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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Yeah....include the 30's thru 50's and I'll join too.
  2. Ed...Poo flows down hill !
  3. Oh....well then ......I'm late 30's to early 60's.
  4. Yes ! Congrats to you and Patty !
  5. That's kinda what I figured. Anyone else here with 16" wheels that likes the look ?
  6. Kyle or ? , I have a NOS set but they are for 16" rims. They are held on the wheel by the hub cap. PM me if interested.
  7. My sediments exactly.
  8. So far every 42 Dodge I have see had front fender trim like these.
  9. J.Lo's crack from the front. J.Lo's crack from the rear.
  10. Welcome aboard Derek. I have your cars first cousin. A 38 Dodge Coupe. I don't own a P15 or a D24 either and I haven't been thrown off this board yet.
  11. How about a photo of this crack so we can get a better idea of what you are talking about.
  12. Ever since I can remember I've liked the look of 30's - 40's cars. Not sure why because my father and older brothers weren't in to them at all. My dad always had a modern car for the times and they were usually Fords or Oldsmobiles and when it was time for my older brothers to get a car they always picked out the newest car they could afford. I built my first set of wheels using a soap box derby coaster I traded a bicycle for. Other kids were building sleek aerodynamic coasters but I came up with this design. Notice the dual side mounts,hood ornament,and trunk rack. I made 2 working head lights out of tin cans,flash light bulbs and a battery pack. For additional down hill speed I made a compartment up front that would hold a number of bricks. When it was my turn (3rd of 4 boys) to get my own car I spotted this car in the back yard of a neighboring town. It was just a bigger version of the coaster I had built 5 years earlier with it's dual side mounts,hood ornament,headlight buckets and a trunk rack. Plus it had the added bonus of an engine and brakes. No more dragging my wheels back up hill. Well.... usually anyway. Guess I've always loved the look and feel and sound and smell of old cars.
  13. Nice photos ! Love the car.
  14. Just tell her that as soon as you get it up and running you are going to take her shoe shopping in it. She might even help just to speed up the process ;)
  15. Very COOL Tom ! Thanks for the photos. Keep them coming.
  16. Bob, Amazing !! Do you know if he ships parts or do you have to walk in ?
  17. Well......that's true Tim but this car is Mauve in color.
  18. Aw Geez aero3113 !!!!! I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  19. Great ! I musta cut class the day they went over that.
  20. Actually the van was my step dads so you might have something there Tim. Edward, I wish I had that van now. It would probably be worth as much as my entire collection. I have owned a couple of Bugs,a Fastback,a Squareback,and a Bus with just the side windows but I've usually leaned a little to the right politically speaking on most issues.
  21. Here it is Edward. Couldn't afford to get a hair cut after buying it.
  22. What do you mean Tim ? Oh....the flower child thing !
  23. Back in the late 60's when I lived in Bezerkeley we had a really groovy hanging curtain in the door way leading to the kitchen made from pull tabs all linked together. It was really trippy man. My friends thought it was right on. Peace.
  24. I found this inflation calculator on Google. Looks like it would be around $522 in todays dollars if I did it right. http://inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflation_Calculators/Inflation_Calculator.asp#calcresults
  25. Just as a preventative measure I wrapped my gas line with some fancy chrome stuff I found in the kitchen. As you can see my manifolds are getting rusty so I'm not going to recommend this stuff as a permanent coating.
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