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Everything posted by jd52cranbrook

  1. I've been changing it up and down to look for a difference. Has not changed anything. These are set at Langsdon's recommendation. I usually run smaller.
  2. Plugs are lined up left to right, 1 through 6. Note numbers 5 and 6. I am running dual intake, dual carter weber carbs. It would seem to me if it were the carb running rich I would see it on the 4th plug also. The valves in 5 and 6 were set a little looser than the rest, my engine builder said they needed it because they run the hottest. Swapping carbs is a option to try, but I think its the valves. Any ideas?
  3. But I do have questions, that I am not sure I want the answer on another issue with plugs. I will take pics tomorrow when I pull them and show ya......
  4. With all the weird things I have experienced with this car on my travels, I am due a break or two.
  5. I can feel another web site coming on,, Good for you Pete
  6. Thanks, but I don't know of anyone off hand who has one. I did drive it over Sunol Pass, turned around and came right back the next day, which was a hotter part of the day then before. No problems both up and back in fifth gear. I will pull it once a week or so to check it out, but I am hoping its a fluke.
  7. I'm going to say the Road God ate it for a sacrifice and call it good.
  8. Had a miss in my car intermittently over the weekend going to the dirt track races (45 miles, 80 degrees) while climbing a medium grade hill. Found this plug out of number three hole. Compression is still good in it, put in another plug and was on my way. Bad plug?, or a hint of things to come?
  9. I can understand your concern. But it being original does not mean its bad. (And it's not stupid to re use it.) I would also be wary if you think this is the cause of your knock. Especially if you only hear the knock at the rear cylinders? But if you have the front clip off it would be much easier, your right.
  10. If I was doing it, I would pull the motor, put it on a stand, and be very thorough. Are you sure it needs replacing? I mean, I am sure many will chime in saying it can be done on the car, and it can. But I would want to see everything.
  11. I've banged the bottom of my pan more times than I can count with my front end lowered the way it is. Eventually put a skid plate on it. It will definitely take the weight of the engine. Build some blocks out of wood, it will hold fine. No worries,, Butttttttttt,, You may want to get to crank area, as some of the bolts, (two I believe) go into the crank area from, not the timing cover bolts but the plate behind that. If you are really going to replace the timing chain, now is a great time to make sure everything is sealed up correctly. It other words, you may want the pan off.
  12. You can pull plugs one at a time, and listen. After that, plastigauge will tell you. Won't take too long and at least you may know what it is.
  13. Beautiful cars.
  14. I know not many jokes on here, but thought this was pretty good.
  15. Thanks for that info. Settles me some.
  16. If your going to keep that spring anyway, you might try stretching it some, or putting washer in to see if it rises. I had a weird thing happen today. And it figures I would be reading about oil pressure this week. Drove to a fellow mopar friend, on the freeway I glanced and noticed my pressure read about 40 lbs, usually its higher at highway speeds. Drove to my friends, talked about it,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( I still have a idiot light I use if it drops below 20 lbs, which never went on) Oil was full, pressure never went above 40, but never below 20 either. . Soooo Drove it home, pulled the valve, everything looked good. Undid the line at the block, blew air in it,never got above 40. I have a spare gauge with a bad face, tried that shot right to 80. So I undid the line at the gauge, blew that clear, hooked it back up, and it works normal now... If there was garbage in my oil line, I'm afraid to think what would happen if it tried to go through a bearing passage instead. I'm not sure what happened. But took it out again its working normal now.
  17. No no no, Let this un coil. The story much complete it's circuit.
  18. block, crank, and main caps. I've lifted and carried bare blocks short distances, but my age is catching up with me.
  19. I would not go to the water neck. Get yourself a couple of case 8 bolts on each corner. I've had mine out more times then I care to admit, getting good at it,. Speaking about using your legs, I was lucking enough to get a free block a couple of years back for future use from a youngster north of SF. When I went to get it, he had it in his trunk, picked it up carried it it my trunk and laid it down. Pretty impressive. Carried it like a baby.
  20. I am bonded to my seat, waiting for the next in -flux of chapters that have the right voltage to transform the light bulbs in my head into actual readings
  21. Lift with your legs, not your back. (sorry)
  22. I for one cannot wait for the next current chapter of the Evil Regulator's plan to depolarize the earth's magnetic forces.
  23. Now there's a story with magnetism.... Glad you got it going W. F.
  24. contact these guys, they may have parts, I know they sell the Fulton http://www.bigjims.net/
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