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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. That looks like a stock pulley. 0 is in the center of the marks. put some chalk on the lines and wipe it with your finger to bring out the marks.
  2. If the radio still has a vibrator in it, changing the polarity will not hurt the radio. The vibrator is an electro-mechanical device that changes the input power to AC from DC.
  3. Yer ahavin' too much fun fer one guy.
  4. It has been my experience that Tirerack will ship to your home. They have shipped to mine and my son's house in Virginia.
  5. Well, you got my attention.
  6. Oddly, I got a bunch at a hardware store in a community with a high Amish population. Seems their buggies carry a 6 volt battery for lights.
  7. Ditto. a vented cap prevents pressure build-up.
  8. I probably have some on those laying around, I can remove the rivets and send them to you , but you will have to find a way to mount them. How many do you need?
  9. Congratulations, Grampa, more fun for you.
  10. That's certainly a nice looking car and it looks right at home there.
  11. Where is it coming from?
  12. Now that is pretty! Color me jealous!
  13. Maybe he comes to your house and puts it on for you. ?
  14. To avoid surprises, make sure the transmission is in neutral before you jump to the starter.
  15. Beer goggles aren't that strong.
  16. It won't hurt anything unless it flies off. Don't race the engine while standing in line with the fan.
  17. Your damper ring may have come loose from the hub. Deteriorated rubber will make it slip.
  18. Yes, 0 (TDC) in the center and 10 degrees before and after.
  19. We are all in their debt and owe all we have to them. I raise my flag every day thinking how beautiful it is and what it meant to those who voluntarily gave their lives that we could all be safe and comfortable. I am glad that as a grade schooler in the late 40's and early 50's we stood every morning, faced the flag and repeated the oath of allegiance. This is my country, only because others gave everything so that I could have it. They are gone and can't hear me, but I still say "Thank You". And mean it.
  20. STOP ! You're making my head swell. Others have been very good to me for no apparent reason and I am just trying to catch up. It's like my signature says.
  21. With any luck, they won't !
  22. Clockwise 1/8", repeat if needed.
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