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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. The 265 long block will move forward, you can make this change. I suggest you consult with and read Don Coatneys swap. The 265 would give you more zip, thats for sure. In Canada, all Plyms, Dodges used a 25 inch engine, so the factory, had it all arranged in the cars, but not so with USA Plyms and Dodges,they used the 23.5 inch block engines. The entire engine is longer in the 251 and 265 in the USA, In Canada 218,228,251,265 were all 25 inch long blocks, the displacement differences were created with diffferent bores,strokes, and cranks........Fred
  2. I used to enjoy a bottle or 2 of Mexicos Dos XX, back in the day, very nice beer
  3. Most Canuck Beers are in the 5 to 6 % range, most of you Guys south of the 49 th parallel, usually enjoy Canadian Beer. Sorry I never touch the stuff these days, many brands up here some are US brands like Bud, or Coors, but they are made up here, and do not taste the same as the US made beers. I used to enjoy a Colorado made Coors beer, I think they were 1 of the best in the world.......Fred
  4. Dave what are you asking, would you like to swap in the fluid drive coupler, clutch housing, and 3 spd trans. The 48 Windsor most likely has a 4 spd hydraulic trans, or semi-auto clunkomatic. Most 46-48 Windsors had this M5 trans. Now the rear motor mounts on the Windsor are on the clutch housing, is the truck the same, you would have to move it, or add the one in from the Windsor. The crank on your truck, is is an 8 bolt, that will be needed to bolt to the fluid drive coupler set-up. I suppose this could be done, but why would you want to? Are you hoping to get the benefit of the fluid drive, for around town driving, and the semi-auto feature about it. These trans IMHO, are very slow off the line, but that is okay with some folks. In order to use the M5 trans, you need the right carb, and wwiring to accomodate it's electrical components..........Fred
  5. Rob, I likes that, very cool. Sure hope Manitoba allows this someday, cannot see how it would hinder there database, for registration. How many of theses cars are involved in criminal activity, or not properly regsitered/insured.......
  6. Not saying it does not occur in some Provinces/jurisdictions in Canada, but I have never personally seen any YOM plates in actual use on a Vintage car, so far. Now Ontario, not sure why an old 47 YOM plate, and a modern Motorcycle plate with same number, could not co-exist, that rationale is a bit lame. The amount of YOM plates that would actually be in use would be a low precentage, in any Province including Ontario, which is currently about 13 million people living there. I think provinces like Manitoba, like to be in total control of there vehicles registration, and public insurance,they could not fathom a small amount of YOM plates for vintage vehicles.............Fred
  7. No it is still pi$$ing me off, I have Manitoba 47 plates, but this Draconian province does not allow any YOM plates, very BS system here. You can only use Vintage plates, regular plates or personalized plates. I was hoping car clubs here would lobby to change this. But it seems no one is upi to the challenge, Canadians are known for swallowing a lot of crap you Guys in the USA would not.... Oh yeah, still have a set of california 1963 edition plates, I found ona wreck back in 1980, shouild have got more at the time, harder to get now I suppose. I also got a pair for brand new Harbor Chevrolet Long Beach dealer plate frames that year too..........
  8. Thanx for all of the replies, still have radials, and will have in future, maybe 1 day will afford whitewalls. I have thought about Porta-walls, anyone ever use them, if so, how are they?..........
  9. This very true, if any object is painted, and is kept out of the UV sun rays, will last a long long time. But if it has to stay in the sun, on a constant basis, it is going to chalk. A lot of enamels can be polished back to shine, which is what a lot of people used to do, many years ago before all of the modern paint systems, ie Urethane killer paint, and BC/CC killer paint. Interestingly enoughg, read an article in Ole Skool Rodz, it was an interview with Bo Huff, famed 49-51 Merc customizer, to this day he still uses lacquer and enamel paints, he has used 2 k modern paint systems, but hates them, because of the toxixicty about them...........Fred
  10. Tower Paints, manufacture real Automotive acrylic enamel paint, any color, custom made spray bombs righ to the door. Up here in my part of Canada, I can go to a large autobody supply house, they make rattle can paints with Centauri, Nason etc. These enamels will have more resistance to UV rays and sun fading. The rattle can paints like Rusotleum, and the other major brands, use mostly Synthetic Enamel (alkyd), will chalk quickly especially in the southern sun, it does up north too, but much slower rate. Frankie's suggestion is good, use a clear coat over the paint, hopefully same paint system, juist do test spots, and make sure your enamel paint is good and cured first. I painted my car with industrial high gloss synthetic enamel, added gloss hardener, after a year still just as shiny, but the car is garaged. Witht the hardener, I would probably get 2 to 3years outside 7/24, before it started the fade process. But I sprayed this with spray equipment. I have heard of guys having rattle cans made with a hardener added, but you would have to zip home and use immediately, as it will set-up, as per pot life right in the can............Fred Here is a pic a few days back, my enamel paint job with harddner, this is just a more high performance rutoleum type paint, but looks acceptable, grey is a light color, so hides a lot, but does not bounce back a shine like dark blue or red
  11. Hey all, been meaning to post this for a while. I want to get a debate, opinions, facts, fables and stories of bias ply tires, and how they compare with modern radial tires. I have used both, in my driving history, I of course believe a premium radial tire, and a well tuned suspension rides like a dream. I have also owned vehicles, in my early driving days(1977-1979), that had bias ply tires. Now my early cars ran and handles okay, they didn't need constant steering wheel correction, because of the bias ply tires. Now I invite all to share there experiences on both tires. Today I was reading an article on a 1959 Mercury Commuter Wagon in Hemmings Classic Car, car was absolutely in beautiful shape. In the article, the owner stated, when he switched the tires from bias to radil, the rid change was incredible, the car instantly stopped wandering all over the freeways/highways. I really am partial to the look of the Coker Firestone whitewall bias tires, think they look killer, wish I had them on my car with red rims. But I have Good Year Wrangler passenger car tires, the ride is decent, handling/steering not bad, consdiering I have a bit of slop in the steering gear. I thought posting this could be a fun topic to discuss, something like Oil types/Brands........
  12. It's mazing what there is out there for sale in this Province. Lake Winnipeg, sure can be nasty, but that beach are in the pic, is great on a hot summers day......
  13. Check the parts for sale section, a lot of discussion on parts wanted and parts for sale.........
  14. Yes there is, but do not have one of those types..........Fred Terry check out this link, it has a pic of the oil filter you mentioned on Don Coatney's engine. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=8072&highlight=full+flow+filter
  15. Terry, here are 2 pics of a 1948 C38 251 engine with a full-flow oil filter set-up, this is factory, not aftermarket.........
  16. Terry, will go take 1 right now on my 251 parts car engine, and post soon, hopefully right away......Fred
  17. Robert, that is 1 beautiful unmolested original car. This vehicle should be featured in Hemmings Classic car, in there Driveable Dream section. Pat pointed out to me how much my car, really has come, considering what I started with, my level of skill, and tools/equipment, and money flow......
  18. It is a very windy day here at home, can imagine how choppy and rough Lake Winnipeg must be. My Grandfather commercial fished on that lake for 50 years, he told tales of 12 foot waves, that lake can be incredibly nasty in stormy weather........Fred PS have a good trip home
  19. Rich, hope I was not sounding critical about your info from the AACA, it is good stuff, very thorough and professional. If my car looked 1/4 as good as yours, I would be a happy man. In my case where I live, because of the long gravel ride to the Hwy, would not consider anything to high end, be it a resto classic, or a modern day vehicle, this road is just too rough on vehicles, and it is extemely difficult to keep them clean and dust free much of the time...........Fred
  20. Hey the Warden had the cheapest 1 ply tissue in his washroom, now thats what you call "mucho wiping".................LOL Cons, well that's another story...HEHEHE
  21. Back when our cars were new:), there was another use for them in " hard times", you know in those little buildings with the moon cut-out in the door:D. Charmin works better in this case:eek:...............LOL
  22. Hi all, today is a cool, overcast, north wind kinda day, the type most want to pull up the covers and stay warm. But this "Kid", has to go for his ride, in the 47 of course. 2 things I forget to bring, cell phone, digital camera. As I approach pavement off a gravel road, I see a rental car, with 2 occupants, the driver gets out waves, says nice car, and asks if this is the way to Winnipeg Beach,(not sure why he want so go there, ain't for a swim, I can assure you). Before I can answer this Guy, he asks if he can take a picture of the car, I say sure. He tells me He's from Switzerland, and has never seen a car like this before, I tell him it's a 47 Chrysler, I also mention the car is dusty and dirty, so excuse that, he comments, this car is great, not some museum show car, that you can't touch, let alone drive. I almost ask if he has his cheque book handy. I gave this Gent directions, and he was on his way, he seemed to really like the old maid...........another 47 Chrysler adventure in 2010 PS get home,Wife tells mne my 4YO Daughter was quite upset I did not bring Her, now another old car attic in the grooming.......
  23. How about ignition/problem/component failure?
  24. The best color is the one you like...........
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