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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. I am using 205/70s's with no ill effects.
  2. Not sure, but closer to 4 1/2 X 15.
  3. If you're gonna use tubes, sprinkle a good amount of talcum powder inside the tire and slide the tube around in it to spread the powder around. It will help the tube conform to the wheel and tire as it inflates. I haven't used tubes for ten or twelve years, but thats the way we did it back in the old days when the earths crust was still soft.
  4. Knowing how I feel about my one little old car, I cannot imagine the frustration and sadness he must be going through. He has my deepest sympathy. It really is like losing friends or even family. Maybe after a while he will feel more like reassesing the situation and not be too quick to sell.
  5. Immediately after the announcement of reduction, crude oil price dropped to $40 and some cents. I did notice that the local price went from $1.69 to $1.59. I'm so confused, I don't know what to think.
  6. Rainex seemed to make mine go easier, give it a try, see what happens.
  7. Yikes, 50 degrees when I went to bed last night. It was down to 5 by morning and now its creeping towards 9. Woohoo. C'mon April.
  8. I think you got one heckuva deal ! Thats gonna be a really nice car
  9. Here at the bottom end of Lake Michigan, last night got to a brisk 14F. The high today, maybe 22, but they are predicting 50F for Sunday. At least we don't get bored with the weather.
  10. It is definitely 1/8" pipe thread.
  11. Wow, talk about opening a can of worms. Let me be the first to vote for keeping it 6 volts. Mine's been working for 60 years now, and changing it would be a classic example of fixing something that ain't broke ! As my Dad used to say to me 40 times a day, LEAVE THAT ALONE AND GET AWAY FROM THERE.
  12. Rodney, you really jarred my brain there. Here's mine, be in the car by 6:45 AM to hear the Martha White show on WSM. Sometimes on the Grand Ole Opry they will do the theme song and its always a hit. Yes, listening to Flatt and Scruggs on the way to work is a really good memory. Thanks for the bump.
  13. I drove a 51 Dodge from Gary Ind. to St. Petersburg Fla. in the summer of 1962. Some where in Tennessee in the fluid coupling broke loose from the input shaft where one of my cousins had welded it previously. My Angels were with me and if I idled it down and slowed to just the right speed, it would bind up and stick. It took me 24 hours of pushing that Gyro-matic hard, but it made it. Unfortunately, the next day, after it had cooled off, I went to move it from the back yard, it would do nothing. I left there a week or so later, but I don't think it ever moved again. That car taught me two things, lots of patience, and don't pass a new Pontiac in Georgia if it contains guys wearing smokey bear hats. The speed limit was 55 out in the sticks, fer cryin out loud. And you know I had to wait for a long downhill to get up enough speed to get around them. Sorry for the ramble, I'm an old guy. Its what we do.
  14. Greg,,,,,,,,, Winkie dink.
  15. Sometimes I go to the ice box and get a soda pop to drink sitting on the davenport. Yeah, my dad had a remote for the tv back in the early fifties; me with a pair of pliers to change the channel because the bakelite knob was broken. Along with the muffled cries of "#$%$^#@$% clinkers" coming from the basement was the phrase " who took the pliers?"
  16. Its been my experience that soldering in a warm kitchen leads to sleeping on a very cold couch.
  17. The party is over, here. This morning I went out to play with the new GPS and gas was $1.37 all across town. Returning at 4PM, its now $1.59 everywhere in town. My gripe is that within a half an hour, prices go up the same amount at every station all over town. All this without any of them taking delivery of new gas. Sorry, I'll stop now while I still can. GRRRRRRRRRRRR Sign me, PO'd in Hobart
  18. Using logic, that would be true. However, its well known around here that proximity has nothing to do with price. When the local dealers decide on "this weeks price", thats what it will be no matter what supply or demand calls for. Usually we have the highest prices in the state. Laporte, where the gas is cheaper, is two counties away from Lake county where the gas is made. Right now in lake county, the cheapest gas is $1.37.9. still not bad.
  19. Try the www.gasbuddy.com site and click on the gas temperature map. Its very interesting how prices can vary in very short distances, especially across state lines. I use it to find cheap gas locally, you can pick your town, and brand. Use the shortest time lapse to get the latest reports.
  20. $1.19.9 in Laporte Indiana today.
  21. Wow, thats a beautiful picture.
  22. They don't call it a sail anymore because its part of the whole side of the body including the door frames, outer rocker, and quarter panel all in one. Five years ago it was called an "aperture", but not having worked for five years I don't know what they call it now. Possibly "the big side piece", or "doohickey" maybe.
  23. Starting from the front, the windshield pillar is "A", the center pillar is "B", the roof to quarter panel pillar is "C". In the stamping plant it used to be called the sail.
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