I've been trying to post this pic for over a week, but my internet connection was on the fritz.
This is the hub puller I made for the 5 on 4.5" hubs. It's a circle of 1/2" plate, which I got as a scrap, a 1.25" dia fine thread grade 8 bolt, a nut. and a pass with the MIG.
I drilled 5 holes and use 6" long bolts to the hub.
This one works better than my factory made puller on a 4.5" bolt circle & it stays nice and straight. With this design, you can wrench it up tight, then smack it hard with a 4lb hammer, and there's no chance it'll go crooked.
With the "donut" type, it's sometimeshard to keep the donut from turning, and that throws the legs out of alignment. I just put a wrench on that big nut and everything's stable.