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Everything posted by daddyo23

  1. I haven't bought anything from them but I know where they are. What are you looking at, Greg? PM me and I could check on it for you.
  2. They both helped. I added a spring on each carb like james49 said and it helped pull that extra little bit. I took your advice Don and straightened out the rod and put a ball joint end on instead of using a l-bend rod from the bell crank to the axis. That helped. The throttle return springs are on the foot feed part of the bell crank, as yours is. The rod that was too short was the one that the throttle levers run on. It goes through the carb base plates. The original would not quite make it to the second carb.Thanks again.
  3. Red is ok here, not blue. I'll have to try that spring, you have any pics of the setup? Thanks.
  4. Had the week off and got to a couple things on the car. Put the dual B+B's on, can really feel some of the other things I did to the motor now,i.e. shaved the head, bored .060 over, dual exhaust and mild cam. I got a throttle assembly from George Asche but the main rod was about 1/2 inch short. Made up a new one, not quite as nice as George's but it seems to work. I've been having a problem though with it returning to idle. It doesn't always drop right down like it should, sometimes I have to "kick" it down. Everyting seems to be moving smooth but I must be missing something. The other photo is of a led bar I got at autozone. It came with 2 bars actually,I took the one and hooked to the lights. Really looks good at night. Just thought I'd share...
  5. I've got Charlie's kit up front with an ECI master and I put on the 2 and 10 lbs. valves with no metering valve and my car stops right now. You should try yours without it, just to check.
  6. I'll second that.
  7. Thanks for the pic, Don. I was looking through your photobucket but didn't see it. I'm gonna set something like that up.
  8. It doesn't bother me to drive it in the rain. I do like the idea of a vacuum canister, though. Have to look into that.
  9. I got a Mac one that accepts a socket on the shaft. Works every time with an impact. Paid $70.00 new a couple years ago.
  10. Have a safe ride and hopefully all the excitement is in the sightseeing. Looking forward to your updates.
  11. June 4-5, I believe. I may make it to a Hastings ride too as I see they have them on Saturday. For some reason I thought that was a Friday event:confused:
  12. I don't know about Hastings but I'm planning on Mopars in the park.
  13. Mine had one on when I bought the car. I like it.
  14. That's what mine's for....
  15. Maybe that or drinking.
  16. . Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.
  17. I tried Langdon's but put mine back to points. It starts right up and I have no problem with it.
  18. Merry Christmas, Tim and to the members of this forum. I hope everyone gets some time today with the ones that matter to them.
  19. I'll come visit as soon as some of the snow (and salt) is off the road.
  20. That's a nice looking car ya got. Would like to see it this spring.
  21. Sent ya a pm. Wayne P.
  22. daddyo23


    I usually run 60-65 and get 19-20.
  23. In the early '70s I had a '56 Buick Special that I put a c.b. in. Well, somebody wanted that c.b. so they smashed the drivers window in my driveway to take it. I wouldn't have minded losing the radio so much but the door wasn't even locked! It cost me more to replace the window than the c.b. cost. That's the way my luck usually runs..... Wayne P.
  24. Hope you have a relaxing birthday, Tim.
  25. The roads aren't too icy yet. I could be up there to help you with those in about an hour:D
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