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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. Great pics, Robin. Thanks. Looks like a lot of fun and bunch of neat old cars. Are the pedal cars all owned by the same person?
  2. Interesting story Paul. There is a weather change line somewhere in the vicinity of Nevada, MO......which is around halfway between Kansas City and Joplin. Springfield is about 70 miles East of Joplin......so we both get similar weather much of the time.
  3. Or....maybe that should be an "enhanced" sign.... Saw this recently. More interesting than the standard emblem.
  4. Pic frm ebay of another 54 Plym with small hubcaps.............
  5. Cool.......now the fun begins.
  6. Looks like fun............. Hey Robin........got any pics from the Rhythm Riot car doings to post?
  7. The only factory old Mopar split manifold I've seen was on a large truck. Some manifold splitting jobs are slicker and perhaps more original looking than others. Always interesting to hear about unusual things though. My preferred method for posting pictures to here is to first place them in an onlilne photo album site called PhotoBucket. There are others of similar nature. When putting pictures into that album, they offer a choice of sizes and the photos are automatically resized to those dimensions when you upload them. After a certain amount of free picture space they offer is used, they will continue on for a yearly fee of about $75. I chose to pay the fee rather than change my many pictures to some other site. Once in that album, you can click on one line using "cut and paste" method and put it onto this forum. Other people probably use some other similar method.....but that's the one I understand. Good luck with your project and keep us posted on progress.
  8. But.....not so easy to turn over the screen for a desktop computer. Hmmm......guess I better switch to my laptop.
  9. Hi Rodney. I've always thought White Post was a first class sort of place. I called them sometime back about sleeving my wheel cylinders. The man was very nice and helpful. But, I think, he may have passed on. So.........have a good time and put on a CD of Hank Williams, Jr......" all my rowdy friends are coming over tonite".
  10. I've been buying my 6V batteries from a local business called Battery Warehouse. Don't know who makes them as they put on their own name tag. They seem to last 3 to 5 years with occasional driving of the car. I bought a "battery tender" type charger to use during the winter months.....will see if that helps. The batteries this place sells cost about $60 or 65 bucks....with trade in.
  11. Hi and Welcome. As your post ages, it goes down the list.....but when a new comment it added, it returns it to the top (for a while). Feel free to asik questions on any topic.....someone usually knows something. You might try to figure out how to post a picture.....that's often helpful when we can see what part or area you're referring to. I first place my pictures in the PhotoBucket website, then transfer them to here. Other photo hosting sites work equally well, so it seems.
  12. If you want to know when your engine was built, there is a date of manufacture cast into the side of the block, below the distributor. Some will know this fact, so am posting for any that may not have discovered it. [**correction.....as was said in comments below......the date is when the block was cast and could be a different year than the car was made. However, it gets you in the neighborhood for age of the engine.] I don't know if that number was removed when an engine was re-manufactured by some company. The top number (on this 1950 Dodge motor) is the year, the two below the month and day. I would presume this information is on engines in all the Chrysler brands with flathead sixes. (Anyone with different information feel free to comment.) And, of course, the I D (or v i n type number) is on the flat boss just below the head on the driver's side. Here's the one on that same 50 Dodge motor.
  13. This guy in New Orleans has a cool take on a one man band......(at least I like it).
  14. Or......you can go for something less strenuous, like this........the washboard.
  15. Now, here's a real deal. Something you can do with a couple sticks and one of those empty 5 gallon buckets. All you need is some rhythm.
  16. Interesting.........I had no idea how they did that, but it IS fun to watch.
  17. I believe the small handle is for the overdrive..........on that ebay car mentioned above.
  18. Or.....yet another......with door option and wire covers. You could also get the Chrysler style wire wheels (if ordered) on a 54 model. The 54 Savoy I had for a while came with painted wires instead of chrome.
  19. I've seen that door top treatment on one or two over the years.....I kinda like it actually. Guess it was an option, at least for a while. Here's a 54 without it. But with the factory wire wheel covers.
  20. I agree.....a chopped top is not necessarily good looking on every type of car. And may not be too comfy....especially for taller guys. Here's about the "most far out" P15 remodel I've ever seen. Pic taken at Kansas City Goodguys show in 2007....... I prefer cars done more like this............
  21. Here's a really nice 54 model.........
  22. Looks like originally a 49 Dodge.......
  23. I think this wagon is a 54......lifted from carnut.com..........
  24. Around here, you pretty much do not see any old Mopar convertibles (except mine). There is a 53 (I think) from up around Kansas City that occasionally turns up. There was a 54 convert in the nearby town of Neosho, MO until sometime in the 1970s when it got sold and left town. Most parts on them, except for the top items, will be regular 53 Plymouth. The window glass is probably different too. This looks like the K.C. one, but don't know if it is. Found the pic on carnut.com site.
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