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Everything posted by daddyo23

  1. I have been working on getting my cowl vent out to put a gasket in there. Got evrything loose, but the three hinges seem to be frozen. You have one on each side that the vent screws into, and the center one where the handle hooks onto. Those are suppose to move, aren't they? I've been oiling and heating for awhile to no avail. Just thought I'd ask the experts here. Thanks, you guys help me alot. Wayne P. p.s. Next is Charlie's brke kit and manifolds:eek:
  2. Tube amps give a warmer sound. One of the big reasons the old amps are in demand, mainly for Blues musicians, is the old speakers. I have an old Silvertone amp I use when playing harp that has an old 10" speaker. They have very small magnets on them which makes it real easy to overdrive them. That's how you get that "dirty" sound. If I were you, Ed, I'd pick up a decent new speaker. With the road noise and everything else, you'll probably have the radio cranked abit. The bigger magnet will help give you a clearer sound. Wayne P.
  3. I put him on my ignore list. He can post what he wants, I'll get my info from people who know what's going on with cars you can sit in and drive somewhere. Wayne P.
  4. That's what it was. Pulled it out and the new terminal was hitting the plate so it couldn't advance. Thanks, Jerry, and everyone else.
  5. Screw are the same, cap is good and strapped down. I wonder if the new terminals on the wire might ground out? Wires are correct order and tight.I haven't been able to check timing yet, if I can get it running long enough to put the light on I will. I'll pull it out again and double check everything. Thanks for the advice.
  6. Hey Guys, got a question. I pulled the dizzy last night to replace the ground wire as it was pretty much bare wire. Put a nos in with square terminals rather than round. Fits nice and snug in there. Re-set the points, fired right up but seems to be running on half the cylinders:confused: ? It's not in 180 off, tried that. Is the gap too wide? The new terminals grounding somewhere? I'm going to pull the dizzy again and re-set everything. Any suggestions are welcome and will be avidly read and tried. Thanks, Wayne P.
  7. The base of my carb was wet the other day after starting it. It was from the frost that formed on the carb. Cold weather does funny things.... Wayne P.
  8. I only wish, Niel, that I could come close to getting it that clean. Scraped abit off the walls, it wasn't as bad as the '51 was. That motor had ring issues, though. Like Tim said, it is hard to really see what you're doing in there. Cleaned the sludge out of the drain holes, picked up the wayward keepers, and pumped the snot out of the foot feed. No choke, hit the button and fired right up. Then put the choke on for about five minutes until the frost melted off the base of the carb. Wayne
  9. Thanks, guys. They all look level. It's not a good feeling though when you find parts where they are not supposed to be. Wayne
  10. Since it was a warm day, (+30) I decided to finally get some work done on the '48. I took off the valve inspection covers to clean the sludge out as this is afairly new car for me. As I was dragging my finger through to get a glop, imagine my surprise when I pull out a vavle keeper:eek: Start on the front three, here's another one! Mild panic sets in, but at least they didn't go anywhere else. I tried to see which valve they came from, but I can't tell. I've done ohv's before but this is my first flattie I've had this happen. Why would these pop out? What all is entailed to find out which one? Can I drive it a few miles to a shop with a lift and a spring compressor? Any and all advice will be avidly read and appreciated. Thanks, Wayne P.
  11. looks good to me.
  12. Mine is covered with vinyl and is a nice "quirky" touch to these cars;) . It sticks out just enough for the people in the back to rest their feet on. You can go either way. Wayne P.
  13. Good job, thanks for the info. Wayne P.
  14. If you don't mind paying what they want for it......
  15. I had a guy who is supposed to know this stuff order a master setup for my '48. I've got Charlie's kit which looks great. The booster and pedal/bracket assembly were too big, with no place for the clutch pedal. He said,"Well, everybody puts an automatic in". Not me! I'm fabbing up a bracket to put on the frame using the stock pedals and plunger. The master he got, which I believe is a corvette master, will work. Wayne P.
  16. I used it for the brake lines on the '51 Cranbrook. Bent well and cut and flared the same. Wayne P.
  17. Sorry to hear of your loss, Fred. Lost my Dad 12 years ago to liver cancer. Time heals but I still miss him every day. Wayne P.
  18. We hit a "high" of -2 yesterday:( . Just waiting for the warm weather...... Wayne P.
  19. I'd like to know. My feelings haven't been hurt for awhile. Could be good for a laugh, too... Wayne P.
  20. I have to agree on that. Norm's approach worked out well for me, too. Wayne P.
  21. I got it, too. While I have strong convictions on the subject due to my "other" job, I keep that off this forum. This site has been a great help and part of the reason for that is people stay fairly focused on the reason it's here, our love of old Mopars. If people want to talk about spiritual matters, there are plenty of other places to do that. JMHO Wayne P.
  22. Thanks Ed and Normspeed. That's probably what I'll do. I followed the link and looked around abit. Kinda hard to follow the logic they use to list things. Wayne P.
  23. After reading all this, maybe I'll flip a coin on who to order my weatherstripping and window channels from. I heard about some company in the Twin Cities but I can't recall the name. Maybe we'll try Roberts, but, my local guru uses AB with no problems. Maybe it just depends on which side of the bed everybody got up on that day:confused: Wayne P.
  24. Bloody, looks nice. Very clean job. Everyone has an opinion about what should be done with these cars, but I say, if you can do it right, go for it. JD, I was thinking the same thing but my p15 4-slammer looks good to me the way she sits for now. But, it may drop a couple inches...... Wayne P.
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