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Everything posted by jd52cranbrook

  1. That check valve you mentioned looks to be a brake light switch.
  2. I have the knob off my 52 front ash tray. I will find it and post a pic. If you want it let me know, just pay the shipping.
  3. No where did the op say he was going buy it as far as I can see. In fact he stated he thought the price was high too. So I guess your quotes on *** and smoking crack must be based on misinformation? That car may or may not be worth 10 grand, certainly not to you. To someone it might, or maybe not. Regardless, I guess in your eyes if someone pays more than you think something is worth he must be on dope or a ***. Very sound reasoning. Men don't put gutless cuts on the board to belittle someone they have no real knowledge of, or what their reasoning may be. Men know what the words respect, character, honor mean. Men discuss, not cut, ridicule. As for the get over it and cool aid, I may take you up on that. This past February I realized 20 years sober. I don't really like cool aid, but hey, you don't know me do you, so the cool aid jab is just another uneducated instruction by someone who has no clue as to who they are talking to. So if you have some more Internet tough guy words for me to get over, remember anyone can be tough on the web. It's meaningless. People who do that carry no weight. Lastly, and may be more important than anything else; This is not the HAMB. Mostly this is a civil (meaning no personal insults, FYI) board with people helping each other out in positive ways. Maybe that other site would suit you better, but hey, I don't know you either do I. Here you go
  4. Even package it came in. I am pretty sure they are out of business by now, lol
  5. I can understand that Rockwood. I am one of the unlucky ones and did gain in the midsection. I never did have a jacket or sweater though, just the block letter. Don't remember why I didn't get them. Probably to costly for me and my family back then. I still have it,, plus the JV letter too.
  6. Put some saddle soap on it and wear it, thats what leather is for,,,
  7. I think there is a huge difference between discussion and outright slams or cuts. That includes cars and parts sold on Ebay as well as here. I also wonder who the hell are we to even suggest a price for a item when not asked too. Back in the day it was called rude, now it's call normal I guess. If this guy entertained any thoughts of maybe keeping the car for himself, I doubt after reading this thread he would come here for help. And I suspect others reading this post will shy away also. All because someone has to puff out his chest and tell the world what he knows the car is worth. In fact reading this post reminds me to only look for repair help, and not opinions on here. If he can't get his price, he may lower it. I saw no request in help for setting his asking price. Items in this world are worth different amounts to different people. For instance to me a original hemi would get my attention, but that's just me. People don't discuss the price of items for sale on here, don't fool yourself, (or try to fool me). They slam the person, calling him a *** or of smoking crack for example. You can bet your *** I would never post anything of great value to me for sale on this forum. I have even taken items off the forum because of the negative, unthoughtful comments by so called people in the know, (only in their minds). (And Don, if you really want to sell your car, I suggest you post every pic you ever took of your work, so we all can build our cars just like yours.) Now after all this rant you may ask what got this guy all upset over this issue. I really don't know. But what I do know you all have just chastised a guy you have never met in your life before, because he wants to part with something that was his decessed father's, probably reluctantly so to boot. Such a bunch of classy people, all of ya.
  8. Nah, never mind, not worth it. deleted, leave it to the masters
  9. And last I checked, you don't have to be smoking crack, or a *** to have a 10 grand, 4 door, (more door) car.
  10. speaking of ***, why don't you let the guy sell his car, nobody asked anybody on here to buy it. Unbelievable. Let's see who else we can slam.
  11. I understand, don't be a stanger. john_davies@comcast.net is my email if ever need anything. John
  12. I see this is your first post, welcome to the forum, I am in Mt. View also. Nice to see another early Mopar around. If your up to it there is a Chrysler event this Sunday up by Antioch and Sacramento. Open invite to all mopars. Send me a note if interested. And I cant place that picture location?
  13. I never can understand the need by other "price gurus" for cutting the value of other people's cars. Makes me wonder what they value their own car at, and if they would say, "No thanks, my cars not worth that much, pay me less" if offered a high price. The guy asks $10,000, and is stated may be willing to deal. It looks like it has never been hit and is complete, and has a original hemi. Three very good starting points IMO. But hey, this is the Internet I guess, anyone can be a pro. Just my two cents, but I say more power to the guy.
  14. I would contact George to see what he will offer.
  15. If it was shipped in a cardboard box then you have nobody to blame but the guy who shipped it. I bought two OD over the years, both came to me in cardboard. How does anyone expect to have cardboard last? I have sold both of those units, and each time I crated the shipments in wood. With rope handles on each end. Never a problem. They are heavy, do you really expect cardboard to carry that weight?
  16. I think the reason for that, in these Flatheads at least is to help cool the rear of the engine. I read somewhere on here now that I remember. A difference of 5-15 degrees increase in heat in the rear two cylinders can be caused by blocking the heater hose off. So instead of blocking it off, it is best run a loop between input and output? I am running Vintage Air, I better check my own water flow.
  17. You are correct, especially in systems without AC. In fact that is a old trick when engines run hot with no where to stop and fix it.
  18. Cool beans
  19. Doesn't water circulation also stop if you turn the temp to cold?
  20. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH.. No not as yet, he has the head, and people who know him says he will make it right. I have yet to contact him since I sent it, (maybe a month now). In the meantime I am very happy to have my stock head back, with no compression leaks, or plugs popping out of the head. One actually was held onto by the spark plug wire. Remember I run with no hood, it was quite a site going down the freeway when all of a sudden a spark plug shoots up in front of your windshield, lol... Talk about lots of compression to be able to blow out a plug..... But no, not as yet, like I said, I am happy with the stock head for now. Working on the interior for now. BTW, anyone who has a alloy head, Edmond's or Edgy, don't be swayed by talk of 9:1 compression. They are at best slightly more than stock. Get it measured to prove it. My stock head has 150 lbs across the board, so I am fine.
  21. What's wrong with a optima battery? Although mine is in my trunk, I would think one would get a appraising nod displaying it. Shows you know batteries. Just my 3 cents
  22. I've seen that Plymouth up close and personal twice, won't say anymore, cept all have different ideas, that's what keeps the hobby goin. I think those pics were from the Strangers event about a month about. There were lots of 40's Chevys there. All mostly done quite nice. And a nice 48 Dodge 4 door if if I can find the pic.
  23. I hope this one is still in the works, Western Railroad Museum Tour Southern Cal, Bay Area, Nor Cal
  24. I think you ought to change that name to the So Cal Golden State Region, everything is in Southern California. I'm not complaining mind you, there is tons of stuff to do up here. Just thought it would be a good idea to state what it really is.
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