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:) Hi all, here is a pic of Larry aka (Knighthawks ranch), in Southeast Kansas. Apparently the weather has been mighty fine, up in the 70s, as the lilacs are in bloom, we won't have any bloomin lilacs till mid May. Man what I could accomplish with the weather that you folks down south get.............LOL Fred



The snow in my yard is almost gone, but it will take a few weeks of nice weather for the grass to green up, the leave come out out most trees by May 1st. But every spring when the snow melts it's an ugly brown grass that pops out and all the winter kill is obvious. Funny thing I found a small live frog in the dogs water dish this morning,it was eating a spider. The darn flies are back, the geese, the hawks and crows, no Robins yet and no Hummingbirds and Gold Finches till May 1st, enough blather...........Fred



thanks Fred for the post !. The big storm came by here and dumped 2 1/2 '' of rain, lots of lightning. I hear they had lot of tornadoes in west Kansas and Oklahoma.. For some reason, the bad storms seem tp go around us here. ( Did last year too ) Has something to do with the big lake near by, and this big valley. I shouldn't say anything probabley jinx it.............but , ............


When the lows are much higher than the 'average' high for this time of year,,,things turn fast. One week it was winter,,,straight into summer and the 80's. Flies are back, robins here a long time,,,geese here and gone again. Just wanna say Canada must not have a foot space available to park one more goose. I know its big up there but thousands,no millions of geese went past here to there. Cept for a few hundred locals that are getting thicker by the year,,,must have had good hatches for several years straight. They do their nightly dive bombing run,,,flying overhead and crapping on your 'head'. I have heard Canadian farmers calling them three toed rats. They wreck every field they land in,pull everything up by the roots!! When they are around here there isnt anything to wreck,,,they just glean corn fields for dropped kernels. Any more when they are really flying it is solid geese from one horizon to another!! And I am not really in a 'flyway'.

Anyway its nice to see green grass growing and the lilacs are leafing out. Winter is always too long around here,,,and too cold!!


larry it could be worse, the snow is pretty well all gone, but there is a thick cloud cover and it's only 42 here today, but it is still so at least it doesn't fell too bad. My son and I went for a short dirt bike ride today.......Fred


It could be worse, huh ? we got one more day of upper 70's, then they forecast COLD weather for the next week !!! down around freezing and below by Friday !! I'm willing to share the heat, but you guys might try to keep the freezer door closed ! There goes all the new buds AND the lilacs. Hey ! maybe if all the buds and flowers freeze, they'll come back and rebloom ? More new lilacs and stuff ????


Hey Fred, not looking good for you on the weather channel, but I guess I shouldn't gloat, we can get nasty weather for awhile yet. How are you making out with the VW? I went on the other forum yesterday to add a picture and ended up deleting what was there and had to leave and I didn't get back to reinstall them. Brendan.


Not gloating, just sharing: Here's how I know winter is over where I live. The lily pads come out of hibernation. Took this mid-day today.



Enjoy the better weather everyone.


The next 24 hours look miserable, up to an inch of snow3 possible, clear and cold after that........yuck, the VW is coming home soon


73 degrees today, 84 forecast for tommorrow ! going to get cold tho, starting wed and thurs .Fri night going to get down to 29. Sure hopr they're wrong ! It was so nice today, I decided to take the Harley out for a spin....but no such luck ! Battery went dead, gas tank empty (leaked out ), shut off valve on tank leaking, gas line rotten ................must be be some of that corn squeezins, ethenol crap !...........you guys have any experience with that stuff?


Sure do. MN has been using it for a good 10 years now. It will destroy quickly any rubber parts not designed to work with it. Need to update that stuff to the newer rubber that can handle it.


It's NOT spring time in Kansas today ! We got a winter snow storm, a white out ! Quarter sized flakes ! Ground turning white ! I'm sure it's going to below or close to freezing tonite. Wish you guys would keep this stuff ''up there ''!!!


there is ALOT of misinformation and OUTDATED figures floating around in the biodiesel fuel and ethanol worlds. It DOES keep us independent of the turbin heads,,of which is a very smart move,I dont trust them any farther than I can throw em. It makes more sese to fuel from renewable sources as corn and beans than fossil fuels,,,basicly a non replacable fuel. We DO have more reserves in the North America continenet than they openly 'talk' about. The shale oil in Canada is first being tapped.

I dont know the real numbers for efficency of conversion but it is getting better all the time with improved technology. Sorta like the Model T,,,there were swift and substansial improvements pretty quickly. Our cars barely resemble the T,,,look how far we have come,just in tire wear length alone. They are developing better and newer stuff every day,,,we need it,support it. It is good for us in the long run.

Can we go back to the old ways of wanting a barrel of oil for a bushel of wheat??? We already GAVE them the edge here when we gave them our center pivot technology. we will ship our whole gross national product to them if they had there way!!!


I know it's better for us in the long run, but , why bull shi-- us and over charge us in the mean time ? In the mean time, Why not just give me one of those famous carburators we all heard about that give us 50 miles per gallon ?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the 80 degrees didn't last long ! Back in the 60's, lots of storms around ! Just noticed a couple days ago, that my basement wall is cracked ! The center is pushed inward about 3 inches at the top ! Was repaired about 4 years ago (guess it didn't work ! ) Luckily they put in a drianage system in side the basement. And, of course, the company that did it , is hard to get ahold of..................maybe I can catch them tommorrow .........


Larry...I am not sure of the high today..the AC kicked on about 3 times since supper...has bee a long time since it run...like that...send some coller temps my way..I kinda like the mid seventies...

That wall sounds like it may be a bear to work with..hope they can get back out there and get it straight...

You did not mention the car...did you get the engine set now..I think when we spoke last on the phone after you got the steering corrected that engine was next.


No word yet from the company that repaired the wall...... The car, I finally got the engine and tranny mounts made,. ( funny how they seem to change or move on their own ). With engine set in place , I decicded it would be good time to check the compression : 140 to 150 lbs ! That tells me it must be about 9 to 1 compression ? While the engine and tranny are in,, I think I;ll work on ythe floor boards for a while.................................You should have some of this cool wesather comming your way........


the company that fixed the basement wall before, said they would repair it again, at no charge..It was only in an inch before, this time it's leaning in a little over 2 inches ! PLUS, we've had 2 days of rain , with 2 more days yet to come ! Thats a LOT of water pressure. Just hope they don't wait too long !............................P S ..... I don't suppose any of you guys are experts on how to put a drain tile ????


just had a couple days of rain again, about four more days of rain comming, we didn't get the bad weather, they got in west Kansas,or out of Tulsa , but I do get a little nervous with it all around us !...............and yes, the basement is still leaking

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