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Everything posted by austinsailor

  1. Just a word of caution - if you have collector insurance be sure it covers you when you have a trailer on the car. Neither Grundy nor Hagerty will cover you if you pull a trailer. Hagerty will consider your policy "void from inception" if you ever pull a trailer. I'm not sure if Grundy is the same, or coverage just stops when a trailer is attached, but regardless, be warned. I have Gulfway on my pickup that covers pulling a trailer, but specifically will not cover a travel trailer. Why? I have no idea.
  2. A 331 ci six (or bigger) out of a big truck or industrial application would add to power. It's 5" longer, but would probably be no more work than a tractor motor.
  3. The variable speed part is important because you can slow it down until it doesn't heat the paint. The problem with some sanders is it gets the paint hot, then it clogs up quickly and the pad is done. You can slow these down very slow so that the paint remains dust, not slurry. I learned this on big boat bottom paint, which is much less forgiving.
  4. Either of these would work good. I use the 6" version. 5": Porter Cable 7345 5" Variable Speed Random Orbit Sander http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=random+variable+speed+sander&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=10424590577749756670&ei=fKZmTK7wDszUnge5y4zBBQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDMQ8wIwAw# 6": Porter Cable 97466 6" Variable Speed Random Orbit Sander http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=random+variable+speed+sander+6%22&hl=en&cid=1407761870372142265&ei=ZKdmTNXQDYe4M8a_pZYM&sa=title&ved=0CCMQ8wIwAjgA#p
  5. I'd love to get the 413 the guy here has, put a good cam in it, shave the head, add some carbs and have an absolute powerhouse of a flathead 6. Imagine, steep gears for low engine speed on the highway, but so much torque you could just launch at the light. It would make a 265 Chrysler with speed parts look like a lawn mower engine!
  6. the 30" motor had that designation on the side. my 47 3 ton has a 331 ci version. it eventually became a 413 ci monster. a local guy has an industrial one I haven't been able to talk him out of. these were typically 3 ton up from 46-47 up to about 56.
  7. As I mentioned, Hagerty won't let you pull a trailer of any sort at any time. Same with Grundy. Grundy's quote was not bad, but still, never a trailer. My post had nothing to do with boats, except an example of how another policy was worded simply. I do have a couple boats, but they are on my homeowner's. Gulfway, this new one - American National, and Grundy will do the 3 ton truck, no problem, except no towing of any sort by Grundy. Quote on the 4 vehicles, agreed value: 1975 Vette, $15000 1940 dodge sedan $6000 '48 B1B $2500 and the 47 3 ton $12000 was $294. This is for $250,000/$500,000/$100,000 Price is good if the coverage is there. I was hoping someone here had some experience with them. I'm now paying about $220 for the Vette and 40 dodge, plus $180 for the '48 pickup, but no coverage on the '47 3 ton. So, I basically get the 3 ton for free, plus trailers are not a problem. Guess I just need to go with them and see how it works.
  8. I've been looking for insurance to replace the multiple policies I now have. The problems I've found are that no one company will cover all I need. I've got Hagerty on a '75 Vette and my 40 dodge, but I can't hook up my old boat to take to a meet - hagerty will not allow any trailer towing. I've got my '48 B1B pickup under Gulfway, which will cover towing, but not the vette, and very high cost on the 40 Dodge. To add my my 47 3 ton is a problem as well. At the "Back to the 50's" car show I talked to many insurance vendors. One has followed up and seems to have all I need, American National: http://www.anpac.com/products/p_c/chrome/default.aspx But I never heard of them. Cost is very reasonable, I can tow, they will cover all of them. I've tried to get a copy of the policy itself, but it seems there is no such thing. They say that there is no fine print, if you buy it, your covered. Period. The mileage can be what ever you put on the application, there is no mention of storage method. I once had a boat policy that was about one paragraph of plain English, but never just "you're covered". Has anyone used them? Ever had a claim? Any comments? Questions I should ask? Almost seems too good to be true.
  9. I have 5 25" motors around and hope to build one up as a performance motor soon. I haven't had time to do any research yet, but if these valves would fit the eventual one I use it would seem to make sense to pick up a set - or 2. are there numerous choices of valve sizes? will the stems fit non-sodium valves? my choices of motor include a 49 Chrysler, 48 desoto, 51 Fargo, 49 1 1/2 ton Coe and a truck I beleive was a 50 1 1/2 ton. I'm 300 miles from home and can get motor numbersin a day or two. would it make sense to get a set or two for the future??
  10. I've seen a lot of combinations of cab lights, but the single one in the middle is a first!
  11. >I was going to take my old truck to the show, but when I pulled up >all of the other cars were completely resotored. I wasn't too sure my >old beast would be appreciated, Back in the spring I took my 48 (Which has more patina than yours) to a Corvette show. My wife was the president of the club, there were about 200 Vettes there. She asked why I was taking that. "Cause I can!" Guess which vehicle got the most attention? It wasn't made of fiberglass!
  12. Wow! I sold a perfectly good original radiator for $50 recently. Guess I gave away the ranch, huh?
  13. Don, you say that you don't think it can happen in our flatheads because it never happens in yours. If I used only my 40 Dodge sedan, which I've driven often over the past 7 years, I'd come to the same conclusion. But, buying gas at the same place, driving under the same conditions, the car has never once had a problem, the truck does all the time. I have absolutely no idea why, but it's real.
  14. Would this be the type you guys are using? ebay 300440946332
  15. A month or so ago we were talking about vapor lock. Some thought it didn't exist, some had various ideas about combating it, I thought it was a problem now mainly due to the crappy gas we get. I bought some octane booster, which also is supposed to raise the boiling point of gas quite a bit. After trying it for several trips I've found that I completely got rid of the problem. Before, it was very predictable where and how I would stall. With the booster added to the same gas it has had zero problem, even under the same circumstance, same distance and temps. There is one place here that sells premium with no alcohol and my father tried it in his 41 Chevy but it didn't change, he still gets stalled. I may try it anyway, his problem was much worse than mine. When I get time I'll get some avation has and try that. It'll be more expensive than the additive, but it might be another solution.
  16. Pretty cool! Somewhere I have a picture of my 1965 Plymouth Barracuda in the middle of that bridge, taken in 1965. Your truck looks as new as my Plymouth did back then. You're right, It's a long way down!
  17. 48 probably has a Cleveland u joint, but you can probably change the flange.
  18. Hank, I'll take a look when I get some time. I'm kind of swamped right now, but I need to find out anyway. I suspect they are both 4.11, both were from farm country.
  19. Hank, $50 would get you mine if you were close. I'm guessing that shipping would make it impractical. I'd have to check on ratio's. But I have a 53 half ton and a 49 3/4 ton.
  20. I'm sure you could locate a good used unit. Probably much cheaper than paying someone to repair yours. Get a good description of what you have and need and you can probably locate a good used center section pretty cheap. If it was a 1/2 or 3/4 ton, I'd have one for you cheap. There are enough that people have swapped out for higher gear ratio units that I would expect them to be plentiful.
  21. I have a '53 with no dents and surface rust, and good fenders I'll take half that for. For the $600 I'd expect to get the whole truck! Gene G.
  22. I have mine with a couple companies now. I was at the Back to the 50's car show last week and got a bunch of quotes. Grundy was the best, I won't go into all the ins and outs, but for your truck, here's another option. Gulfway, http://www.racensur.com/ covers my old truck. $180 a year for a $1500 value. The advantages are three. No garaging needed, no mileage limits and you are covered pulling a trailer, unlike all the others. You do have to show coverage on another daily driver, as do the others. Hagerty, Grundy and I think most of the rest require a garage, they do not. Most of the others require at least a $5000 value, they do not. A bit more expensive, but it might get you where you want to go. By the way, collector insurance and antique tags are two different subjects. I get the idea from some posts that some people think it's both or neither.
  23. Half ton, 1ton Fargo, panel, 3/4 ton chassis, this half ton ( parts only) and the COE. Wife says enough! Gene
  24. Made it to Northeast Minnisota, got two trucks. 48 COE, restoreable with a title and motor is free, and a 53 half ton parts truck, not so nice. The frame broke in half as we lifted one end to load it! But a lot of good parts. Back to the 50's tomorrow, a concert in Rochester Saturday, then off to Missouri Sunday.
  25. If you need the curved glass let me know today - tomorrow I'll bein the boondocks of minnisota at a guy's place getting parts and he has a pair I can get. But he has no cell coverage or email back there! Gene g.
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