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I have this oem air cleaner housing that was the standard one for my 1939 truck. It's been repainted and in perfect condition. I would like to use it, but can't seem to locate any filter elements? It's listed in the 1936-40 Dodge truck master parts catalogue part #591387.   There's no flat surfaces which I think might not accept a standard round paper filter? I'm thinking perhaps the original elements for these were not paper? The parts catalogue does not list the element separately. Anyone have any knowledge on these or paper elements that might fit it?






with all due respect...that look up engine is also not hitting on all cylinders....rolling the dice at midnight during a total electrical blackout would shed more light on a useable filter...the only criteria on search is height...and then that is any number within X range is displayed and then, and THEN in no certain logical order ID or OD....

2 hours ago, Pete said:

K&N E-3402


Thanks Pete, I think that might work from the measurements I've taken. I found from the K&N website that the K&N E-4655 has similar dimensions with cross references to several other brands that cost less. Perhaps that will work as well?


K&N is for sure an expensive air cleaner...I know their wash and wear build allots for the purchase of X filters over a period of time and as such they price their product or at least that is how it seems to me.  There are a couple other wash and wear filter makers out there with a slightly less initial investment but their overall selection is also less.  Unless you truly live on a dirt road or are constantly off road in your travels...I cannot justify the cost but then that is just who I am....I have two washable filters on my recent build but I bought these way way below retail from folks who decided to go with another filter plus their color matches my build these...!    Find them in this marketing format and they now become practical all around.  

On 6/20/2020 at 5:50 PM, The Oil Soup said:

Wix #42011

For a off brand oil filter, they are the best I have ever seen, ... watching a video on dissecting oil filters, they were built the best ... I throw Fram straight in the trash after seeing the filters cut in half for comparison.

Point is, wix builds a damn good quality oil filter, bet their air filters are just as good .... K&N may be good, or could just be a brand name ... I dunno.


I still think it funny I bought top brand name Japanese labeled product for their home industry....plug wires for a Datsun....on the tag in small but clear letters...made in Mexico from Japanese supplied material  so....we not alone it seems....the more your home technology increases...the more the bottom line product is outsourced


I have another viewpoint to share on the air cleaner topic. Here is Southern California there is a large amount of very abrasive airborne particulate matter around our roadways. There has been all kinds of studies done about it. I have several friends who have auto repair shops and they see it all the time. Replacement cycles often need to be more frequent here than manufacturers requirements.


For years I have run K & Ns on my vehicles. Often with a foam element over them.That is exactly what I did when I put my old Dodge together. I clean these every few thousand miles and believe me they get very dirty. Washing them in a clean tray will show you just how much nasty stuff gets trapped in them. Once you have seen it for yourself it isn't a hard sell.  My feeling is that if you want to protect the internals of your engine and you live in a dry and /or dusty area this type of filtration needs to be considered.

Hth, Jeff


would that be a bit of volcanic ash by chance...how long does it stay air borne and to what degree is it being spewed in the air daily in the NW US.  they say it is daily in the hundreds of pounds....and of course...how much drift in from Hawaii....major pollution state that needs super heavy fines levied upon it.....Make mine share of that fine 2 pineapples a week..

3 hours ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

I still think it funny I bought top brand name Japanese labeled product for their home industry....plug wires for a Datsun....on the tag in small but clear letters...made in Mexico from Japanese supplied material  so....we not alone it seems....the more your home technology increases...the more the bottom line product is outsourced

Yeah! I'm all for world trade. And I don't think outsourcing is bad thing. Competition inspires innovation and keeps costs down. The Japanese woke our automotive industry up in the 1970s when U.S. quality was going down the dumper. I do however take issue with trading with communist dictatorships. It's all about profits and access to populous markets.  I'll bet if we could raise the dead and bring back the Roosevelt's, they might not tolerate the stupidity that goes on today on this issue? Anyhow, sorry for the political crap. Just had to say!


I ordered from Rockauto a Fram CA6605 (cross referenced K&N E-4655) which has the dimensions that I think will fit my air filter housing. I'll post the outcome as soon as it arrives.

15 hours ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

would that be a bit of volcanic ash by chance...how long does it stay air borne and to what degree is it being spewed in the air daily in the NW US.  they say it is daily in the hundreds of pounds....and of course...how much drift in from Hawaii....major pollution state that needs super heavy fines levied upon it.....Make mine share of that fine 2 pineapples a week..

Hi Tim;

I don't think volcanic ash makes it to us very often. Most of this stuff we have here is actually human generated. The kind that comes from way too many cars, construction activity and dry windy conditions. Because our arid climate the roads don't get washed down by rain very often and it all stays put and gets stirred up by heavy traffic. At any rate it is present and is generally very abrasive stuff.



I get fine dust here from ag fields....with the rising cost of fuels however the turning of soil of late is about 50% less with first crop being wheat and when harvested it is cut without turning and the next crop planted between the wheat rows....decaying wheat provides nutrients I suspect also....lowers cost and proving effective.    Years ago when I first moved here the wheat field was usually burnt before next crop....that practice generate mucho smoke and has been abandoned.

On 6/23/2020 at 10:56 AM, Plymouthy Adams said:

I get fine dust here from ag fields....with the rising cost of fuels however the turning of soil of late is about 50% less with first crop being wheat and when harvested it is cut without turning and the next crop planted between the wheat rows....decaying wheat provides nutrients I suspect also....lowers cost and proving effective.    Years ago when I first moved here the wheat field was usually burnt before next crop....that practice generate mucho smoke and has been abandoned.

Are you are seeing the dust in the air where you are in Georgia Plymouthy? The dust from the Sahara is so thick here today in west Ga that it looks like fog. I still run the oil bath cleaner in the B3 - rinsed the element with kerosene this morning and changed the oil in it. It was gritty.

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