Driving the car on freeway, about 65, rpms about 2,200. Gave it gas and got a misfire like before. Well, to me it sounds more like the carburetor is coughing, but that's just me. It coughs, momentary lack of power, like a miss. But no backfire that I can hear. Happened maybe a total of five times in about 3 minute period. Then ran fine, or no coughing at least.
Drove it home, pulled the plugs, number two plug has a missing electrode.
Sorry, cannot get a better focus.
But it is the same as the original problem. I did say before it was hole number three I think, but I could be wrong as that time I was not paying enough attention and very well could have been mistaken. Anyway, this time for sure its number two cylinder.
This is something I have never seen before. Would really appreciate some direction, or advice. Meanwhile I will go back to plug readings and see what I can dig up.
Don, I don't want to rehash the bad choice of words, or even a bad customer service manner with Langdon. He definitely has his own way. But I have read a lot of the early hot roding of inlines. He was definitely in the mix. I will, if I can reach him, find out what I can, but being the holiday he is probably traveling to a show to sell his wares.
What is really frustrating now, is I cannot find the original damaged plug. This one burnt looks very much like the first in the pictures. But I cannot fathom making that big of blunder and put it back in. I would like to think I am smarter than that, seriously.
As for plugs 5 & 6, 5 looks more like the other four now. I have about 200 miles since i reinstalled the plugs. And really looking at these plugs, they are black, they never were coated with grime or excess carbon like the samples show on the plug web sites. And look for that other dammed plug.
I guess it's very hard to compare to pictures.
Greg, I did swap them out, and after I would guess 200 miles or so to recheck they would come back the same, and the originally black ones would look ashen like the rest.
I have not done the propane test as yet, that is a option.
Marty, I realize the back two plugs share the same intake port. But I am reluctant to start taking things apart that have run well for over 10,000 miles at the least. I want to try a bit of logic first, and look at external items first. Although, my logic could be shot if I really did reinstall the damaged plug.
So I am back to the original problem of why the electrode burnt up.