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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. A bit overpriced though. If I won the lottery I'd hit "But it Now" any way. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123&viewitem=&item=140237707387
  2. My 42 Dodge coupe doesn't have fluid drive.
  3. I'll post what photos I have of my 52 stock firewall. Someone else will have some other shots too.
  4. Thanks Bob. The 54 mat does look to be shaped differently. My mat has 2 different part numbers. One for black and another for brown. Now I'm wondering if a mat for a late 40's woody would be the same as the 49-53 Suburbans. On another note....what have you guys found to be the best product for restoring flexibility and shine to old rubber?
  5. Go to this recent thread regarding wheel color. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=9386 Welcome to the group by the way. While here how about adding a little about your self and your location in the profile section.
  6. Thanks Norm. It looks like they are pretty much the same. Does your car have a bumper on each side at the rear that touches the gate when closed? Here's some dimensions of the rubber mat. The mad is notched out to clear those bumpers. Bob Vanbuskirk, Does your 54 look anything like this ?
  7. It's working fine Norm, Congrats on your new truck. For 1953 a new truck buyer could opt to have the bed painted to match the cab color. The cost was $6.44 extra. The engine was silver. The grill emblem was painted silver. The grill bars were painted body color and the rims were painted either black or Dodge truck cream.
  8. They did make wagons but I think they were all 4 door wagons. Here's one for sale for $1200. Not mine.
  9. Tim, Do you have any photos that show the difference ? Norm, can you post a photo of your 53's rear area ?
  10. I wondered if any of you Suburban owners have run across one of these rear cargo area rubber mats. This is an original I guess cause it's very old and dry and has the DCPD logo on it. I'm also wondering if it fits a 53 or later too. NORM ? Overall it's about 40" x 54" Does anybody reproduce these? If not I'm contemplating having some made. Thoughts?????
  11. Hey....welcome to the forum Mark ! Any luck on finding a reasonable transport company yet?
  12. You may have nailed it Tim ......but on the other hand....... some of those bidness coupes have room for two campers, an ice chest and a HiFi.
  13. Nice rig Norm. See...I knew we could turn Rodney with those shiny clear coat finishes.
  14. Chance, Here's a couple of photos of an early 49 with the split back window and a photo of mine. And a fresh clear coat compliments of Mother Nature.
  15. Johnny S, I'm Kinda partial to that middle car in the second row of your 1949 poster.
  16. Just for a comparrison....... I sold this one on eBay recently. It's no where near the condition of the one Rodney posted. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120263524902&ssPageName=STRK:MESO:IT&ih=002
  17. Well then..........That could account for that Old Musty Smell mentioned in your original post.
  18. Hey...very good Fernando! I hadn't seen one like that until now. Does the photo say what this engine's displacement is? Is it a 251 or 265 or a larger block engine over 30" long with more than 300 cubic inches of displacement for a B-1-R, B-1-T or B-1-v series really big trucks? Learn something new every day !
  19. Have a GREAT DAY John !
  20. I think they were just a generic accessory you could buy for any 6 volt car years ago. Made by Jubilee I think. The power is hooked up full time and when you pull on a cable that ran to your dash the horn would sound. The sound will vary depending on how far you pull the cable back. It sorta sounds like a mooing cow or fog horn. I sold it a couple of weeks ago though on the Bay.
  21. That truck horn button and gear shift knob. Thanks !
  22. Gosh Bob.....Make sure you save room somewhere for one of these too. You need a bunch of door bell buttons lined up like a key board. Hey....ya might be able to "stand in" and play your car in the band.
  23. Shel, I could use that truck horn button and related parts if not broken and the gear shift knob if you are pickin.
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