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greg g

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Everything posted by greg g

  1. Hey Marty, nice looking block color, looks familiar.
  2. Sweet lookin Canuck dude.
  3. Don C's motor is a Desoto longblock with Manifolds from George Asche. George is a MOPAR motor Guru from western PA. He rebuilds carbs, trannies, Overdrives, and makes dual exhaust conversions and dual and tripple intake conversions. His contact number is in the parts sources section of the main P15 D 24 site. My engine is a 56 Plymouth 230 witha Fenton intake and a couple of George's Carbs.
  4. Saddle shoe and Rheindeer sweater make it early to mid 50's IMHO.
  5. greg g


    Looks like something from ASK this OLD HOUSE. Was Rich C in you neighborhood lately???? Stranger still. Couple years ago I had an old Volvo Station Wagon. the heater core leaked changing the defroster into a refroster. Well around hear, Defrosters and heaters are kinda necessary from November till April. So I looked into the situation ffor changing the heater core. Book said 3.5 hours just to remove the controlls, the dashboard, and the other stuff in the way of the core. So going by the fact that I usually average about 2.5 X whatever the book says, I looked for other options. The car had AC which did not work due to a bad compressor clutch (very expensive and use of R 12 freon, not enviro friendly) So going on the premiss that a heat exchanger is a heat exchanger, I cut the lines and plumbed the heater hoses into the AC circuit, added a screw type manual set it and forget valve to controll the coolant going through, and presto chango, dry heat and defrost. Back yard shade tree at its finest, I'd say.
  6. Primer on MOPAR Flat head 6. Basically for cars there are 2 varients. The short (in length) block and the long block. Plymouth and Dodge used the short block. These are 23 1/2 inches long measured at the head. They came in displacements of 201, 218, and 230 from 1940 to 1959, when they were replaced by the veneralble slant 6 for the 1960 production year. These engines stayed in production till the early 70's for industrial, marine, agricultural, and stationary equipment use. So luckily for us parts are relatively easy to find. Chryslers, Desoto's and Canadian and export Plymouths and Dodges use the long block measuring 25 inches at the head. These came in various displacements including but not limited to 228, 251, and 265. There were also a couple of longer truck engines with displacements in the 300 to 400 range but these seem to be few and far between. Putting a long block in a Plymouth will require some metal surgery. Most notably relocating the radiator to the front side of the support, and making some clearence in the front crossmember for vibration damper clearence. I see from your profile that you are a welder so neither of these mods should pose much of a problem for you should you choose to go the long block route. Should you choose to you can make a 230 in a 218 block by swapping the crank and rods from a 230. Chrysler made it easy as all thes pieces just bolt in (perhaps wit a little grinding of block material for crank throw clearence) Check the member list for Blueskies and check out his website as he made a 230 this way. I have a 230 out of a 56 Plymouth in my car. It is massaged a bit with decked block, milled head, dual carbs etc. Keep in touch with your questions, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "the info source for pre and post war Mopar owners." There is a lot of information on the site that supports these forums. Have a look around, ask any question you want to and enjoy your project.
  7. On the engine block above the generator and just be low the head there is a cast flat spot. there is a number punched in there. The number should start with a "P 15" if the engine is original to the car. Not 100% sure but I believe Plymouth engines were 218 until 1954 (P24). So if it starts with a P15 it is likely a 217.8 (218). Also, the difference between a 218 and a 230 was the length of the stroke. On the cylinder head over number 6 cylinder is a square pipe plug. This is located directly above the piston. Removing this plug gives acces to the moving piston. Remove the plug and insert a piece of stif wire about 8 inches long. Remove the other plugs so you can turn the motor over by turning the fan, and measure the length of movement of the wire. This will give you a direc measurment of the stroke. (Some p15 engines may have had their cranks and rods changed yielding a 230 engine so the stroke measurement will confirme whether you rengine is a 218 or a 230. 3 3/8 = 218 3 5/8 = 230. Oh yea and by the way welcome aboard!!!! Congratulations on your selection of MOPAR as your classic car. They are well engineeered, simple to repair (for the most part) and as reliable as dirt once in good running condition.
  8. Assure that you high idle cam is in its park position. If it is loose it might be bouncing to a positon that contacts the idle screw.
  9. Well how about haunted appliances??? We mived into our first house in 1974. It was a three story colonial in the University Section of Syracuse's east side. We got the house as part of an estate settlement. The Family or 8 kids mother and father had lived in the house since 1933. The house was built in 1920. The mother was the last to live in the house, she had died at home about 1 1/2 years earlier of natural causes. The house still had much of the family's furnature and furnishings in the house when we bought it. Some of the kids worked out an arrangement to get some of the stuff after we bought the place, but there was still a lot of stuff in the house. We had some friends in one weekend and cleared most everything except the old refrigerator and the easher dryer in the cellar. About a month after moving in we were sitting inthe living room and heard a noise in the basement. I went down and found the washing machine full and running. Neither my wife nor I had started the machine. We were not using them as we didn't know their condition and the washing machine tub was rusty. So I set it to spin, emptied and un plugged it. Several weeks later my wife heard the tell tale soud of water running somewhere in the house, checked all the faucets and toilets and the outside spigot, nothing running. Checking in the basement, she found the washing machine half full. she shut off the water. Later I went down, plugged it in, spun the water out of it, unplugged it and disconnected the hose. Several weeks later, we found water once again inthe tub of the washer, It was unpluged and the hose was disconected. Plugged it in, emptied it uplugged it and moved it to the other side of the celler along with the dryer. We replaced the units with new machines we had purchesed. Time went by until some hands and a truck were securred to remove the old washer and dryer. Dryer went first without a hitch. Went to move the washer and it was full of water again...... Now I'm sure that the mother did lots and lots of laundry, probably several loads everyday, but with the family moved out and her 1 and 1/2 years dead, you would have thought she would have let it go. My wife who is very spirit sensitive to these things said she felt the presence of the women many times, but that they stopped after the washer and dryer were removed.
  10. We have a couple locally, I have had experience with one. Landmark Theater. We have an old movie palace that was originally called Lowes State Theater. It was opened in 1928 in a grand style featuring ornate carvings, Indo Asian scenes and little alcoves and niches of gilded carved plaster and lighted with chendeliers of punched metal. It has been purchased by a not for profit restoration foundation, and has been brought back to life as the Landmark Theater. The theater is reportedly the home of a spirit named Claire. Numerous people have seen a lady in white climbing or descending the grand staircases, or in the wings or in the hallway of the second floor dressing rooms. Many people have reported having seen her on their visits to the theater. The 13 curves ghost. There is a section of road in the town of Onondaga which follows a stream through a narrow steep walled gorge. The story goes that a young couple was on their way to thier honey moon, was involved in a tragicaccident, crashing into the creek. Several versions of the story exist but but the most popular involves the woman's spirit. Her spirit wanders the gorge looking looking for peace. I have driven that stretch of road many times, and have several times seen a weak gauzy floating white light along the banks of the creek, which is there, then gone. click the link for other varients. http://www.syracuse.com/halloween/index.ssf?/halloween/curves.html Happy Holloween from Central NY.
  11. According to email I just recieved I have won at least 150,000 Pounds Sterling in a British lottery. Could be more, all I need do is send a 400 euro processing fee to the administrators for confirmation and updating of my prize amount. Were any other of you gents and ladies as lucky with the lottery you didn't enter???? Says entry is based on some sort of web activity, Good thing I have been so busy posting to these and other boards. WoW who would have thunk the chatting amongst you folks would make me a wealthy man. I will be dispatching the wife to the PO for a money order post haste in order to send them their money.........
  12. this any help???? http://www.autocolorlibrary.com/cgi-bin/search/search.pl
  13. Forum member Shel's home town is in the area which has been included in the area under the State of Emergency. This results from a snow storm which dumped up to 18 inches of heavy wet snow on the area. This was accompanied by steady winds of 35 mph with gusts near 60. Lots of trees and wires down, hunters being rescued from the woods, and other weather related chaos. I would imagine that power and communication lines are down and will take quite a while to get repaired. Weather for tomorrow, Sunny 65 to 70 Degrees. So flash floods are now predicted, form the melt off. G
  14. Silver, with satin black accessories.
  15. Lookslike a truck engine, seller sent this number; T1 12 724
  16. Seller sent this ID number T1 12 724
  17. Basically there are two studs with ball shaped tops which screw into captured nuts welded to the floor pan. The balls fit into the holes cast into the back of the pedal assembly. Somebody fabed up a reasonable facsimile and posted a pic a while back hopefully they still have the photo and will repost. Was it you Don C???
  18. Here is a tool that a fellow made to adjust the brakes on his Graham Paige. They shared brake system types with mopars and were a cousin of MOPAR engineering wise. So you can make your own and follow the directions on the main site tech page. Here is the link to the Graham Page Technical site. Scroll down to the piece on brakes. http://members.shaw.ca/rjsill/tech.htm Brakes are a good place to start, no sense going if you can't stop. Making a mechanically sound and safe car is a good way to go. Once you get it driveable, you can attend to the cosmetic stuff. Also with these cars, the electrical system is fairly simple but if it is still 6 V, they can be finicky. Most of this is related to people replacing wires over the years with stuff that is for 12 V systems and too thin for the current flow requirements of 6 V. The other thing is to assure that the connections are clean and tight, and that there are good grounds for all appliances. Also make sure the old wire is still wrapped in its 60 year old insulation. Mice like to nibble on insulation, and bare wires rubbing on one another is not a good thing.
  19. I believe I saw somewhere where unnumbered blocks were sold to rebuilders, equipment manufacturers, and others. They would build up the blocks and sell them or use them in their equipment. Some one posted a picture of a warehouse full of engine blocks, new block castings as far as the eyes can see.
  20. Not a real fan of stickers either. I do have a collection of them, and will display them temporarily, but generally do not affix them permantly. I like the static cling deal as they are on and off, reusable and transferable friendly. But lots of people like em so "each to his own"
  21. here is something I played with for a window/bumper sticker. Graphics aren't sharp, but thought it was a good take off of the hemi thing. Maybe one of you graphic gurus can clean it up, and get some made up for sale as a forum fundraiser.
  22. 15 to 20 lb ft. They don't want to be over tight as the manifolds need to move abound a bit with the heat cycles.If you can't get a torque wrwnch on all of them, snug them then do about 1/2 turn more. Engine looks good. Are you going to be installing the fuel pump heat shield?
  23. Are you sure it isn't just an ehaust system rattle??? Or a motor mount problem?? Can't think of anything else but a vacuum leak that would cause problem on deceleration.
  24. But you gotta admire a guy who can head clonk a couple of badies, then wrap them up with the rear bumper from 40 Dodge sedan.
  25. Lots of early cars, Lois Lane just driving a 49-48 Desoto Coupe. Couple of shots of Desoto Taxi's and other 40's Vehicles. These are the films that showed in Movie houses with a new episode every week. Kinda campy and the special effects are pretty basic. but neat to see.
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