I admire your resolve in this matter even when you are DEAD WRONG. Mass slowing from freeway speeds to a stop doesn't care what's pushing it because is stopping:rolleyes: I sold my last 47 Plym for $28,000 340, 5 speed, GM clip, 8.75 rear............ Find me a stocker that will bring that much. No Offense to anyone with stockers on this board.
There you go again with you "butchered" bull S. You really live under a rock, don't you? Don't EVER question my knowledge on cars!! It is not absolute and all knowing but by the complete B.S. that comes from your posts on this thread, you don't know what you are talking about at all. If you don't believe me or you just want examples, just look at the other posts on this thread. You really should have left this thread with your tail between your legs long ago. YOU ARE WRONG WRONG WRONG