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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. That "tear" is a slit/slot drain. That is the cover. It is not the fluid coupling itself.
  2. 2 used for 6 cylinder. The 8 used two, but the style is different. Edit: 677179 1935-50 1311 839 1949-54
  3. nei
  4. Beyond my ken.
  5. To paste you may need to first click on the more reply options on the lower right. The little clipboard to paste does not highlight until you get to that window. After you do that you may be able to use the "paste". EDIT: If you are already doing that, then your quota may be the problem, and you will need to go into --"my profile"-- "my settings"-- "manage attachments" --- to remove some stuff to make room for more.
  6. Should have a gasket just to eliminate metal to metal. Cap is vented, so not a sealing thing.
  7. My shop manual shows the choke mounted in front of the carb. Same as Bobandy pic, and that is where it was located on my unmolested 52 Meadowbrook. Parts book shows 2 different length rods from the choke arm to the carb. for 49-54 Dodge 6 1/8", or 5 13/16" Possibly different for carb difference between Gyromatic, and plain 3 speed. Do you have the correct carb? Do you have the correct choke? Arm on correct side. Second pic shows a mounted choke (1948 Dodge behind carb), and a loose one that would be mounted forward of the carb There should be no problem with the bi-metal spring in the base unless it has been taken out and bent, or some such. Not sure what you are talking about with the fast idle cam. Fast idle cam is set/released by moving the throttle linkage. Not trying to step on anyone's toes here. Just tossing out some info/ideas.
  8. http://p15-d24.com/topic/39977-andy-bernbaum-heat-riser-kit-issues/?hl=%2Briser+%2Bspring
  9. Takes a lot of tilting to clear the radiator/grill/etc if removed as a unit. A leveler would be required in addition to the engine hoist.
  10. Static timing procedure should eliminate the above scenarios.
  11. Pic 1, my install. Pic 2, your install. ( looks better) Will probably work either way. As they are adjustable blades, the direction direction mounted will change the distance that the sliding adjustment positions the wiper blade on the glass.
  12. Dome light. Not sure about your Chrysler, but you may find that the door post switch is a ground point and will only have power coming to it if the power has already passed through a good bulb and is waiting for a completion of the circuit at some point. Some Chrysler owners may chime in to confirm or poo-poo that theory. Some makes/models are wired that way, some are not.
  13. Sorry for the delay. Sometimes people (read as I) put stuff where it is hard to locate especially after winter storage. These pics will make it so simple that you will say "doh" I think yours may be more difficult to remove, as I believe, and I may be wrong, but I believe yours is mounted backwards making it difficult to see the release point. Pic 1, profile of blade shows the spot where the wiper arm pin locks in. Pic 2, shows the part that must be pushed down to allow the release of the pin on the arm. the blade must be moved toward the clip. On mine---to the left. On yours--- to the right as it is mounted opposite of mine. Pic 3, the arm pin.
  14. In addition to burning restrictions here we also have county "solid waste authority" regulations. By the letter of the law with these regulations I am prohibited from disposing of as much as an apple core in my woods, or the adjacent state "forest preserve" land. No disposal on lands public, or private. I have not been turned in, but maybe I need to stencil the nearby rock where I put such things. Mark it as a composting area. Burn barrels would also need a top grate suitable for a pork chop, or burger. Perhaps a hole cut low on the side. A hole big enough to load up one of those foil wrapped taters.
  15. Let me be the first to say 180 degrees out unless that is what you mean by turned the distributor
  16. Pile all your valuables in one spot so that you can get them out quickly in the event that the neighbors don't alert the next time when your property is fully engulfed. Choose where you live/play by the rules. I have a friend that is not allowed to keep his slide in truck camper on his property for any extended time(Not sure how long) per HOA rules. There is a trash (unregistered vehicles/junk/general nuisance) ordinance of some sort in the township where I live, but is only enforced on a complaint basis. There will be a "dry season burning ban" in effect for a while soon. Does not include a "campfire". I have a plastic lawn chair, and marshmallow sticks by my "campfire".
  17. There is more than one way, but the easiest way that I find to post pictures that are in my computer is to scroll down a bit. On the right you will see "more reply options". Clicking that will open a window where on the left you will find "Attach Files" That will let you browse, and attach your stored pictures. I usually resize mine before loading to save my allotted site space. I try for less than 150kb If a pic I want to keep, I copy then resize before posting. Also, if the pics are too large they overfill the screen making it difficult to view. Edit: I also try to reduce the size of the pics to allow for attaching more in one post. As well as having a limit on the total kb per individual on the site, there is a limit size per posting. If you exceed your site limit you will have to go into "manage attachments" and delete some before adding more.
  18. Just a quick pic, but does this measurement help???? EDIT: this is an Auburn pressure plate.
  19. The sun is shining bright today, so I went to the shed to do some digging. If measurements on this will help point me to where you want the measurement, and I will see if I can help.
  20. As stated the Stromberg BXVD-3 with dashpot would be correct. Not to be confused with the BXVES-3 used on the vehicles with a gyromatic transmission. It has a dash pot solenoid. The BXVD-3 marking is on the side of the carb toward the head. The dash pot rod is on the side where the line from the fuel pump connects.
  21. From my manual. Also fill the oil pump with oil before installing.
  22. Have you had a look at the infoTod's site? http://www.ply33.com/Parts/group3
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