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OK on another subject.

Same as last year, I am thinking of diving into the prospect of EFI for my car. Imagineinjection says they can do it, although the cost is up there a bit.

I am running 12 volts, so the computer would run. I have the offey dual intake manifold. This sure would solve my air/fuel issues if it works.

Anything I should look out for? I would definitely want to monitor it.


Holley pro-jection if my memory serves me correct..not sure if they have an application for the flattie...the throttle body would probably be better suited to your application than an MPI...fuel rail, individual indector ports etc..would probably be quite involved..actually CI would be the determining factor of system used...


Check out slantsix.org , that's the slant six forum. In their articles section they tell what you need to put an injection system on a slant six. A flathead should be similar. JohnS


I went over there John. Does not really sound like they had a lot of luck in it. And after reading more links and web sites, I think it may not as simple as imagine injection inc says. My car runs, (well, ran, before I tore it down for a friggin broken alternator bracket), good as it sits. But I would really like to have all the issues with timing, air/fuel, answered to my satisfaction.

May not be the correct way for some, but I like my hobbies, toys, and work items to all run as they were designed to do. Manly because I push them to what they are supposedly capable of.

I will keep investigating, it would be cool to have a fuel injected Flathead. :P


If you go with it I'd like to see how it works out. There was another member that was thinking of a turbo setup on his flathead. Maybe one of our New Zealand or Aussie folks?

For me, if I were gonna do it, I would put in a mild nitrous setup, A plate kit. Put it on a fresh rebuild with all good stuff, best bearings, etc. What the heck, blaze of glory and all...:D


I wonder if you could put the works off something like a jeep, port injected and do a after market control module on it? I know their are companies making them but off the top of my head I am drawing a blank right now. I will have to rattle my kids brain and see who he was talking to about doing that on their race jeep.


How would MPI reconcile with the siamesed intake ports of the flatty six ?

Doesn't MPI mean one injector / cylinder ?

I believe there are only three runners on the stock block: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6...

( Maybe I should go out and look under the hood of my '97 Cherokee six...)


De Soto Frank


There is a guy on the 39-47 dodge truck yahoo group running FI on his flathead truck. I believe its a throttle body version. Sounded pretty simple to replace the carb with it. Very little computer control for an early TBI setup. Now you start talking MPI and you have a lot more sensors etc to add


Somebody said that the rais from a V6 would work on a Siameses port system you just need to adjust the timing deal so they fire twice as often.

Also why not look at the throttle bodies from early fuel injected MOPAR 2 liter 4 cylinders. these don't need the complicated harness deal, Couple of those on an offy might be the ticket. Also the TBI from the early S10 V6's as a single unit might work also. Early cherokee 4.0 were tbi also to 89 or 90


TBI throttle body injection..carb looking device with the injectors streaming into the bore of the air horn..

MPI Multi port injection where you have an injector per cylinder...usually these spray against a closed valve and get sucked in later...

SMPI Sequential Multi Port Injection where the fuel is sprayed while the valve is being opened..


Here is an old post from the 39-47 yahoo group I found. Said he used a 92-95 chev 1/2 ton truck setup

"hello to all on the list, as promised here is the update on the 47

fargo fuel injection swap.

It is now been completed and is flawless. the pictures of the

distributor mods were posted a month or so ago on the other web site.

I finished up the adaptor to mate the 2 barrel throttle body to the

single barrel existing manifold, made up a return fuel line and

installed the new fuel pump, welded in a threaded bung in the

exhaust pipe for the 02 sensor, added a knock sensor,hooked up the

harness. one crank of the starter and she fired right up. Ran rich

for a minute or two until the oxygen sensor came on line and then

the computer adjusted the fuel automaticaly. Incredible results.

absolutely no richness, no leanness, incredible throttle resonse

with no stumbling from a cold start. You turn the key and you are

driving instantly as if it was a new truck you just picked up from

the dealer.

another thing about this swap, is that for the purist, in one hour

or less you can unbolt the throttle body , install the carb and

distributor and change to the old fuel pump and you are bsck to


the next step will be to build an equal length intake and a set of

headers to really take advantage of the new ignition and fuel


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