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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. It sure would have been simpler if they hadn't made so many different kinds eh ?
  2. I have several filters here and they vary in size. A puralator measures about 4 3/8" inches from the bottom of the lid edge to where the bottom shoulder curves in. A Fram measures 5" and another Fram measures 8". Does your lid have a spring attached that presses on the top of the oil cartridge. Photobucket seems to be down or I would have posted some photos. Got Photobucket to work.
  3. I'm sorry Woodscavenger. Hey....don't wast it though. Crack an egg and make an omlet. OK...I'll quit now
  4. Hey...... at least the pee and poo will smell as fresh as Springtime in Ireland.
  5. Hey Don, I've had the same experience as DeSoto1939. I've taken the dist. out of my 50 Chrysler 251 many times and never had to turn it to TDC. I just mark wherever the rotor was pointing and then pulled it. Could yours having a full flow filter be the difference ?
  6. Yes, up hill and down hill. No pinging and no real change in power.
  7. Oldmopar & Tim, I checked the timing after setting the dizzy to get the most vacuum ( 19" ) from the wiper port. Not the carb port. The timing light is now firing at 10 BTDC and the dwell is at 60 degrees and now it runs better than ever. Wassup with this ?
  8. I like to get up around 4 am so I watch the news at 5 or 6. By 8:30 or 9 I'm usually fast asleep making up my own news stories.
  9. Excellent advice until the math part. What am I missing? I did just get back home from a 2 long island tea lunch though. 360 divied by 6 don't equal 20.......it equals 60.
  10. Jim, With a rebuilt hopped up more powerful 230 engine your truck should not have any trouble pulling hills with 3.54 or even 3.25 rear gears. As you know my 52 1/2 ton with a stock Chrysler 251 has no problem with the hills around here and I have a 3.0 geared rear end. Keep it simple.
  11. How do you guys recommend setting the timing on your old flatties...and why. Timing light or vacuum gauge ? I haven't done a tuneup on my 35 Dodge for several years and decided to try out my vacuum gauge yesterday. At idle after a good warm up the engine was producing a steady 15" on the gauge. After loosening the dist. and rotating it back and forth I found the sweet spot which was producing a steady 19" on the gauge. I haven't had time to road test it yet or even put a timing light on it to see what I have done but I advanced it a surprising amount to get to the 19".
  12. I wonder what types of paint are prone to being damaged by gasoline? I have spilled gas on fenders of many different cars over the years without any damage to the surface. My brother had his 50 Ford 1/2 ton repainted a while back for lots of money and the first time he spilled some gas on the paint it bubbled up and lifted off the cab. What a crying shame.
  13. I was cleaning out my garage a few years back when this photo op occurred. The 47 Plymouth doesn't live here any more but a 49 Suburban took it's place. Missing from the photo are a 52 1/2 ton and a 57 1 ton. Both Dodges.
  14. Neat ! Sure would like to have one of those little busses.
  15. She's not a guy Don. She's our Gold Country Fair Queen voted in by us hill folk. We finally got us a purdy one this year compared to last years queen shown here.
  16. Don, My taste buds are OK now but I think something really horrible has happened to my taste in boating attire. Hey.....Glad I could help with your most recent race.
  17. I would agree that they are pretty rare. Besides this one I have only seen 1 other in about 20 years of looking.
  18. One of the old trucks I dragged home years ago had a new 6 volt battery installed backwards by the p.o. It would start and run just fine but the amp gauge showed a neg charge when running. I reversed the cables and all was well. I don't think it had been this way very long though.
  19. Charles, These manifolds will give you a boost. http://www.stoveboltengineco.com/acartpro/product.asp?productid=148 As mentioned already several times have the head milled .050 - .070 and make sure your vacuum advance is really operating. I noticed my B series truck was not pulling a long grade in my area like it use to because the vac adv stopped holding a vacuum. I tested mine by sucking on the vac line and then holding the vacuum with my tongue. It wouldn't hold the vacuum. Warning.....your taste buds may protest a little. Oh yeah.....Maybe that passenger side rear view mirror is creating too much drag. I accept returns.
  20. So....the difference is the longer impeller shaft eh ?
  21. Yes, It's a vacuum type. Do you want to sell your elec. motor ?
  22. Ed, I don't have a P15 here to compare it to so I don't know. Here is a photo and a couple of links to more photos from under the dash. The vent lid from the outside measures nearly 18" across the back side. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/J%20Lo/MVC-004F-4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/J%20Lo/MVC-003F-3.jpg
  23. Hey Jon, I don't really need either of those items for a 42 Dodge but I do need a front bumper and brackets and the under dash hardware to make my cowl vent work. Do you have either of those? Reg
  24. Update......The engine is almost back together with the new cam ( RV grind ) but I thought it would be a good idea to install a fresh oil pump the heavily zincked oil I'll be installing. So far...no luck. Any suggestions for a 58 Dodge truck 315 V8 poly engine # L8D3-bla bla bla? I asked Summit Racing about acquiring a high output oil pump and they responded with this short and sweet reply ....... "Reg, I was not able to locate an oil pump for the 315 from any of our parts manufacturers. We appreciate your business. Thank you, Summit Racing Equipment"
  25. Looking good Greg. There shoulda been a law that all dashes were accessible from the firewall.
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