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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Whachew talkin bout Frankie ? Mine are two tone. Ole Yeller I is Black and yellow Ole Yeller II is Red Oxide and Yellow
  2. Oh crap Don !!!!!.....Lisa,my wife saw this post and says you can't ever come over again. In fact she suggests I see if you'll rent a room to me.
  3. Well...the survey has ended and the results have giving me the courage to let my better half hang the lights. I hope the marriage doesn't end as abruptly as this survey has. My mother in law is even here helping. I'm either really brave or just plain stupid cause the mo-in-law is carrying a hammer. This may be my last post. Just in case.......HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!
  4. It looks like you are making great progress on the Pilothouses Tim. Your new 46 or 47 appears to be more like a 1.5 ton from the front fender wheel opening,the wheel size,and the frame thickness. Does the model number start with WFA? Nice Find.
  5. Say Don.....do ya still have that fuzzy pair you had dangling from your rear view mirror ? They might look nice hanging from the rack. On second thought .....I'd just better stick with AnthonyB's garland idea. Thanks for the ideer anthony.
  6. Great posts guys ! I'm glad to learn that I'm not the only Grinch here. Ed's post inspired me to start a poll on the subject. Besides the hanging of Christmas lights my wife has a special request this year for the tree because we have 3 new kitties living with us now. She wants me to remove the mounted deer head and rig up a tree above the door out of reach of these little vandals. My idea of setting up the slide projector with a slide of last years tree didn't go over very well.
  7. Can I add that choice to the poll or is it too late? I use to get away with that one too Don because the 2 daughters were still at home and all three of them did it. The youngest moved out last year and I've been elected. The funniest part of this is that she wants me to "look like I'm enjoying myself" Don't forget to vote !
  8. I just got an email from my wife saying that she would like me to start hanging christmas lights this evening. She also asked if I could pretend that I enjoy this yearly ritual. So, I wanted to poll the members here to see how you feel about "hanging the lights"
  9. They are located in Maryland with no shipping offered......pick up only. Item number: 200279370929
  10. I only wish someone with this man's ideology had been on the ballot .....or will be next time.
  11. Just for fun once I tried a Rochester carb on my truck. The carb was for a Chevy 235. It fit and the linkage was the same. I didn't notice any increase in power so I removed it and went back to the B & B but last time I checked NAPA still carried them unlike the B & B's.
  12. I feel your pain Norm. I can't get my grand daughter interested in old cars either. Still working on her though. 3 more years before she get her drivers license.
  13. Beautiful job Dave. Another Pilot House saved !
  14. Dutch, I hate to be a bible thumper but from what I've see personally and what I call my "Dodge Truck Bible" (Dodge Trucks History and Restoration Guide 1917-1971) says ,51 was chrome and 52-53 was stamped and painted an aluminum color.
  15. Yes Tim, A Saturday seems like it would be better for those that have to travel some distance to and from.
  16. Yes, In 51,the first year of this grill design,it had a heavy cast emblem which was chrome plated. 52 and 53 were stamped steel painted silver.
  17. If the engine is clattering and not clunking it's probably just loose valve adjustment. Is the oil pressure good ? Yes, as suggested by grey beard ,get a manual and adjust the shifter linkage. Mine has the same problem. I should practice what I preach. Can you post some photos of Barney for us to see? How about editing your profile to say where you are from? Welcome aboard.
  18. You would need to score the complete tail light assemblies I would think. I see them on eBay occasionally. Eaten alive ? I'm sorry.....That's painful .....I know cause I just ate my right arm wishing I had your 33 Plym coupe. I see we are both looking for a front bumper for our 42's. My 42 came to me with a 46-48 bumper on it. Sure would like to find one for the 42. Someone on here was going to sell me one he had but he never followed through.
  19. How about a pair of the 38 Chrysler tail lights.
  20. This truck appears to be very original (orig paint.) and it has the illusive 610T radio in the dash:eek: . As some of you know I've been looking for that 610T radio for a decade but this one has a truck attached I just can't afford another truck now with the economy the way it is and me being "self employed". My wife now calls it "self Unemployed" It's titled as a 52 but the serial number,rear fenders,hood and dash emblems all say 53. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280283738404&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018 I bought a 35 Dodge sedan from this man in 2003 and his description of the car was honest. He is also selling some engines. "If you know of anyone looking for any 440 stuff I have two fresh short blocks,$500 and $400.The $500 block I have $900 in, balanced etc. 906 Heads with valve covers $350. long block that is also fresh $600. Cop Car 440, heads off, was a running motor $250 and a 318 intake to pan $100. I also have a 68 Roadrunner 4speed trans and bell housing, 1956 Dodge 354 Hemi $600 and it has a 4bbl intake. I will sell all this very reasonable. Too much weight to move:)" He's leaving California and moving to Idaho. His name is Mark and these items are located in Lincoln, CA. His email is Hddodgeno1@aol.com
  21. What's that sonny? Speak up ........
  22. Norm, My wife and I share the latrine duties and can get it done in just a few minutes. As for cooking , usually on a camping trip it's cereal with a banana for breakfast and for lunch and dinner it's hamburgers,hot dogs,steak on the grill served on paper plates. The dishwasher is the camp fire. On road trips we usually eat most of our meals out but can stop just about anywhere in the motor home for free for the night if we don't want to pay a camp site fee. For fun sometime Norm bring a small black light into your hotel room,turn off the lights,and have a look at the patterns on the bedspread. We took a trip to Montana in early October. 3 days each way. We did spend one night to Montana in a motel and another on the way back in a motel just to break it up. It's all fun no mater how you like to do it. Just do it but throw that bedspread in the corner.
  23. Here's our idea of roughin it. Either on land or water we have most of the comforts of home. On land we have our own shower and john,TV,DVD player,double bed,and kitchen. On the water the only difference is instead of a hot shower it's overboard with a bar of soap. Good way to clear the head from the previous nights fun. Other times we'll take this rig out on the road.
  24. Welcome to the group and congrats on your new pilothouse ! Go here for good rubber. http://secure.steelerubber.com/homeframes.html What year is your truck ? Where are you from ? Can you post a photo of your truck for us to see.
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