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About 50fordtruck

  • Birthday 12/23/1942

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rensselaer Falls NY
  • Interests
    old cars
  • My Project Cars
    1947 Plymouth

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  • Biography
    Like working and building things.
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  • Location
    Rensselaer Falls NY
  • Interests
    old cars and trucks

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  1. I installed mine on my 47 Plymouth coupe same as the old one which was in the trunk lid. I have not had leaks for 18 years. I don't remember where I purchased it.
  2. My 47 Plymouth starts and runs fine winter or summer on a six volt system.
  3. I am 75 and and had toyed with selling my P15 coupe, but then I drive it or take to a car show and find the enjoyment is still there. I don't go as far as I use to or as often. I went to a car show last Sunday and the met a lot of old friends and made some new ones, and that is a big part of what the old car hobby is about for me.
  4. The temptation to drop the whole project will start to set in as cost and frustration start to set in. Stop for a while then go back and continue where you left off. Keep in mind that when you are finished you will have a car that none of your friends have and they will envy you. Frank Elder's advice is spot on.
  5. Very nice.
  6. A few years ago a gentleman with a nice unrestored 49 chevy that always parked next to me, always came in 2nd or 3rd and I always finished ahead of him. The last show I saw him at he couldn't get out of his car and was on oxygen all day. When the awards were announced he took first. Someone said I should have got it and my reply was I am here because I enjoy talking to all my old friends I have made over the years and I am glad he finally got first. I never saw him again as he passed that winter. I enjoy all aspects of the shows but most of all talking to all the people and explaining things about my car, which by the way even at 71 years old is still younger than me.
  7. I had the same problem with my trunk lid brake light on my 47 Plymouth coupe. I sat in my garage for many hours filing a very good sedan trunk bezel to fit the curvature of my coupe. I taped the trunk lid to avoid scratches and kept filing and fitting, its good for a driver most people would not detect it. A couple of years later a fellow car collector at a local car show found a real good coupe bezel and lens in a pile of junk and brought it to the next car show and gave it to me.
  8. Robert KB that is a beautiful car, well done.
  9. Great pic. love the car.
  10. I had a leak at the top of my 47 Ply. tank . I got it off and found that someone but a long screw in the cover over the fuel sending unit and put a hole thru the tank.
  11. Sorry to hear of the damage to your tools, this happens to often these days. I quit loaning anything many years ago for this very reason,sad commentary on some irresponsible people.
  12. Third car show of the summer, it's great seeing old friends from USA and Canada. There are fewer and fewer 40's cars here in Northern NY.
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