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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Greg. I just edited my earlier post. I hooked this meter to my 35 Dodge and at 1000 rpm the meter shows 7.7 volts. The amp gauge doesn't move when the headlight or brake lite are switched on so I guess I have multiple problems.
  2. Shouldn't the generator be putting out a little over 7 volts. J.Lo's engine is running at about 1000 rpm in this photo. EDIT......15 minutes later...I just checked the gen in another 6 volt car and the meter shows 7.7 volts at about 1000 rpm so I guess J.Lo's gen got fried last week when the manual starter switch developed an internal short. The other part of the problem is that the amp gauge does not move when the lights are turned on or the brake pedal is applied even though these lights are working. This car was rewired and a fuse block was installed. All the fuses are OK.
  3. Chance, Here's a set of old metal ones. Email me if you are interested. Reg
  4. Well, I've been lucky I guess cause I haven't been stranded by any of my old clunkers for many years except for running out of gas a couple of times due to inaccurate fuel gauges. I found the problem with J.Lo. The internals of the manual starter switch grounded out somehow. It was an easy fix cause I had a new one on the shelf. I've got another problem now. The system doesn't seem to be charging and the amp gauge does not move when I turn the head lights on or hit the brake pedal. Now What ???
  5. What's the link to the POC ?
  6. The amp gauge wasn't showing anything.... Pos or Neg. It was too hot for this lazy old man to hitch a ride home and come back with my tow dolly so I just bit the bullet and paid the outrageous $120 for a 6 mile. fee. The neg battery cable seemed overly hot and was a little loose on the manual starter solenoid so I tightened that up but nothing changed so I disconnected it. I haven't tried anything yet or even checked the battery condition. Too hot right now.
  7. I decided to wake J.Lo from a month long slumber and take her to town. Primed the carb and brought her around to give her a bath and then sped off to town. 6 miles down the road and I pulled into the gas station and shut the engine off and that was it. The battery was dead as a door nail. Nothing. I open the hood and I can hear the battery caps bubbling with the key off. I opened the caps and can see bubbles rising to the surface as if it's being charged. I just got home with the tow truck. What are your guesses as to what went wrong????? I'm thinking maybe a stuck voltage regulator.
  8. I'm pretty sure they belong on 46-48 Dodge cars Don.
  9. Oh, I'm glad he added that note Bob. I was just trying to save the guy some trouble down the road.
  10. That's a real beauty !
  11. I sent this eBay seller a FYI but he doesn't believe that these caps are not for a 48-53 Dodge truck. If you feel like it send him a note. Item number: 200240070017 Here's what his last email to me said. Thank You for your input, but I've found absolutely nothing that says that these are not for a truck. I actually have original rims off this truck that the hubcaps fit perfectly on. Thank You again.
  12. Here's a simple test you can do to determine if it does or doesn't have the fluid drive coupling. While the engine is idling and your foot is on the brake let the clutch out real fast. If the engine is still running it's got fluid drive. If the engine conked out you have a standard clutch.
  13. To determine the health of the engine how about warming it up and then remove the plugs and give it a compression test. That way you'll know if #1 is as healthy as the rest of them.
  14. Dennis, Here's a thread started by Ken Foit who owns a 50 Cab Over. He hasn't posted here much but you might be able to contact him via a personal message by clicking on his name and then clicking on the appropriate link there. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=6454 I have a 41 COE I'll restore one of these days. Good luck ! Reg
  15. Glad to hear that Tony. A hearty YAHOO from me too !
  16. Welcome aboard Dennis. Ask this question on the Pilot House truck side of this board. There is at least one COE owner over there that has a 50 COE that can fill you in. His name on here is Kenneth Foit I think.
  17. Woodie49, There is a small plug on the head over the #6 cylinder. Remove that and insert a 6" or longer straight piece of wire in there and turn the engine by hand. You will see the wire move up and down and you can find TDC when the wire has raised to it's highest point. The second 7/16" bolt for adjusting the dist. is located on the bottom of the dist. I have heard a time or two of the timing chain cover being swapped on these engines and the pointer not being in the correct position for your engine. If that turns out to be the case you'll have to make some new marks with paint.
  18. If the truck is a 1950 model there should be a radio delete plate on the dash to the left of the steering column. The optional radio for the truck was a Mopar model 602 but other similar Mopar radios will fit there too such as the 802. Here's an 802 on eBay now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1946-47-48-DODGE-PLYMOUTH-7-PUSH-BUTTON-MOPAR-802-RADIO_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ80741QQihZ012QQitemZ220257795085QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Tony, Yes, that's a stock rubber bumper under there. From my photo you'll also see that my engine is equipped with the rare rust preventative exuder.
  19. If the front axle looks like this it isn't bent. They were made that way. I remembering thinking the same thing when I dragged my 1st old Pilot House home too. $2500 isn't really out of line if the body and interior are good. The truck will have a 4 speed "crash box" with granny low if it's original to the truck. You'll have to learn to double clutch which becomes second nature eventually. Welcome to the forum and old Dodge trucks !
  20. Ya know Don, that might explain why the battery had 4 terminals to choose from:o
  21. Yeah.....don't do what I did once. I accidentally put the green washer on the + post. Man ya shoulda seen the sparks fly.
  22. Good photo Dennis ! Bud, I guess you know that the dashes are different too between the 48-50 and 51-53
  23. I'm with you James. I've got to say I don't understand a couple of the other posters attitudes. Hang in there and let us know all your findings. Rebuilt should not include refurbished.
  24. Yes, unless they are from a 1.5 ton or larger truck. Then the wheel well openings are larger and have a fender flare on them.
  25. Ouch ! And I thought I had it bad turning 60 while breathing bad air and drinking rot gut. Truely sorry to hear that Tim. What part of Calif. ?
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