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Prayers for Alicia


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Got some bad news yesterday; my wife's cancer is back again. This is round three and now its gotten into her liver as well as came back on her neck. Her doctor is sending us to a specialist next Monday to see about treatment options. She's been through so much with this over the last few years; please keep her in your prayers. frown.gif

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We got some good news, there is a new immunotherapy that they believe will help Alicia. It's similar to chemo but the good thing is she only has to go once every three weeks and the side effects are not as bad as the chemo she had before. It's a fairly new treatment for this type of cancer but they said they are seeing success rates between 60 and 70%, which is awesome. She had to go for three months, they they will redo her cat scans and hopefully they will see that it is shrinking the tumors.  The doctor said if she had gotten this 5 years ago she would have died inside of a year so they have really made some big strides in recent treatment options. Thank you guys so much for your prayers.

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