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I found some braided stock today at work and made my own :D The stud I was gonna connect to on the block wants to turn out with the nut. I don't want to lose my antifreeze so I will have to find another spot on the block. If this one is too short I will just make another.


Posted (edited)

I went for a drive with the wife and dog this morning, the Plymouth drove great. I put 40 miles on since the rebuild and not one drop of oil under the car, I hope it will stay this way :D. We stopped for some Italian ices and ate them at a local pond,a great way to start off the weekend :).


I think the duck liked the car :D


Edited by aero3113
  Don Coatney said:
You missed a good chance to feed the ducks a pair of dice.:cool:

LoL, I knew you were going to say something about the dice, but Frankie is right about the trifecta :P.

  greg g said:
Way to go, hows it drive????

Greg, it drives like a different car smooth and responsive. Towards the end of the drive today I notice it was running a little rough, I investigated and the carb nuts were a little loose. I also checked the head bolts and all were tight. After every drive I have been checking all of the nuts and bolts, I think after today's drive they should be good.


I received the tapped head bolt from hkestes41 today, I will install it once I get a bolt to fit it and I still have to install my ground strap. The engine does seem to crank a little faster after some miles on it but I am sure this will help a lot.



If I remove the second head bolt in the front by the battery will I have to drain the coolant or can I just remove it and install the new one without worrying about losing coolant?

Posted (edited)

I wouldn't bother, if you loose any it will be 1/2 cup or so, or none at all. Or just drain the rad till its below the level of the head.

Edited by greg g

Aero you and I must be close to the same age. I graduated in 97 too. Mine would be blue and gold if I knew where it was.


Wow, that's ironic.When I was in junior high school, it was called the Willoughby Junior High Warriors in Ohio. And our colors were black and gold also.:) ( for all you younger guys there used to be something called junior high. Now it's called middle school.)



Stuff hangin from the rear view. Used to be that the thing to had was garters snagged from prom nights or at weddig parties. Of course graduation tassels were popular for those who did, but in many cases the dropouts cars were graced by their girlfriends tassels. Also I remember baby shoes, and sometimes lingerie, and of course the infamous dice,

However any or all of that stuff, and cd's used to deflect speed lasers, and even parking tags can draw a ticket for obstructed view. In fact my daughter got one at a DWI check point when she blew a 0 but the town cops graced her with a obstructed vision tickie for her grad tassel.

She pulled over past the checkpoint and with her digi camera took pictures of the police cars with their cameras, computer screens, shotguns, radar setups and other sundry stuff on the dashboards and sticking up above the dash.

She took her pictures to court with her and asked to see the DA before the proceedings,

He looked at the picture of her car with the tassel, and the 3 police cars with all the stuff in thier road view and dismissed the ticket.

  Powerhouse said:
I graduated in 97 from Sachem High "School". We were also black and gold...not that I cared much.


Did you play any sports? I may have bumped into you out on the field :D.

  greg g said:
Stuff hanging from the rear view. Used to be that the thing to had was garters snagged from prom nights or at wedding parties.

+1 I had two prom night garters hanging for years in my 68 Cougar GT, until the sun faded them into oblivion.

  greg g said:
Of course graduation tassels were popular for those who did, but in many cases the dropouts cars were graced by their girlfriends tassels. Also I remember baby shoes, and sometimes lingerie, and of course the infamous dice,

However any or all of that stuff, and cd's used to deflect speed lasers, and even parking tags can draw a ticket for obstructed view. In fact my daughter got one at a DWI check point when she blew a 0 but the town cops graced her with a obstructed vision tickie for her grad tassel.

She pulled over past the checkpoint and with her digi camera took pictures of the police cars with their cameras, computer screens, shotguns, radar setups and other sundry stuff on the dashboards and sticking up above the dash.

She took her pictures to court with her and asked to see the DA before the proceedings,

He looked at the picture of her car with the tassel, and the 3 police cars with all the stuff in their road view and dismissed the ticket.

EXCELLENT story, and you should be proud of your daughter for having the foresight to take those pictures.

Posted (edited)

I contacted Tisco and told them about the pin hole in my plug wire, they sent me a new set FREE of charge, I received them today. Now I have extras :D


Edited by aero3113

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