put a good half day of hauling manure in. took my 8n up to the farm location with the manure, and used it to load the truck for 3 big loads. one more load for tomorrow, then i'll bring the tractor back home. should have enough manure for about 4 years of garden amendment. first time in a long time i've needed 1st gear low, mostly just for driving through the pasture. once on the road, only needed 2nd low from a stop.
i think i'll need to replace the exhaust manifold/intake gasket. i didn't put the nuts on tight enough when i replaced the motor, and i believe i've blown out parts of the gasket. i'll make sure to torque the nuts properly once the replacement gasket/s are installed, to avoid the same issue. i do have all of the special cones and tapered nuts, too.
still averaging around 6 mpg. i do wonder if the 2-speed unit in the speedo is keeping accurate measurement, as often, especially in high, the speedo needle will drop to zero. when it drops to zero, the odometer doesn't seem to move. so, the mpg is probably closer to 8 or 9 mpg. it is a heavy truck with low gears and a small engine (251), and i've been freighting it (well over a ton per load for the manure and the cordwood; probably close to 2 tons/load).