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car was in garage 25 years. Stray mother cat found a place to have a litter. She got in thru open trunk lid. Needless to say the crap was deep and the smell worse. Suppose the pee is all dried up,,but the smell is there.

Just got word my engine I took in April so they SAID they would work on in July,,,is now done and coming home this week. Friend said dont even put motor in till get all the body work you want done complete. I think if the smell and thick dust of 25 years was gone,,,it wouldnt be bad looking. BTW its in a storage garage now and out of that gunky garage.

Any cat odor control specialists here????(wish I had a garden hose available there,,,couldnt hurt!!!)(Inside and out)


The big problem is the fact that everything that is urine soaked is pretty much shot, any upholstery will have to be redone. I would start by removing all the cloth items then rinse or clean out the floor pans thoroughly. You may have to scrub them with bleach and repaint them. If the paint is porous it will hold the smell. When we treat urine spots in houses we remove the padding (foam), seal the subfloor with oil base paint or thompsons water sealer, then clean and treat the carpet with some pretty stout chemicals


I had that problem once. The pee smell is very annoying. The that pine sol lady has a real good product. It comes in other sents as well. When you are ready to start working on your car put the car outside roll all the windows down. Remove your seat cushions and make sure all dead debre has been rmoved. The carpet will have to be replaced. wash the inside of your car down twice...i know twice and allow the car to air out over night. Then you will be able to tell what you can keep and what needs to be replaced. I must say I likecleaning the car out and finding all that old money and toys.


Definitely, clean as well as possible using carpet cleaners and flush with water where ever possible. After you have cleaned as well as you can, spray with Lysol, Fabreeze and/or products specially made to target animal smells. Any pet store will have such products, so will you local grocery store and Target.

Cat urine is one of the worst things to deal with.


A live cat is great in a septic tank.........best thing for it.....the tank, not the cat, stirs up the goobies in the tank to get it working then adds to them when dead ...........if cat is dead then depending how dead it can be used as a wheel chock........if VERY dead then by using the tail as a handle a nifty toilet brush is another use..........do I like cats?...........no, not really........can you tell?........lol..........andyd


Not really the cat's fault. It found a home someone had made available by leaving the trunk open. She had her litter and the smell is the end result of that. Leave humans in the same place for a while and it won't smell any better. I personally like cats.


Check with one of your area auto dealers. Talk to the detail guys and ask where they get thier supplies. There is a company that makes aresol odor bombs that you set it off then close up the car. They work for pretty much any odor. They send out a fog for about 4 or 5 minutes, then the stuff settles and neutralizes the odors.

I've seen them work in cars that you would swear were beyond help. We paid about 6 bucks a piece for them 3 or 4 years ago.

Not really the cat's fault. It found a home someone had made available by leaving the trunk open. She had her litter and the smell is the end result of that. Leave humans in the same place for a while and it won't smell any better. I personally like cats.

I'll take a dirty litter box over a portable outhouse any day. Agreed, Robert. I like the average cat a whole lot better than some people that I have met.

Posted (edited)

But Captain, will your cat help you in the garage like "Missy" does ??? Here she's using her tail to clean the bottom of the bumper bracket !! Sorry about that Cooper !!! lol, Cass alias Littlemo ...:D


Edited by littlemo

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