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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. Exactly...it's a '50 Chrysler. The '50 Dodge is shown once at 34 seconds in...parked. Great old song..."Guitar Town" is good too...with Duane Eddy on Bass Guitar.
  2. As do most sellers They ARE expensive, but they know their Mopars and they give good service.
  3. funny!!!!!!
  4. Having supper at the kitchen table with the rest of the family and no TV in the room.
  5. West winds are begining to blow hard, temp rising about 2/3 degrees per hour...43f right now (9:30pm) So we get out of the deep freeze for a couple of days. Saturday forecast to be very cold...BBBRRR
  6. "Guess what? your not - so your opinion does not matter to me. dezeldoc and rollies's opinion however does matter to me because they ARE my customers." I can but it does not matter to you because I'm not, and never will be, your customer. YOU seem to be the one with all the reasons why Charlies kit is inferior. Stand behind your accusations with FACTS. Like a failure of the kit. DIFFERENT is not inferior. I'll repeat the statement that I'm a happy and satisfied Rustyhope customer and I'll also state that I'd never do business with you. That's my last contribution to this thread. Good luck to you and your business. ...........................................30.......................................................
  7. scoop scoop scoop lol !!!
  8. You aren't gonna buy a Rustyhope kit so why should I waste my time??? I said my piece. You just don't get it.
  9. My first '49 Chrysler was parked most winters...it was a DOG in the winter. In fact, in July, at 100 degrees, if you threw a snowball at it...it would get stuck and wouldn't start!!!
  10. Brakes are NEVER trivial. When you dis the competition, prepare to be dissed yourself...it's turnaround, not being picked on. You say Scarebird simply pointed out differences in his ad when that simply isn't true, and he admitted as much and implied that pointing out flaws was a preferred way of advertising. "Think our time could be better spent" I, for one, have learned alot in this thread. I have learned that if I ever buy another Mopar, I will buy another Rustyhope kit. I have not learned anything here that would sway me to switch. You can't please everyone, but Charlie's kit AND the customer service pleased me.
  11. The Mounties ALWAYS get their man!!!!...when the next shift shows up on horseback!
  12. The nice thing about being in business for yourself is the fact that you make all the decisions and then the buck stops on your desk for the success or failure of those decisions. It's your business and how you promote it and the public face you put on it is your responsibility and I respect that. Not how I would do it, but then I DO sweat the trivial sometimes. I wish you good luck in business. And, welcome to the best forum on the net, sincerely. Pat
  13. "Pat, using your own post, you accused scarebird of using "scare" tactics." They were. When you say that something is "very wrong" when describing BRAKE products, that certainly will "scare" some people. As I said, I don't have a problem with the Scarebird product, the more the merrier. Just stop the negative ads and push the virtues of your own product and don't put down the competition or you'll get the reaction that we have here. "kaizen" is a great concept, which as I understand it involves improving on that which came before. It doesn't include dissing what came before.
  14. Fred, haven't had late (or early) snow here for 25 yrs or more. June July August and Sept are pretty safe, but outside of that, all bets are off. I was in Winnipeg in the early 70's. Growing up in Calgary I thought I knew what winter was. I was wrong!! Never been so cold in my life...before or since... Most Timmy's here are lined up out the door 90% of the time too I hate lineups more than I like Tim's coffee, so I pass sometimes. There is one very busy one that has a drive thru that literally flies! You don't hardly even slow down in that DT, but it's not close to home
  15. "His product and reputation was slammed and pictures were supplied where the mock up was done incorrectly." I looked back and the product or the reputation were not slammed, but there was a discussion of pro's and con's, which to me is more than legit on a board like this. As far as a mock-up done incorrectly, a kit maker would run in to this alot and shouldn't take it as a put-down of the product. Help out the person to do the install properly. Maybe improve the instructions to prevent a similar misunderstanding. I don't have a problem with ANY of the kits available including Scarebird's. The more the merrier. I have always had a problem with negative advertising, the pointing out "flaws" in the competitors products which are, in fact, not flaws but simply a different way to approach a solution. If one is OK with pointing out "flaws" in a competitors product, then one should be OK with having the tables turned. I say don't pick apart the competition, but point out the design and benefits of your product, and maybe beat the competition on price or service. Negativity hardly ever works...
  16. Fred, it's the current tv commercial for Midas with the stationary car chase. No snow here yet...touch wood. Got my studded snow tires on and a big box of sand by the garage. Waiting. Tim, it was filmed in front of a Tim Horton's...neither of them really wanted to leave the lot!!!!
  17. WOW!!!! I would think that on a board of, oh, maybe a couple of HUNDRED potential customers that a statement like that would "scare" off 99% of them. Did you ever consider that Don, or others (like me) who HAVE a competitors kit might buy another Mopar and decide that, for one reason or another that they may consider YOUR kit for the next one??? Not after that statement they won't. To tell a POTENTIAL customer, and a whole community of POTENTIAL customers that their opinion doesn't matter is like pulling a Plaxico Burress, shooting yourself in the foot. (Everyone on this board (was) a POTENTIAL customer)
  18. I also have this identical unit from Princess Auto, bought on sale for $69. My 25 inch complete long block has been hanging from it for over a year. At first I propped a 2X6 under the pulley, but haven't bothered for a very long time. Had a bit of head-scratching to get the thing bolted up to the stand and it's a b!tch to rotate by myself, but all in all, it's a good unit.
  19. I wonder what made them think that WOOD would protect us from a nuclear blast????
  20. From the ad on eBay... "These cold-rolled steel adapters bolt straight on to your drum spindles, without any modification whatsoever to the spindles. Some other conversions require you to drill and tap you spindle and cross-arm; we feel this is very wrong and engineered a solid solution." I wonder what makes drilling and tapping "very wrong"??? There is enough meat there so that there really isn't a problem drilling and tapping those holes. This is just a bit of "scare" tactics on their part. I like Charlies and the former PlyDo because of the off the shelf parts in the event you need to replace any parts down the road.
  21. I would take it off the jack stands and try it.
  22. Or, you could use an adapter to fit the wheels to your disc brakes http://adaptitusa.com/index.asp
  23. Billy Austin's beautiful taxi, from the members list: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/image.php?u=118&dateline=1161708422&type=profile
  24. www.rustyhope.com
  25. The same sad story applies to hundreds of nice cars. Sometimes I think there MAY be alcohol involved But then you get the story of that guy who is resurrecting that 61 Chevy convertible found in a ditch...that is a pure work of art, for sure.
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