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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. I guess I was thinking that a 1 1/2 ton would be just a one ton with an extra leaf or two Seems they are the same as a 3 ton in many respects. I found a bare chassis that someone bought the cab from for a "rat rod" so I'll try to get my nephew to grab it just in case. Be nice to see the thing up and running!!!!
  2. Thanks alot, Ed. That info should make parts hunting alot easier.
  3. Ed, I'm not sure, it's a big one though. The GVW is 15,000 and its 6,000 as a cab and chassis (the deck shown is gone).That leaves 4.5 ton So I would say it's a 3 ton because an 18 foot deck or box will be around 1000 or maybe even 1500 lbs It's got vaccum brakes and a 2 speed rear and not many 1.5 tons have those. Pat Here it as it sits now: and the 2 speed rear end:
  4. My nephew has an old 46 Fargo FL7 3ton truck that I gave him after we hauled it in from a farm. (one project is too many right now ) My question is, how would I determine an equivalent Dodge Model Number so he can find parts a bit easier?? I'll post the ID Plate and a pic. ID Plate: (Max GVW says 15,000 lbs) as found on the farm:
  5. It's no more major operation than anything else that would lower your car, the shock mounts are a snap (well, relatively speaking) The advantage of doing it this way is all the components still operate as designed and the safety, reliability and comfort are not compromised. http://www.rodandcustommagazine.com/techarticles/135_0501_1951_plymouth_suburban_wagon/index.html
  6. Welcome... What Norm said...the 25 inch block will need some mods but forum veteran Don Coatney has done the job and has pictures. Did a great job and drives the wheels off of it!!!
  7. Great find!! We all love pictures...and shiney things as well...not hard to please here
  8. Don, our local natural gas company which supplies residential and industrial natural gas runs most of it's large fleet of service trucks on Natural Gas They compress it and store it in a tank similar to an automotive propane tank. A few people have private CNG vehicles with refueling ports at home as well. So, not as far fetched as it seems http://www.atcogas.com/About_NG/NGV/NG_Vehicles.asp
  9. If you mean a bolt-in, there isn't one. They all require some work to install. You could do what Don C. did and add a T5, you could go to Wicap and get an adapter for a GM automatic http://www.wilcap.com/chryslerfh.html#230350BOPAT or a GM manual http://www.wilcap.com/chryslerfh.html#230350MT And the base Chrysler Royal had a regular 3 speed standard transmission behind the Fluid Drive instead of the semi-automatic M6, so you could use that but it, too, requires some modifications.
  10. Very nicely done trucks. I like the idea of the engine behind the cab when things are tight. I also like the clean job of the tilt hood...very nice.
  11. A bit of Turtle Wax and a power buffer is all that baby needs!!!
  12. These seem pretty good...and they're Made In USA!!! http://www.tireskate.com/index.php
  13. Don, he removed the "George" part of George's name and now just has "Asche" I thought Moparforum wasn't one person but could be any one of several people using that name?? I wonder which one this is??? (I hope he's been taking his medication!!)
  14. According to the MP Power brakes site, the proportioning valve does what Don's two valves do plus it applies the rear brakes a bit before the front to reduce diving. I used a proportioning valve from a mid 70's Chevelle on my old '50 Dodge with the PlyDo kit.
  15. I agree 100%!!! PLEASE tell us more!!!!! It's fantastic to have someone here who actually made a living working on the FD's when they were new. Please Please share your experiences with us "younger" guys!!!
  16. I have these rebuild instruction sheets by Carter from 1939 (revised1948), they came with a big book of Carter Spec sheets I bought a few years ago. Scanned and on Photobucket for anyone who might want them. Page One http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/psatchwill/Carter%20Carb%20Sheets/Page1.jpg (click on links for larger size and the rest of the pages) Page Two http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/psatchwill/Carter%20Carb%20Sheets/Page2.jpg Page Three http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/psatchwill/Carter%20Carb%20Sheets/Page3.jpg Page Four http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/psatchwill/Carter%20Carb%20Sheets/Page4.jpg
  17. $250!!!??? For an oil pump?? For a flat six?? Must be on crack. Even if it is "high performance" I don't think the difference would be measurable OR worth $250. That's not to say it won't sell. There's one born every day, just ask Bernie Madoff
  18. Welcome, Frank. That plug is missing on every unit I've ever seen, I was unaware there was a plug for it! My 49 Chrysler parts car doesn't have one and the other bell housing I have is missing as well. I wasn't worried about the hole being open because there really isn't anything that can get hurt in there. I think whatever you can find to cover the hole will be OK. As far as the door sills go, I think they are being made but I can't recall who but I remember they were very expensive.
  19. Hey Norm, I hope you have enough supplies laid in to last through untill the rescue crews make it in to get you all to safety here in Canada where we know how to deal with disasters like that!!!! Good to see the internet and electricity are still on!!!
  20. Bring tow truck!!!!!
  21. I sure hope you stay out of the line of fire so to speak. Can't quite imagine 48c...it's a balmy ONEc here and that's a nice day!!!! Hate to see what happens to the firebug if he gets caught by the victims of the fires he set.
  22. Everything runs from the coil so only one voltage reducer would be required at the beginning.
  23. Wow!!!! Who needs a house when you have that!!! One thing missing, though... a sprinkler system I've been hearing too much lately about treasures like this going up in smoke. With all that gas and oil, a sprinkler system would let me sleep at night.
  24. Looks like this fellow is a bit exasperated at the silly emails from Craigs List Customers. DO NOT click on the link if you are offended by Bad Words! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/psatchwill/P15D24/CementBlocksForSale.jpg I share his frustration with the really stoopid questions emailed from Craigs List and Kijiji and a couple of local classified sites
  25. Don; It is what I was going to try on my 49 M6. The coil is the source of power for the M6 transmission. so I though that's as good a place to start as any. It only gets momentary power, so may work just fine BUT, I haven't gotten to that point on mine to try it yet, so you may very well be correct. Here's the wiring diagram...coil is top left...there are other solutions for sure to allow 6 volts to power the M6. I suppose any keyed 6 volt source would work. It could also be that, like the starter, the M6 won't care about the momentary application of 12 volt either.
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