 t/stat keep things warm usually, plus windows stay defrosted way better the las 20 years or so.I remeber the days of frostshields, my Dad always put one in the back window and on each side glass, the car was warm, but did not clear glass like they do now, betcha Normscoupe has done a lot of this also.........Fred
  8. We even did that in recent times, as it is extremely cold in this part of Canada. I have this one driver a 1994 Ranger truck, with a V6, it gets sickening hot in this thing, even when it is -40, this thing gets too warm in the cab.............Fred
  9. On behalf of my Mother and my family we thank you all for your words and thoughts..............Fred
  10. Hi all, went out side a while ago to see how the weather was and to bring the old car out of the garage so I could clean in the garage a bit. Pulled the car out side, it was around 28 in the garage, it is around 0 outside.I let the car run 20 minutes or so, the temp gauge would not go over 145 to 150 degrees. I have a 160 t/stat and I also drilled a very small hole through the t/stat, so a small amount of coolant will always be flowing if the t/stat is closed. I did that while re-filling the system to eliminate the air pocket you get when re-filling a cooliong system. I am hoping my recent change to the points and timing, that maybe that was helping it run warmer in summer type weather. The points were way out as far as gap was concerned, they were .010, I changed them to .020.Would changing the point gap and timing, do anything to how hot the engine would run. Have any of you run your flatties at 0 fahrenheit, if so what temp would they run at.................Fred
  11. Here is a pic of Mom and Step-dad Alex in summer of 07
  12. Thanx Norm, I believe the filler tube is the same as a P15
  13. Hi all, I know this is not a vent column, but here goes. My step-father died this morning at 76, he was very healthy large man, was barely taking any meds whatsoever. After Christmas he felt sick, he was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with terminal stomach/bowel cancer, he died this morning at 09:10 CST. This man was strong, he had to be sedated 24 hours ago, it took 4 people to get him back to bed, he was so close to the end, but very strong. He is onto the great beyond now. Cancer is an awful disease.......................Fred
  14. Norm, can these be bought from the local auto parts store, is it a special size. My garage is secure, but I have small kids, this could happen to me too...................Fred
  15. Well then you be the guy to pester for one of those filters............LOL
  16. Hi Shel, I may just go with a filter at the tank, on the line before the pump, will add the glassbowl type to the line from pump to carb later, my lines are brand new, my tank is brand new, 1 filter should do the job..............Fred
  17. So which type do I need Ed for my Carter B&B carb, the carter type, with the needle valve it should screw right into the carb, should it not. PS I did not get the sender yet, hopefully this week,been real sidetracked the last few days, my step-father is gravely ill and is not expected to live more than a day or so...........Fred
  18. Hi all, I was wondering, when you have the old style glass bowl fuel filter installed. Does it attach to the carb, via flare nut, does the fuel line screw into the other side of the fuel filter. Does anyone have a pic of one of these set-ups, I was planning on installing one of these type filters, my question also is this, are they good filters, do they need just some minor cleaning to continue using them, are they better than modern disposable filters, should I still intall a fuel filter near the gastank,( my gas tank is brand new)...........any help would be helpful
  19. Hi John, speedy recovery, glad to hear your prognosis looks good..............Fred
  20. Now I find this out, is there a way or method to figure the order back out, I was never good at Rubix cube either............Fred ps I have a parts coupe with the bows still in place, I could pull these out 1 at a time and use them I suppose.
  21. 55 Fargo

    New Glass

    Either use the old windows for patterns, or make patterns and take them into your local auto glass dealers, in your area for prices. You will not be able to get a rear window made, but the flat glass only, if you need a rear window you will have to get a used one somewhere. The side window glass can be safety, but get laminated for the front windshield glass, you would not want it shattering like safety glass if something hit the front window at 60 mph. Side window glass should be around 25 to 40 bucks each, and the front window glass about 40 to 50 bucks each. The glass can be tinted to your liking
  22. Shel I have a tube bender, and have had success in making bends, but I need to custom bend the line from the fuel pump to carb, and want to make a few bends in it, so I thought I would try this stuff.............Fred
  23. Hi all, does anyone know a supplier of either Anco or Trico wiper blades, I have tried the Anco vintage 12-20, but they do not fit. I know Roberts has them, possibly Bernbaum, but is there a regular Trico or Anco wiper # that will fit for my 47 Chrysler...........Fred
  24. Hi Curtis, my local NAPA does not stock this item, infact NAPA in the USA has way more useful items then they have here in middle Canada. I bought my Poly Armour lines from " Piston Ring Stores", but they have the "attitude" so I buy just what I need from them..............Fred
  25. Hi all, today I bought a 30 inch pre-made 5/16 Poly Armour Steel tubing. This product is great, I put a 90 degree bend in it with my bare hands, it did not kink and is a lot easier to bend then steel lines. I bought this section for between the fuel pump and carb, it was a bit pricey at $8.00, but has the flares and fittings on both ends. They had 3/16 tubing on display, with bends in it like a coil, this stuff is good where you need to do a lot of bending. The product is Poly Armour Steel Tubing for brake lines, gas lines and trans lines..........Fred
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