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Everything posted by wallytoo

  1. it’s actually pretty interesting what temps we can get acclimated to. i woke up to -7*F this morning. that’s cold, even though i’m used to seeing a dozen or more below zero nights every year.
  2. hard for me, too. biggest single day snowfall amount i've ever experienced. all the snow in the picture arrived today. we had trace amounts scattered on the ground prior.
  3. a little taste of winter here in central nh to the tune of 35" of new snow.
  4. maybe someone has a video from a "ring" or some other such device? i detest a*#holes that do this. i'd just as soon take a baseball bat to them.
  5. nice looking tank. especially nice if it really is direct fit; i don't like to have to modify stuff to make it fit for things like this. i do not have metal fabrication skills (nor patience for it).
  6. looks pretty good to me, and likely very durable.
  7. not sure that those are original visors. my '48 has a different set:
  8. the only good rodent is a dead rodent. i do a lot of mouse improvement. smashed one on my kitchen counter last week, and improved several more via the snap traps in the basement and garage. they've also been improving themselves via the bait stations in said basement and garage. i put cayenne and dryer sheets in my vehicles to keep them from homing there. the non-bait improved mice go out on a guardrail post for the crows. they enjoy them, and visit daily to check on supply.
  9. you bet! that’s why i bought it, to do work. pics of said sh#t:
  10. i was watching a bit closer today - almost exclusively drops in high range. when in low range, even with heavy and constant throttle, the speedo holds. at same "pedal effort" in high, the speedo drops and sits at zero for a long time, and even does so under "half throttle" when held constant for a time. it isn't a big deal, i don't use the speedo to figure out my speed, i use the tach. while i'd like to know the mpg a bit more accurately, it also isn't a big deal. however, this was one of the reasons i fixed the fuel gauge. it's accurate enough to show when it's time to fill up. hauled two more loads of manure today, done for the season; 8n is back home. for the 6 loads, probably close to 10 tons. should last for 4 to 5 years, unless i expand my gardens.
  11. i don’t believe there are tubing leaks, the rear shifts exceptionally fast up or down. could be a diaphragm leak in the speedo unit.. it drops in high, not low, even when under heavy, continuous throttle in low.
  12. put a good half day of hauling manure in. took my 8n up to the farm location with the manure, and used it to load the truck for 3 big loads. one more load for tomorrow, then i'll bring the tractor back home. should have enough manure for about 4 years of garden amendment. first time in a long time i've needed 1st gear low, mostly just for driving through the pasture. once on the road, only needed 2nd low from a stop. i think i'll need to replace the exhaust manifold/intake gasket. i didn't put the nuts on tight enough when i replaced the motor, and i believe i've blown out parts of the gasket. i'll make sure to torque the nuts properly once the replacement gasket/s are installed, to avoid the same issue. i do have all of the special cones and tapered nuts, too. still averaging around 6 mpg. i do wonder if the 2-speed unit in the speedo is keeping accurate measurement, as often, especially in high, the speedo needle will drop to zero. when it drops to zero, the odometer doesn't seem to move. so, the mpg is probably closer to 8 or 9 mpg. it is a heavy truck with low gears and a small engine (251), and i've been freighting it (well over a ton per load for the manure and the cordwood; probably close to 2 tons/load).
  13. you don’t need to start multiple threads asking the same question. sometimes patience is required in awaiting an answer.
  14. maybe some body work, too?
  15. i'm hoping to get the b-3-c back in service next year. it has been sitting in dad's garage since 1988. i often marvel at the fact that my own DD, an '87 4runner, was first on the road about the last time the '52 was on the road and has been garaged the whole time since. or that i own 3 1987 vehicles (all on the road), an '88 on the road, and an '89 on the road. i like old stuff. the '89 is my newest vehicle.
  16. and i love using it that way. and i know you are using yours, too! keep it up.
  17. got the second load of cordwood on. used the 2n (older than the dodge by 6 years) to get the wood into the dump body. just over 48 miles today.
  18. yesterday, hauled the first load since the engine replacement. same lading as was being hauled when the rod went through the block - manure. success, dumped it in the spot at my house. today, hauled a load of mostly oak cordwood. got it delivered, and about to head back for a second load. used my 2n to load it. i’ll get pics for the next load.
  19. job-rated, but not a pilothouse. 1947 is one year before the PH trucks, and the truck in the vid-cap is not a pilothouse.
  20. i don’t see a question, only a statement.
  21. i've got about 11 years of service from the non-vacuum distributor that was original to my 1.5-ton '48. it's now installed in the replacement 251 that resides in the truck. points are the same ones that were installed when i bought the truck in 2007.
  22. i dug out my files. i do. from crown automotive. jeep 5361468. paid $30.88. 70 to 79 wagoneer.
  23. yeah, i looked for a unit that had roughly the same resistance range as the original, in the correct order, ie, low resistance full/high resistance empty. don't remember which it was , but the range of the wagoneer unit was 78 to 10 ohms, which is very close to the original dodge unit. and, i purchased it for less than $40 brand new, vs the dodge remakes/nos that wanted $150 or more at the time. i just added enough "bail" in the center of the new unit to match the length of the original unit from the tank, and positioned the float accordingly. and rather than trying to join the ends, i used about 2 to 3 inches of overlap at each end to solder things together.
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