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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hey Bamford, great idea, read it in the morning, use it as a sunscreen in the afternnon, and cover up with it as blanket at night, this be my kinda AC. Heck I still admire you for the long hauls you have done with your car, hope to hook up with you sometime, and check out your cross country machine...Fred
  2. Pete, sorry to see you and the car go, hope you drop in once ina while like Ritchie Hodge does. Any future Mopars on the horizon......
  3. Took these pics about 20 minutes ago, this is my entrance to my Hacienda. Man did we have rain last Saturday, 3 inch in about 2 hours, water everywhere, garage and basement nice and dry......Fred
  4. KILZ is beastly stuff, used it a number of times years ago in fire jobs....
  5. This stuff is not apshalt ype undercoating, it is paintabel rocker guard coating based with naptha,toluene and mineral spirits, much like many rust paints. It has a mild odor when warm, I am going to ther cover over it, or paint on a coat of Tremclad rust enamel. Infact I have done a test spot, it paints over well. The product label, and instructions do not warn about innner cavity usage. It is fully cure in 24 to 48 hours, then paintable right over. I will try a few things first and see where it's at, if nothing works, will as per Tim Adams scrape it off. Painted over, then sealed with a insualtion sound deadener, then a headliner, may work..........Fred
  6. Hey another BrainFart, what is going on now, I also thought Mike was after a true restoration to factory OEM specs.
  7. Well this stuff is paintable rubberized rockerguard coating. I suppose I can brush on the Tremclad, that may encapsulate it. I have no headliner in the car yet, so will paint over it, unless this is bad idea. Then will cover entire roof surface with ez-cool sound insulation. Tape all joints, and see what happens, this I can do even before a headliner install. Thanx everyone for the posts, live and learn, know better on this for next time.......Fred
  8. Michael, it doesn't cool man, it makes a sonic sound like a Jet engine, and you forget your hot inside. Very popular 50s items, like the little engines you mounted on your bike to make a motorcycle sound.....
  9. Do you have something like this for someone's mouth who "rides shotgun", and keeps voicing there concerns. Not saying Wives do that sorta thing.........LOL
  10. Very nice pics Ed and Carmon, looks like a great Wedding day. Ed the coupe looks great, it looks shiny in some pics too, these pics will bring great memories for years to come.........Fred
  11. Hey all, a few years back, not knowing enough, a tiny bit more now. What I did was spray rubberized undercoating inside the doors, on the floors, and inside the roof. I have insulation and carpet on the floor, door panels and poly sheeting on the doors, but have not got my headliner installed yet. This stuff, the rubber undercoating stinks up the car, especially when it is out side and in the warm sun. Should I paint over it? Will the ez cool insulation and headliner seal out the smell? Any suggestions and/or ideas, and no Don C, I am not going to cut off the roof.........Fred
  12. Hey Ed, hope all is going well, can hardly wait to see the Wedding Pics. How are the door panels coming along, did you ever get that 1 door lock to work gain........Fred
  13. No I have not fished there, but it is a great spot in the Whiteshell, about a 2 hour drive east of Winnipeg. Bring your mosquito repellant....... Here is the link http://www.crowducklakecamp.ca/
  14. Nah Bob, I am 6' 2", she is 5'5", and the shortest Sister is 5'2". Rodney, yes I am smiling, and no I did not dip into the adults punch, I must a been havin a good time that day, I still remember 1 of my Aunt's giving me a 50 cent piece, I could buy a lot with that in those days.......
  15. Here is another video of My Boy and 1 of his friends skateboarding. My son is the kid in the beginning of the video..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYfTruGt2O4
  16. Thanx Bob, as far as 1967 is concerned I was 6 YO, but I do remember events like this wedding.......Fred
  17. As you and I both can relate;), someone has to play the ugly role in the family.........LOL:p
  18. Hey all, I figured I better do something on the car, it has beena while. Today I cut backerboard, used 1/4 inch foam, same material as the seats and door panels. I got everything cut to fit, used 3M Super 77 spray adhesive and put it together. It fits pretty good too. Please excuse my pic, I still need to paint the back window garnish and install a headliner............Fred PS also included is an old pic of my Dad, Sister, and me, circa July 1967
  19. Very Cool Robin, going to show my Son this Video, your little Guy looks like he enjoys this thing too.......
  20. Very friggin cool.........
  21. Hi Randy very much proud of this Guy, yes His Grandmother(my Mom), keeps telling him to wear a helmet and armor, he won't, it's not mandatory up here yet....
  22. Hi Joel, I stay off the boards, not for me, this Guy is 1 of 2 older Boys from my first go-round, he is getting better all the time on the board......Fred
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4KrbLKM6aY Hey Guys sorry I know it's off topic, but had to post this You Tube Video of my 13 year old Boy skateboarding. This was in Winnipeg Canada in a neighbourhood called Fort Garry.It is late winter of this year, at his favorite skateboard park right in the hood. The video song Sweet Home Alabama, ironically Winnipegs Neil Young is mentioned in this song....... PS sorry boring for most, but I am aproud Dad, sure yall can relate
  24. Very cool pic Greg, I wonder if that is a 46-48 Chrysler or a 41 or 42, as the butt ends look similar. Oh hang on a mintue, the bumpers are 46-48. I wonder what town this is, USA or Canada town, who knows......
  25. I would be very surprised if Mikey has tiime to work, with so many ideas and money spending going on his head. Mikey what exactly do you do for a living? And let's be honest, you can fess up, no big deal.
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