Hi Rodney and Bob, I have a nice driveway made with 3/4 limestone gravel. The road is a lot of limestone gravel, they dust control, which used to be oil, on everyones frontage, but out of the 3 miles of road to the highway there is only about 1 mile of oiled gravel.
The dust control works good, it keeps the road packed better, in winter before it gets to cold, the snow stays off this part, not sure why.
Every summer they grade the road about 3 to 4 times, this is when it is the worse, it is a dusty trail behind every vehicle, if it hasn't rained, once it packs down, it's not too bad.
My old 47 is not quite dust proofed yet, I need new door weather stripping, and new trunk lid weather stripping, that would or I hope should help keep dust out, cuz that is where it is coming from now.
After every couple of road trips I wipe out the inside of the car, give the outside a sponge bath and wipe down the tires, I really am a city boy at heart as I was raised and lived my first 42 years in a good sized city, meaning all paved roadways, including my back lane at the old house, gotta luv country livin.............Fred