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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Cool.....where is Haggin Park ?
  2. Welcom Nat, Sounds like you've done alot already. At your rate of progress you should be on the road shortly. Go here for an exploded view of the master cylinder. This was taken from the DPETCA web site found on the truck side of the forum. Tons of info there. Scroll down to page 15. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/ph_parts/b_5.pdf
  3. At the other end of the linkage that plugs into your gas pedal is a loop with a pin going through it. This area gets very sloppy over the years. If you remove those two parts and drill it out to a larger size and insert a bigger diameter pin you'll improve that side flopping situation a bunch.
  4. I have done this in the past and it does help.
  5. Another low side without the shackle covers.
  6. I did JJ. Did you get my message ?
  7. Don, My dual point setup is for my 315 Poly V-8. Same principal as the 6....just two more cylinders.
  8. I guess I'm a girly man. It's been in the low 100's for a week here and it's killin me.
  9. I think the 201's have smaller valves so boring and stroking wouldn't help much. A 23" long 230 will drop right in and it can be bored out for another 10 cubes at least.
  10. The yellow truck is mine and has the optional low side box. It's not after market but it is the same box as used in the 40's.
  11. Yeah, mine apparently never had any. No holes drilled anyway. If you remove your cover does the opening have a lip around the opening like mine? I posted this question here years ago but never got any responses.
  12. There are 8 lobes on the dist. shaft and the second set of points just opens a little later than the first set or is it vice versa.
  13. Thanks Bob, I thought you might be the one to respond first. Am I going to wish it also had a vacuum advance ?
  14. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=16595
  15. It has dual points but no vacuum advance. I suspect it's from a late 50's Dodge truck poly V-8. I am contemplating using it in my 58 1/2 ton sweptside but am wondering what engine and truck it was really engineered for. Also wondered what advantage dual points has over single points. part # 1566656 auto-lite # 1BB-41038 serial # 3M353187
  16. I have one for sale.
  17. May you and your new wife compliment each other as much as the two colors of paint on the beautiful Dodge do. Congrats !
  18. On cross section that wood looks an awful lot like the 1 x 8 V-Rustic I have used on the interior and exterior of houses. Readily available around here in pine or cedar.
  19. My 42 coupe was backfiring more than usual on decelleration. I discovered the fuel filter was full of junk and some must have gotten into the carb. I added two new filters and changed the carb and the back firing stopped. Time to drop and clean out the tank.
  20. Looking forward to seeing the photos and the paint you ended up using.
  21. By the Dodge lettering on the front of the hood,the center dash emblem,and the rear fenders the trucks looks like a 52...not a 53. It's also very obvious to me that the 610-T radio has been photoshopped in by Zeke.
  22. I had been dealing with the hard to start flatties for many many years. Up until a few months ago I always had a couple of mustard squirt bottles around the garage filled with gas to prime my carbs with. What a pain in the butt. If I didn't prime the carb I would drain the battery before enough gas was pumped back into the carb to start the engine. Then one day Don Coatney described how he started his car after it sat for a while. He never has to prime the carb. All he does is give it a few cranks....then waits for maybe 5 seconds and gives it another couple of turns with the starter....then waits again for a few seconds and hits the starter again for a few revs. After a few of these cycles the car miraculously fires up. I have to admit I though....Yeah...right, but I went out in the garage and tried this method on my 35 Dodge that had been sitting idle for a couple of weeks. BY GOD !!!! it started right up. Then I went over and tried this method on my 52 Dodge and it started right up too !!!! Then I tried it on my 38 and 42 coupes and they started up too. Try it...... and report back. My mustard gas containers have been retired now for months. THANKS again Don ! I'm not sure why it works but it sure does.
  23. I'd have to agree with Norm if it only reaches 200 max. and is not boiling over. Have you tried a 160 degree thermostat for the summer months ?
  24. I'm interested in the speedo too. Mine jumps all over and it's not the cable or lack of lube.
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