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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Bud, How much do you want for the rims and cables. Photos ? email direct. regoevans@sbcglobal.net Thanks
  2. Brian, Check this forum string out. Yes, the gen will not charge the system until you polarize the system. Do you have a shop manual for your truck? http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=10603&highlight=polarizing+the+generator
  3. Did you polarize the new regulator? You have to momentarily flash the regulator with a piece of wire by touching the Arm connection to the Bat connection on the regulator.
  4. Old Yeller ('52) has an older brother now. Older Yeller is a '49 1/2 ton and in pretty decent shape. It runs well and stops ok here in the driveway. I'll take it on a test drive after I give it the once over. So far my list of parts needed include the lower stainless grill bar,choke and throttle knob and cables,interior sun visors,and (4) 15 or 16" rims with hub cap clips. Anybody interested in the 50's Chevy wheel covers on the truck now? The PO is a Chevy man. I like Older Yellers high sided bed and the side mounted spare and the fact that finding a model 602 radio is going to be very easy to find unlike the mythical model 610T for the 51-53 models . All I gotta do is walk out into the garage and pick one of the many I have collected . So....if you have any of those parts available let me know.
  5. Yup ....drooping plug = crash box , plug held high = synchro .
  6. Yup, that T249 engine is an early 50's Canadian M37 long block 251.
  7. Was Smedley the pachyderm character from the Capitan crunch cereal box? Had a big trunk. Nice truck !
  8. Cool sign Eric. Hey, if you could find a way to get the Dodge Inn sign legally I'd be happy to buy it from you. It would really look good in "Grandpa Dodges" garage.
  9. Welcome to the forum Mate ! I'm glad that Dorothy got to stay in the family. She's a Beaut.
  10. Black 35 Dodge sedan was named by my Brother after Eliot Ness.....Nessie Tan 38 Dodge coupe was named by my wife for Bonnie and Clyde.....Clyde Yellow 42 Big Butt Coupe named by me for her large butt.................J-Lo Maroon 49 Suburban was named after the 1st owner Elbert..............Bert Yellow 52 Dodge named by me for the color and noise in cab......Old Yeller 59 Dodge wagon named by the kids...............................The Dad Mobile 64 Plym Valiant named by me ..................................................Prince
  11. Dale asked if I would post some photos of the parts truck. He's going to get some better photos later.
  12. Yeah Ed........like this. I have never had any problems with my glass filters either Jon.
  13. The truck engines came with both a sediment bowl on the fuel pump and a glass bowl filter at the carb. Like Jon I thought the cars did too. I like the look of the old glass filters too and have one on some of my clunkers.
  14. Nice job Fernando !
  15. I'd buy it but I already have 2 too many. This one and another in pieces.
  16. Dale, Can you PM me with some photos and a price? Thanks
  17. I just bought this 50 1/2 ton and will need the lower grill piece. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/cto/797493810.html
  18. I prefer the original toothy smile.
  19. "However, the entire experience almost made me want to buy my own trailer and "red-neck" up the neighborhood a little more. " Shoot Johnny, I solved the Red Neck thing by just camouflaging it with my yard couch.
  20. Hey...that motorcyclist is gettin some airin out too.
  21. Oh...if that's the case then the damage would be covered under the new car warranty;)
  22. I move my tow dolly up and down hills here with my golf cart with ease so if you have a riding mower like Greg suggested that might be the ticket. The last time I rented a tow dolly one way it cost around $200 so when an acquaintance want to give me one you know I snapped it up. I also have an old style clamp on front bumper style tow hitch that works very well but I haven't used it since I got the tow dolly. Here's Lisa loading the cart in the back of my truck for the first and last time. She's brave. Long story .....but I took over and almost ripped my left arm off.
  23. Either that or they just went and bought another one for 35 bucks.
  24. How about a tow dolly? Weighs much less and takes up less room.
  25. Yup....Positive to the engine or transmission. Can't answer the other questions. What are you working on ?
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