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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Roberts they are form Roberts Motor Parts, But I would use more modern types from a trctor store or something, these are okay, look good, they were only about $20.00. Yes this is Tremclad, and home Hardware Paint on the oil filter and genny. We may get that 4 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow, we sure as heck don't need that.............Fred
  2. Hi all, although I was able to clean up the genny inside, and did give here a nice paint job, I still decided to bring it into a local auto electric shop for a once over. This is what he did in the shop, he opened the genny, gave the commutator a slight shave, check the armature, bushing, the whole thing. He also at my request fabbed a new narrow pulley and fan to replace the widebelt version, this turned out great. The genny was putting out 37 amps on the bench, he said it would probably put out 25 to 30 in the car, but depending what the regulator was set at. This shop owner did all of this for $33.00, including the tax, I put the genny in the car, it works slick, and the narrow belt on my engine prefers the narrow pully on the genny..................Fred
  3. Here she is all cleaned up, painted and lookin purdy............Fred
  4. Hey, that was a good year, being that I was born in 1961.
  5. Hey I went to High School with this guy in Winnipeg, think his name was Al Newman.
  6. Hi Chance, sorry I have not been able to get any pics of the the clutch rod, rear motor mount changes to accomodate the non-fluid dirve clutch and 3 spd trans change on my Chrashler. As I mentoned on the telephone on the weekend, this is not that big of a deal to swap out the fd and replace it with the dry clutch and 3spd trans. Can you take some pics of the area, is the floor pan removed right now, if you can send some pics, maybe we can suggest something, if you decide to swap to dry clutch and 3 spd trans. Getting rid of the Fd will give you more zip off the line, but in heavy city traffic, you don't get the FD benefit of not having to shift gears. Sounds like drilling out the 4 bolt crank may be a more precise job than first anticipated. Let us know what you plan to do.............Fred
  7. John, where is the crud coming from, what I did was replace all lines and hoses, not a real big deal, with freshly rebuilt MC and wheels cyls, or if you go new cyls, why not use Dot 5 silicone brake fluid, it seems to keep moisture at bay, especially for vehicles with limited use, long storage and high moisture environments. My brakes were redone 3 years ago, no a bit of evidence of moisture or crud, when, the dust caps are pulled back. Yes id have one leaking slightly, but it was rebuilt cyl, so I cheaped out and paid for it..............Fred
  8. This is true Bill ,but I don't think the tolerances are that much closer than 5 or 10 years ago, are they? I am using 5w30 in my 2005 Dodge Caravan, Chrysler calls for 5w20, but I still use 5w30 oil..............Fred
  9. Samething is recommended for my 2005 Dodge Caravan here in Canada, it is sold here BTW, but I use 5 W 30 instead.........Fred
  10. Hi Don, can you post some photos of the alternator bracket you fabbed to fit on your engine............Thanx Fred
  11. Hi all, I done did the same thing as Robert, I gave my old flattie a new paint job (silver), painted the oil filter canister, the genny and a few other items, the rest was done not too long ago, still need to paint the rad. Man does she look purdy, will pst pics later..........Fred
  12. Hi Ed, sorry to hear that Portland is experiencing a rare spring cold snap, will turn up the heat for you on this end. However we are also experiencing a colder weather than normal, it should be highs of around 40 to 45 this time of year, last night it dipped down to near 0, plus we got an inch of snow in the evening. I was driving to work last night around 6:00 PM, thinking this is great, sunny but cool, but all the roads dry, snow melting away in the fileds, around 8:00 PM, the North wind picked up, actually Northwest wind, knida down wind a ways from Alaska, oh brother did I say that, don't it be part of the US of A. LOL. So please Ed, could you let the Governor and the good folks and sled dogs in Alaska , to stop sending those Arctic air masses south to the 49th parallell. Heck we should also blame the Russins, they have been taking some interest in the Arctic lateley, maybe the durn cold is coming right over from Northern Russia, yah thats it.............................LOL Heck in a couple of weeks it could be 60s and 70s even here in the "good ole Southern Manitoba".................fred
  13. Hi all, in the oil filter canister on a by-pass oil filter, you have the top seal the filter, and a little rubber washer. Where does the little neoprene washer go, does it slide over the rod that the oil filter goes onto through the center of the filter? Does it go on first to jeep the oil filter up on the bottom? Or does this go on the cap screw on the canister top? I just cleaned up and repainted the filter canister, and do not remember where the small neoprene washer goes.................Thanx Fred
  14. They make 6 volt + ground GM single wire alts in my area for around $100.00. The advantages are noted above, you could also fab your own mounting bracket if you are so inclined. The GM single wire alts are cheap and plentiful, but an Auto Electric Shop has to convert them to 6 volt + ground. Thats is why there a little more expensive than the 12 volt easy to find models....................Fred
  15. Lookin good Lou, hey I might take you up on the narrow pulley offer, if I can't find one here.........Fred
  16. Yes I may do this, I did find one shop in Winnipeg City, they have been around since the 50s, the young guy working there for his great-uncle, said they have about 6 old mopar gennys on the shelf in the back, still in boxes and new. I am going there as soon as I get a chance to have a looksee...............Fred
  17. Bingo!!! Tim, this is what happened last summer, my belt which wasn't that old started to roll itself insdie out and fall off the pulleys. Having this one wide pulley cannot be good, I bet at high rpm it slips, causing problems................Fred
  18. Hi all, I may have asked this ? before, but here goes. I have an engine that is a later modsel 1951, the waterpump and crank pulleys are the narrrow type. The generator is the wide pulley type. My question is this, will this cause the belt to slip, and/or squeak, and possibly wear out faster? I tried this on the bench with the narrow belt in the wide pulley on the genny, hold it tightly it slips easily, on the fan pulley holding it tightly, it does not slip. I suspect this could cause squealing at higher engine rpm, and possibly slipping, which might even keep the waterpump from pumpimg as well as it should at higher rpm. Just a thought, have any of you had this combo before or now, will the different pulley sizes cause a belt slippage problem, especially at higher rpm? Thanx Fred
  19. Whewwwwwwww hooooooooooooooooo
  20. John did you pull the drum yet, as Norm and Neil have said, maybe there is something loose. What brake fluid are you using DOT 3 or 5. Maybe it was from lack of use, a little shot of brake fluid getting past the boot,a little piece of crud inside, what is the level in the MC is it down much. It doesn't take long for brake fluid to leak out a bad wheel cyl, that is for sure, open her up and investigate..........Fred
  21. Happy Easter to all of you fine folks on this forum. Going to the big dirty city for an Easter Brunch at the folks place, all the Easter Egg hunting has been done this morning with the kidlets. Tonight I will paint the genny and maybe the oil filter housing on the beast, plan to repaint the engine over the next few days, it is pretty clean, so not a big chore like the first time.................Fred
  22. Were do you need to run the grounds from, can you tell me how to dothis..............Fred
  23. Hi all, plan to change the oil pan gasket, will be a good time to clean ou the oil sump, would like to change the valve cover gaskets, and pull the manifolds to fix a frozen heat riser. Are these fairly starightforward jobs, or is there anything I need to know before I tackle the job.............Thanx Fred
  24. Does anyone know how much it costs these days to get a genny overhauled, mine is working, bu the rear bushing is making noise, even though it got oiled. I was thinking of getting it rebuilt, with new brushes, having the armature machined if necessary and new bushings for the armature shafts. I think Rodney Bullock had this done a little while back, just thinkinga about my options...........Fred
  25. Hi Rodney and Bob, I have a nice driveway made with 3/4 limestone gravel. The road is a lot of limestone gravel, they dust control, which used to be oil, on everyones frontage, but out of the 3 miles of road to the highway there is only about 1 mile of oiled gravel. The dust control works good, it keeps the road packed better, in winter before it gets to cold, the snow stays off this part, not sure why. Every summer they grade the road about 3 to 4 times, this is when it is the worse, it is a dusty trail behind every vehicle, if it hasn't rained, once it packs down, it's not too bad. My old 47 is not quite dust proofed yet, I need new door weather stripping, and new trunk lid weather stripping, that would or I hope should help keep dust out, cuz that is where it is coming from now. After every couple of road trips I wipe out the inside of the car, give the outside a sponge bath and wipe down the tires, I really am a city boy at heart as I was raised and lived my first 42 years in a good sized city, meaning all paved roadways, including my back lane at the old house, gotta luv country livin.............Fred
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