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Everything posted by daddyo23

  1. Glad you found it. Lights come in handy. Wayne P. PS- Too much in the PM Ed, or did I scare you with all that?
  2. Just kidding:D He was always a pain in the saddle of da Bears. He is an amazing QB, something da Bears could never find. I think both sides should calm down. It's only a game, right?
  3. I have a new one I'm not going to use.
  4. As a lifelong Bears fan I have to ask, Farve who???
  5. I have a complete set-up for the front off a P-15. Wayne P.
  6. Now that is wild! Very cool..
  7. Just outside Milwaukee, I believe.
  8. I thought it was in Wisconsin.
  9. I have an extra and I have a dual master cyl. if interested. If you keep the master on the frame it's best to use residual valves, too. Wayne P.
  10. I know Ed and his dad left. They were hooked up with a few POC people from the chapter here. I'm surprised he didn't take his laptop with. Wayne P.
  11. I have a slight warming problem, too. The "Old Mopar Guru" around here says he doesn't put thermostats in. He says that they will run warm enough without them and you only need them to heat water for the heater in cold weather. He told me to pull mine, I'm not going to drive it in the winter. Make sense? The water doesn't get as warm, but he says the oil and metal will warm up just fine. Is he getting senile:eek: , or does that make sense? Wayne P.
  12. Beautiful work. One thing that puzzles me. My '48 has only the big grille bars. Where did the small ones go? Is that the way some of them were? inquiring minds would like to know... Wayne P.
  13. and take lots of pics. Look forward to "reports on location".
  14. Looks really nice. thanks for the tip on the color. Looking at yours and Don C.'s has just about convinced me to go that color. I think that's close to what the original was on my P-15 before it went white, then yellow. Need to get some dings out and it'll look good. Keep posting, you're giving some of us the incentive to get moving on these projects. Wayne P.
  15. Wish they made them for 6V. Is there a way I could use what they have with some mods? Wayne P.
  16. I'd like to find out what color blue that is. Might get rid of the "taxi cab yellow" this winter..
  17. Glad to hear that. Take good care of her, a good lady that puts up with car nuts like us is special. Will be praying for continued healing. wayne P.
  18. I know a few guys that would "take care of the problem" for you, Robin. When I was a tool distributor I had guys who would be your best friend when they needed something but had every excuse in the book why they didn't have money for you this week, if you could find them. I got out about 5 months ago and I still have money out there owed. There are weasels everywhere and when you find them you need to identify them. Hopefully no one else will be taken by this one. Wayne P.
  19. You have my prayers. I'll remember Tuesday to say one for her and the doctors. Wayne P.
  20. Pretty sure I had one last year with my '51. 96 degrees and I'm driving 200 miles to the dragstrip. 2 miles away and it starts chugging and dies. Crank and nothing. Look at the fuel filter and it's empty. As I'm standing there weighing my options a older couple in a new Caddy stop. The guy asks what's wrong and suggests that maybe it's vapor lock. Well I hadn't thought of that possibility for years but I figured i'd try anything. I get a couple bottles of water out of the cooler and pour one on the fuel pump. See a little bit of gas come up. Take the other bottle, pour it on and the filter starts filling up. Jump in the old Cranbrook and starts right up! I'm going to make a shield for the P-15. Wayne P.
  21. Those are usually KD's. I picked up a cheap pair at a H-D shop and had my prescription put in. I wear them all the time in the car,too, Norm. Very cool....
  22. Just want to thank Robin for sharing his talent, first with the shirt imprint and then the business cards. I requested a copy of the card and Robin sent it with my name and e-mail on it! Of course, I asked him to put my phone # on instead because I talk better than I type. He took care of it and was a pleasure to "talk" to through e-mails. Thanks again Robin. Keep the faith. Your talent and presence here is appreciated. And with that bad deal you just had, remember; what comes around, goes around. Wayne P.
  23. Glad he made it through. He will be in our prayers for the healing touch. By the way, is the truck driver o.k.? I ask because I drive a set-up like that. Wayne P.
  24. Wasn't me. I've been lucky so far, all my dealings on here have been good. But things like that are one of the reasons I got out of the tool business. I still believe in a handshake and try to take people at thier word, too bad alot of people don't anymore. Hope things work out Robin. Wayne P.
  25. He's out for a ride in a great looking car with a great looking lady beside him. Man, what more could you ask for;) ? Keep it up, Robin. Happy for ya. Took my lady out for a ride yesterday. Had a great time, just have to remember the camera. She's not too happy today,though. I spent all day putting in a dual master cylinder and replacing the oil pan gasket. Found some strange metal parts in there:confused: . But, the car's running good and the brakes work real good now, so I'm happy. She'll get over it. Wayne P.
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