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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. The car looks great Ramon. These cars sound busy at 50 mph, it could probably handl;e 55 to 60 mph. What gear ratio, do you have in the differential. I notice you have 14 inch tires, 15s would bring down the RPMs too.......
  2. Hey that is right downtown in Winnipeg, where the Red River meets the Assinibione River. Hey I am working night those days, but could meet up with you at some point, will make it work. Hey was telling my Youngest Son today,that I used to fish in that area as a kid, before it was all developed. The Red River is much a like old Black Water herself the Missisippi River.........PM a few days beforehand will give you my phone numbers.........
  3. Okay makes sense, what are the synthetic blend oil composed of? Would they be something different? I wondering if I could use staright synthetic oil in my flathead, even though she has miles on her.........
  4. One Oil that is still high in ZDDP is Shell Rotella T 15W 40, it has 1250 PPM of zinc in it's content, this is as per Shell Oil technical support. I have miles on my engine, but am thinking of using say 2 quarts of Mobil1 synthetic oil and 3 quarts of Shell rotella T 15 w40. I am not sure if this thinking or approach is correct, or not. My engine is fairly clean internally, had the oil pan off recently, and had the valve covers off a while back, very little sludge in either, what was there was cleaned out, my oil stays cleaner longer as a result.........Fred
  5. Mikey, might there be a bit of delight in the negative attention you receive, any attention is better than none, isn't it; for some people. I agree with you and the others that state, Let's get on track with Mopar talk. Why is it, your threads become a battle ground, you might want to re-think what is going on here. I for one am getting real sick of the nonsense associated with Michael Warshaw bickering threads, it is getting reallly Old, and tiresome.
  6. Good or not Mikey, those pics are huge, try and reduce them for ease of downloading and size usage. Thats great your camera is an expensive piece of equipment, (conspicuous consumption) sociological term for flash and cash. I find my $100 Samsung camera works good for posting on the web. But my car is probably worth less than your camera was new, but she is burning gas, which is what I like...........LOL
  7. My 218 Canadian L head long block , drips a bit of oil, does not smoke that I have seen or anyone else has mentioned. This driving season I have gone through a quart at about 800 miles, so not bad. I currently use Shell Rotella T 15 W 40, plan to change at 2000 miles, and replace with same. I would also not be afraid to use House brand oils, some no doubt are the same as name brand products, and a whole lot better than straight 20 or 30, in 1947..
  8. I thought this was just rattle can paint on this block, is that powder coat? Mike is that your Coupe, what happen to the acid dip, is that zinc chromate primer or what on the body.
  9. Hey, how about some pics of your P15 Mike, waitin all afternoon to see them. I would have thought you being a proud owener would have tons on your PC or Laptop. Don't tell me this isa Phantom coupe you own, is it still all aprt at the restorer? What restoration company did you go with for the major work? Hope it's coming together for you, let us know......
  10. Mikey, when you get a chance, can you post a few pics of your P15, kinda interested to see where it's at theses days, heck while your at it, put some pics of the BMW too, love those cars......
  11. I am with you Captain:confused:
  12. I don't blame you, Mopars are great old beasts, got any pics or progress pics of your P15?
  13. I am not sure about thieves, the only one I recall is Roger Hola, have no experience with any others being thieves, sure hope this is not the case. Bullies, I think anytime we have folks from different viewpoints, socio-economic status, and just plain different opinions, we will from time to time have disputes, the nature of people at times. I again like to think this is a great forum, great bunch of guys, and sometimes people have minor feuds. I do know there are individuals who push the limits, belabor there requests and really go off on tangents. Bottom line is this, although this is a great forum, we are not all going to like one another, or even get along all the time, I think some individuals need constant guidance/adulation and supervision, most Guys on here can motivate themselves to get along, fit in, and be part of, and others have a more difficult time with this concept. I hope not everyone shares your opinion about the "bullies and thieves", I think we have had some issues, but some folks do bring things on themselves, or set themselves up for this type of thing. Hope we can move ahead on this sort of thing........
  14. I think this is excellent advice, Fords and Chevys are definately easier to renovate, parts, reproduced items, more experienced people to work on them. Heck Model A parts are supposed to be a whole easier to come by than 40s Mopar stuff, if that is true. Mind you, if a Guy is not too fussy, and wants a nice driver or #3 car, this is what a majority of the cars on here are like,and that is good thing...
  15. From 1 Fred to another Fred, enjoy your car, drive it often, make upgrades to allow you to be safe in your particular driving environment. These cars are a blast, whether we are crusing at 55 mph, or 70 mph. I just would not want a collision at higher speeds in these cars, that is why we drive 100% more vigilant, than the average driver. You get more used to how these old Girls handle, the more often we drive them........
  16. Hey Michael, you not listening to me, I have been responding to a couple of your threads:confused:, just yesterday. I am doing great:D, BTW......
  17. Tod, I am with you on this one......Fred
  18. Michael, only the Cons(Inmates) where I work (federal prison) call me Boss, because they may not know my name, please,call me Fred, or Rockwood, just don't call me late for dinner..............LOL
  19. All thats missing is the A&, and we could eat there too:D
  20. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=17114 Here is another thread you started Mike, on this topic, I just love these type of threads, I always enjoy discussion on how fast we drive our flat head Mopars, or how hot an engine runs in summer etc. I just thought I would add this info to your new thread on how fast we should and can drive our old flatheads..........
  21. Oops one other thing, I forgot you mentioned a manifold to me before, so you are still looking for this item. I recall 1 of your threads a while back, it was mentioned it would be a good idea to post want-ads in that particular section an individual was requiring, IE, iif you are looking for a specific car part, list a request in "Car Parts Wanted", I think for the most part the Web Master wants these requests placed there, and general discussion posted on this section......
  22. Hey Mike, what is the name of your Firm, and where abouts on Broadway are you. I have a good Friend , who travels to NYC on occasion, He is planning a trip for 2 of our Co-workers, maybe these 2 Ladies can hook up with you, and get a 1st hand New Yorker tour of the Hot Spots......
  23. Where abouts is your Office located in Manhattan, are you commuting from Long Island? I hear space is about 2 to 3 k per square foot in Manhattan these days.
  24. I suppose it was a rhetorical ?, good luck on your quest.......
  25. Thats is great Bob, hope you had an enjoyable time..........Fred
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