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Everything posted by casper50

  1. Looks like it's taped over to me. I would have removed it. Had a few on my bumpers in the past. Don't mean enough to me to keep one on a bumper. lol
  2. I'd hazard a guess that lawnmower wasn't cheap but every kin on the block wanted to cut your grass if you owned one. lol
  3. wonder what those mirrors/lights came off of.
  4. neat, those lower headlights are just waiting to be knocked off. lol
  5. a few more cool lawn mowers. First two are made by Snappin turtle lawn mower company. No info on the 3rd one.
  6. Need to hook up those taillights and maybe even add some headlights. lol Story here. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/retro-lawnmower-diy/
  7. In the summer we don't get much for sunrise sunset as the sun is up for almost the whole day.
  8. We get some very nice sunrises in the mornings here.
  9. Pre sunrise this morning at -11 outside. lol
  10. that is a great idea.
  11. Our PO is open 6 days a week. Nice people working there. They know just about everyone by name. It's about 5 miles from me but we get most of our mail at a cluster box. Carriers don't deliver to the home up here.
  12. fedex and ups will still deliver to my door. Even with my driveway in the winter. The driveway is no joke. The previous UPS driver would not come up it after he almost went over the side in the winter. I had to leave a tub with lid at the bottom. The new driver has no problem.
  13. USPS prices are at least 1/3rd the price of the other two to get things up here. That's all I know.
  14. I agree. There are none in Alaska. We pay out the you know what for shipping. That's why almost everyone here has Amazon Prime and are very reluctant to do business with those that won't ship via USPS. UPS and FEDEX rip us royally.
  15. Greyhound bus is pretty decent on shipping large items. Caveat is you have to pick up from a station.
  16. I couldn't give away my drums/brake sets. They went to the dump.
  17. I don't know what he has either but was told that it had a clevis on both ends.
  18. any shrink tube that will shrink enough to fit tight on the cable would not be able to go over the clevis on the ends I wouldn't think.
  19. Put some paint down tonight.
  20. I saw it on CNN the other day.
  21. A new name every few months isn't a good sign.
  22. I've got air shocks on the rear of my 47 3 window. I put them at the height that I wanted it at 18 months ago. Haven't touched them since.
  23. my grandmother cooked on a coal stove and had a hand pump in the kitchen. When i was small and stayed over I used to break the large chunks of coal into smaller ones with a hammer. Kept me out of mischief I believe.
  24. We bought the house mostly for the view.
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