Michael, this is true to a point, this woodie wagon, will be worth plenty, and will always be rare, a P15 sedan or coupe will not be as rare, so will not usually be worth as much.
I am in this because I love my car, it's re-sale value is low, I did a lot of the work myself, a sense of pride and accomplishement, something that is very satisfying.
Again to each his own, a 3k paintjob, and a 1 k interior, may look as good or better than the same work that cost 3 times more, what type of show vehicle are we talking about here. Michael, most cars at shows are #3 cars, #1 and 2 cars, are usually not driven, but are in controlled environments, or come to shows in covered trailers.
You should have looked for a true low mileage survivor,unmolested, those cars will be the rarest and most valueble in the futrure. A car like yours is not original anymore, even with all the correct OEM parts, it is a re-done car, could be a great car, but not original, there original only once, right from the Mopar factory.
A disclaimer, no fault to all of us who have fixed up our cars, engines,paint interiors, I enjoy fixed up cars, look great.........