That's looking pretty spiffy P.A.
The weather, and my job, have been keeping me indoors a lot. No work is getting done on the cars or bike or boat.
My Plymouth is outside under tarps, in pieces. Pieces are also in the garage. Pieces are in the Scout. Pieces are in my trailer. Pieces are under the boat. LOL
Mostly I've been working on my computer work bench and re-wiring the garage lighting for LED can lights in the ceiling it doesn't have yet.
And I'm fixing my benches up. After 12.5 years in this house I finally have a bench in the garage where I can fix computers and do electrical work.
Right now it's half occupied by 3 computers in various states. The other half holds the Plymouth dash, still completely wired.
I loosened the other ends of the wires and cables, and took the dash out completely intact, except for the glove box liner.
(That makes it lots easier to study how the dash was wired.)