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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Yup...here's my 58
  2. How about a photo.
  3. Hello !!!! Send in a wolverine. They are so heavy they'll fall through after.
  4. What does it take to become a member ?
  5. Oh please Henry......you promised we wouldn't have to dress up any more. Reg
  6. I think we should invite him to join us as long as he wears his pants.
  7. This guy needs to find our forum. Definitely a rookie when it comes to Pilothouse trucks. Eventually he'll learn that he doesn't need his left foot to start the truck....Heel toe....heel toe. From his description of the brakes it sounds like he needs a major brake adjustment. Nice hood ornament ! Yeah....no mention of the fluid drive.
  8. Jim, I found this in the technical archives. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=27103
  9. My sniper worked fine. The bids just jetted past my limit in the last few seconds
  10. Yeah.....you can just go ahead and lol. I about smp when I lost the bid in the last few seconds. So Tim......Where can I get me one O them 9mm super skyper sniper thingamabobs for the future ? Hank.....chug a lug chug a lug........yer making me wanta holler hyde ho.
  11. Well....let me know if the price starts dropping Ed. Hank......go to your room !
  12. Is that the one your dad owned or one like it. I can't find the price. Just photos. Oh wait....it's $8500. too bad it way over there in your area. Very nice !!!
  13. Early 56's were 6 volt and the later ones were 12 volt. You can probably pick one up at the auto parts store. Do your head lights work? If so take one out and see if it say 6 or 12 volts.
  14. Stop torturing me Ed.
  15. Where is the engine located since it sounds like you are going to pass on it? I have a truck it would drop right in to.
  16. Ah yes Ed.....I drool all over my keyboard every time I see that car.
  17. I know Ed......and I've always had a hankerin for a 39 with those squareish headlights. Other snipers suck !
  18. In the last few seconds of the auction I was out sniped. It's a 39 Plymouth Sedan Delivery. Just over 2200 made that year so pretty rare. Somebody call me a wambulance. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649&item=190631418929&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  19. Have you polarized the new Genny ?
  20. The points should be set a 20.
  21. Charlie, How big is the chair? Photos ? I have some in-laws living in Reno who could bring it over to me. Reg
  22. Wow Jim ! Looks like you were really barreling down that road
  23. I learned to drive at 11 (down hill anyway) in my home made no door sedan with a trunk rack and dual side mounts and no brakes. My friends much older brother clocked me at 45 mph down a long steep road.
  24. Oh....well then....who is the seller finplym59 on eBay right now that goes by the name of Michael and uses your phone number in his listings. http://www.ebay.com/sch/finplym59/m.html?item=180795213256&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm570.l2736%26_nkw%3D180795213256%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  25. The lord works in mysterious ways
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