If your going to keep that spring anyway, you might try stretching it some, or putting washer in to see if it rises.
I had a weird thing happen today. And it figures I would be reading about oil pressure this week.
Drove to a fellow mopar friend, on the freeway I glanced and noticed my pressure read about 40 lbs, usually its higher at highway speeds. Drove to my friends, talked about it,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( I still have a idiot light I use if it drops below 20 lbs, which never went on) Oil was full, pressure never went above 40, but never below 20 either. . Soooo
Drove it home, pulled the valve, everything looked good. Undid the line at the block, blew air in it,never got above 40. I have a spare gauge with a bad face, tried that shot right to 80.
So I undid the line at the gauge, blew that clear, hooked it back up, and it works normal now...
If there was garbage in my oil line, I'm afraid to think what would happen if it tried to go through a bearing passage instead. I'm not sure what happened. But took it out again its working normal now.