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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. I'm in, only if we can put that motor in my semi. The demo just went to the top of my "If I would win the lottery" list. I have a feeling if I did own that car I would make the 10% not to live after a 1000 miles. I have never driven anything except for a crotch rocket ( I backed off when I was at the top end of 3rd gear and my front tire was floating and I saw I was dong 130 MPH.) that I haven't open completely up. But what a way to go.
  2. I have a problem with charging that much for a tire. What happens then is the tires find there way into ditches or burnt at night. The cost should be added when purchased. I also think it is ridiculous that you cant take garbage out of a landfill. I take my construction demo to landfills at least once a week at several different locations around WI, depending where the project is. Most places don't care if I see something cool and take it out but a few of the bigger landfills will not allow you to remove anything once it enters. Most of my out buildings are built and decorated with landfill finds.
  3. They should have a few oversized people on one side and then throw some wind at it. Still a very cool picture, thanks for sharing
  4. I also have very good running boards and several other items for that model truck.
  5. Marion WI
  6. However!!! Last week I saw what I thought was a 48-50 1 ton in fleet farm so I stopped and talked to the guy and looked in the cab to see it was a 51-53. He said it started out a 48 but switched the cab to 52.
  7. It's either a 52' or 53'. I have a very nice 1.5 ton front axle from a 50' sitting in my shop. The truck had very few miles and a needed the rear axle and springs for my 49' camper I built.
  8. Very cool to see working trucks. Our sap season is all done and the trees are budding out already, the snow and ice is completely gone and road limits are coming off tomorrow. I hope you are tapping maples, all I see in the pictures are Ash trees and evergreens.
  9. Incredible looking rig. More pics of that truck please.
  10. Thanks for posting alll of the fun. I REALLY am going to try to make it next year. (If I am welcome).
  11. My father in law winters in Arizona and on there way home they will wrap hotdogs in foil and set them on top of the engine block as he travels. Took a few tries but he has the timing down now.
  12. That looks like a scene from Laurel and Hardy
  13. Nice headlights!!
  14. I just realized you don't have a semi tractor and matching trailer
  15. WOW, what a list. What do you mean by RC Pickup? WOW, what a list!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I wouldn't pay more than $1,000. my 2 cents
  17. Years ago we would work in Billings Montana a few weeks out the years for one of my biggest customer. One of my employees was an Indian with super long black hair. We would go to the bars and he would use that line on the hottest girls in the bar. Never did it fail.
  18. Congratulations on your new venture in life. Keep it an honest business that gives service beyond the sale and you and your wife will do great. The best advise I was given 30 years ago when I started up was "You can do 10 good things and 1 person will find out about it, but if you do one bad thing, 100 people will find out about it." Todd B
  19. thanks for sharing
  20. what the heck is snow milage?
  21. This gave me a good idea for a playhouse for my grandkids on one of my parts truck frames. Thanks for posting.
  22. Very cool pictures, I thought about it but we did not get enough rain yet.
  23. Update: My dodge dealer couldn't find any codes or anything wrong with my truck. They even tested my fuel thinking I possibly had a bad tank of full. They recommended 911 rescue additive in my fuel. I added with the next 2 tanks of fuel. I ran 2 days in a row 270 miles, 1st day empty truck and my mileage went from 12 MPG which is very common to 14.5MPG, the second day I pulled a 16' Enclosed trailer and my mileage went from 9.2 MPG which is very common to 10.6 MPG. I never had any stalls and the acceleration seemed to be much quicker. I am not sure if it is the filters or the 911 but I have never had this good of fuel mileage, and I bought this truck new. I am not sure if the dealer unhooked the battery as suggested by Neil. I wanted to wait and see what happened with the other things before I unhooked the battery.
  24. A few years back my city slicker over protected granddaughter was at our place for a few days in the fall. Her grandma picked some green beans and ate them right in the garden. Our granddaughter couldn't believe grandma did not wash it first. Now she comes over and will pull out a carrot and wipe if off on her pants and eat it right in the garden. Another time I had her drive my utility tractor and she was to light so I put a jumper wire in the safety switch so she could drive it without the tractor shutting off. Her mom showed up and she had to show her how she could drive grandpas tractor all by herself. Her mom overheard me telling someone that I had to override the safety switch, mom just gave me a dirty look and walked away. The good news is that the parents have realized that the kids get a great education when they are here.
  25. I have a 2011 dodge one ton dually, Cummins, with 165,000 miles on it. Sometimes when I am driving it seems like the truck stalls and if I take my foot off the gas and immediately accelerate and everything seems perfect. It happened the first few times when I was going 80 mph on the freeway and like I said, it only last a second or two. So I had my engine breather filter and fuel filters replaced. Two days later it happened again at 40 mph. Does anybody have any ideas what's going on. Its my main workhorse and I have been working 2 hours from home on a job and I am not sure if I can trust it. Its at the dealer right now and they are looking into what could be going on.
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