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Everything posted by ggdad1951

  1. Nope. I'd bet those dump right behind the cab.
  2. Those style of hangers do allow some flex and such (at least in the one direction).
  3. That area had some spot welds to a bracket/gusset on the hinge support that lives on the front of the door. Oddly this B1 door (red) did not have that support bracket/gusset like the B2 door on the passenger side (yellow). Can see below where I had to add back panel material for the front window channel once the door was flexed into its new shape.
  4. ding ding ding....dang now I gotta bring MN beer in April!
  5. bearclaws not installed yet those were only on the passenger side where I had to gain some space and took out a 1/16" or so. might need to look at the side view of the panneger side for a bigger hint...
  6. ha ha nope.... try again.
  7. driver door build out done...waiting to see how sharp your eyes are in this aspect.
  8. passenger door build out
  9. I woudl think that you shoudl have a wood "candy store" somewhere nearby for local woodworkers? A stop and chat at the nearest construction supply store manager might get a few names if nothing else.
  10. you mean one red, and one "orange" ?
  11. Just to be clear: no offers of engines to be bought, sold or aquired should be on the main forum. Several posts in this tread have been reported for doing so. Keep it to potential vendors for repairs, helpin understanding the proper path and such. If in need of an engine, please post to the classifieds adds as the site owner has requested. Thanks much. Hope things work out for you.
  12. IMO if kept dry, no problem. In a wet environment....lots of surface area on the flat braided versions with no protection...
  13. good for you! I ended jumping a few years back...total of about 2800 jumps, 30 night jumps, 2 reserve rides and one broken leg (stupid mistake trying to be "cool"). I miss it dearly. Thay plne was my favorite, big, fast and a nice door. Even got to take the controls for a while once.
  14. we had that here in MN..but painted on
  15. Second time goes way faster!
  16. notice the suicide hinge pocket....well it's kinda in the way and I have no recourse.....it's mostly for air flow anyway. AS longas they open! not even tracking on this build...I just know it'll be more than I thought and les than it could be!
  17. ...and SOO much photo shop... Beyond that, you'd never cath me up there, I miss my skydiving days, but airplanes are WAY diffrent than buildings!
  18. I have so many scape wood chunks laying around....my great nephew comes and takes home loads of "nice pieces of wood".
  19. its a special new type of tint...."wood grain" for high security one way viewing only
  20. It now goes up and down with power!
  21. Sounds like you shouldjust put a permanent 220V outlet in the shop....
  22. Working on the rear window(s). I can get the "glass" in and it slides with ease...next up the power unit. Now if my RAD would just show up... 5316.mp4
  23. well I guess since I'll be in the Sacramento area on April 1 thru the 6th...I GUESS I can stop by.... ?
  24. PM sent
  25. For the truck side there are about 4 or 5 (that I know of) FB groups that generally everyone is a member of and when a question is asked on one, they ask it in all of them. Lots of redundancy, but it DOES trick out a few unique replies. But in general, as JB said, it a one shot looking for quick answers or parts.
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