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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Nice work !!! Glad to see the truck found a good home.
  2. I don't know any history on the truck. I bought it on eBay from a seller only about an hour away from me for only $150. No one else bid !!!! For that price I didn't care if it ran but to my amazement I got it running with a little tinkering. I only drove it around in my yard some cause I think the brakes weren't working. If I remember correctly the valve train was very noisy (needed adjustment) but no smoke.
  3. The dash on my 52 is without a factory hole for a radio too.
  4. Hey, It's a small world after all. I use to own that truck out here in CA. I almost posted a photo of it a couple of days ago because of the chrome or stainless grill bars. Here it is going away after I sold it on eBay. Did you buy it on eBay from California ? Sold the Plymouth on the flatbed too.
  5. Here's one of those route vans all gussied up.
  6. Wow ! This one has a $1200 paint job.
  7. I picked this gas/electric steam cleaner up at a yard sale last year for $0.10 on the dollar. It's a true steam cleaner and makes quick work of ridding your old car of the dreaded UnderCoatney.
  8. I'd have to agree with soldering the crimped on connections. I've witnessed the crimped ons fail due to corrosion after a few years. I have to admit that I don't always practice what I preach though.
  9. Whatever metal yours is made of Kevin you sure did a nice job restoring it. I guess if you were into "Trivial Pursuit" you could test it with a magnet. Mine is barely ferrous just like the hood ornament. The other bright work such as door handles,wiper arms,and dodge emblem are much more ferrous.
  10. Oh, Ole Yeller came along after all of those pictured, around '97....except the Gray Goose. Here's a photo of my first Pilot House in '79. Paid $750 and drove it home. Should have kept this one ! Nice original paint.
  11. Here's a 47 1.5 ton I owned for a while. We called her the Gray Goose or just Goose. Here's my collection of trucks back in the early 90's. All gone to new owners now except for the white camper. Anybody tried this with their Pilot House ?
  12. Oh God YES. The piston stroke measurement should be done with all the plugs out so you can turn the engine by hand using the fan blade.
  13. I hear that. The lid on my parts washer takes forever to clear off when I want to use it so most of the time I just don't.
  14. Some times when I drag an old clunker home I discover that the clutch disk has become bolted to the flywheel. If I drag the clunker around enough in my yard while popping the clutch I can sometimes pop those darned bolts loose.
  15. Yes Barry. Mine is an original chrome plated heavy pot metal one from 51. I used it on my 52 even though in 52 they switched to stamped steel. Hey,you could send yours out to a plater. PS....I've never seen an aluminum one.
  16. Wow Jeremy ! Beautiful truck and what a lucky guy you are to have had it handed down to you. I am as green as the truck with envy.
  17. Barry, I used "One Shot" sign painters enamel with a small paint brush. The color is Fire Red.
  18. That thing sticking out of the engine you have an arrow pointing to is the oil pump. You may be able to id the year of the engine by looking for the casting date on the drivers side of the block .....in this case just to the left of the oil filler tube. 6/30/53 You'll need to measure the stroke by removing the little pipe plug over #6 cylinder and measuring with a piece of wire to know if it's a 218 or a 230.
  19. I want it. Just can't find the spare $$$$$
  20. That is a very nice color! I'm jealous cause mine is just black and white.
  21. WonTon ?........Especially if you will be driving on very soupy muddy roads Hank
  22. Yes.
  23. The ad and the license plates say it lives in Texas. Too low and Too much bling for my taste but a nice car overall.
  24. This lift would have to be my favorite tool.
  25. Thanks ggdad. Same to you.
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