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I just home Hershey myself. The best weather that I've seen there for quite sometime. Saw a lot of Mopar parts, some were high priced and some were bargains.

Posted (edited)
i just returned from hershey, nice cars cars for sale a few old mopars for sale i will post pics later.

to those who went what did you think? Did you see anything good?

Removed by Rockwood, upon review, I considered this in bad taste, I apologize, if any of our Members were offended.

Edited by Rockwood

Attended Wednesday, it was raining cats and dogs in the morning, then cold and windy the rest of the day till 4:00 when all hell broke loose once again! I agree, after that, the weather was wonderful! I left Friday morning, and was happy, in general with the show. I am starting to see a pattern of non-auto related items being snuck in though....Hope that the powers that be nip this in the bud before it turns into a lawn ornament show like some of my local shows have.

All in all, a great time, as usual.

Posted (edited)

Parts of this thread turned into a retard thread.


Edited by Dodgeb4ya

went to hershey on saturday,,now ive learned its not the day for parts swapping,,,,seems the vendors pack up on friday these days,,, only my 3rd time there,,,

seen a beautiful 1950 chrysler for sale,,,if i was loaded ide of bought it my self,,tons of stainless and chrome,,,straight 8,,,car is headed to sweden,,,buyer told me he has been comming to hershey since 1973 taking cars back to sweden,,to resell,, i told him maybe he should take some chevy,s back and leave the mopars here,,,he didnt understand,,,lol

never knew about the car show at this event,,and was glad to find it,,seen some stunning cars,,a 29 chrysler and a 31 duzenburg,,

the duzy was from new jersey,,,the woman told me they only have 1 duzy,,,i thought to my self what a shame only 1,,,,but her husband was a packard man,,and they have 84 packards,,,im guessing she was high maintence,,,lol



Getting back to Hershey, there was a 1950 four door Plymouth in the car corral with a sales price of $25,000. I think yours will look as nice or nicer when you are done. Sorry I didn't have a camera for pictures.

Jim Yergin


yes sorry i did not have a camera,,didnt know before hand there was a car show there,,i sure wish ide of had a camera,,not that it would of been easy,to get pics,, seemed all the cars i wanted to look at every omne else wanted to also,,lol :cool:

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