Old Yeller ('52) has an older brother now. Older Yeller is a '49 1/2 ton and in pretty decent shape. It runs well and stops ok here in the driveway. I'll take it on a test drive after I give it the once over.
So far my list of parts needed include the lower stainless grill bar,choke and throttle knob and cables,interior sun visors,and (4) 15 or 16" rims with hub cap clips. Anybody interested in the 50's Chevy wheel covers on the truck now? The PO is a Chevy man.
I like Older Yellers high sided bed and the side mounted spare and the fact that finding a model 602 radio is going to be very easy to find unlike the mythical model 610T for the 51-53 models .
All I gotta do is walk out into the garage and pick one of the many I have collected .
So....if you have any of those parts available let me know.