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Like a lot of guys here when I first posted, "the conversion" was one of my early posts.

And I was guided to all the info that was relevant by our wonderful senior members. It comes up so often, I don't see why several, or more links couldn't be posted as a stickey at the top of the page?

I know about the search function....but this seems like it would be quicker.


On other forums I frequent (less frequently than here) there a full page of "stickies" that do nothing but increase the load time of the page with things I have no interest in reading. If I want to find an old revelent posting or thread I prefer to use the search engine.

Not to mention there are articles on this at the home page

Maybe there should be a sticky that will not allow anyone to post here until they have read everything there is to read on the home page. I read everything there before I made my first posting.

We could then come up with a test that they must pass with the questions taken from the home page.


Do you want fill in the blank essay or multiple guess questions?


First we say there are no stupid questions, then ask them questions before they can ask a question, maybe those guys on the truck side are correct about us being scary...... Granted there are a lot of questions that get asked repeatedly, so a reminder to read the permanent stuff is OK as well as an introduction to the search funtion is good but to need to earn your way on, I think not.

Besides, there are a lot of search engines that will direct you right to the forum so a lot of folks might not even be aware all those goodies exist. So a link to the home page in the Welcome sticky might do the deed.

Maybe a test for the 1000+ posters might be good once in a while to see if what we are spouting is relevent.


Greg I do not believe we were seriously going to require people to pass a test. Just joking around. I agree 1 sticky with a reminder and a link to the permanent stuff is a good idea. Perhaps updating profile with at least general location and car owned could be included in there too.

Heck no, I'm good at tests. Those paternity tests, a breeze!

HA HA HA Norm I sure Im glad you are good at tests...I hope you didnt try to drink out of the little cup they gave you to fill up. HA HA HA:D

I cant post here any more, I am worry I will get to the 1,000 post mark and have to pass a test.:D Lord knows if It wasnt for the smart girl that sat next to me in High School, I would still be in 10th Grade. . . .:D


Hey Y'all,

Don't know about the car side, but on the truck side we got a wonderful CD with full archival forum posts mailed to each member, that we could read at our leisure, off line. I read all six or seven years' worth of them - lotsa' blather and BS but a wealth of excellent material as well. I recommend everyone read back postings if they are serious about doing intelligent work on this old stuff.

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