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Everything posted by GaryPrice

  1. Sorry. I've been working long hours. Haven't been on here in a while. I'll try to get some pics in the next few days.
  2. Sorry to be late to the game. I haven't logged-in, in quite some time. I fabricated my own brackets and have a bone yard Cavalier rack and pinion in there. I had the original steering arms to begin with, but found a guy that made a custom set that was shortened, so those are in there now. They made a huge difference in turning radius. I used the inner tie rods from the cavalier, and then cut the original tie rods from the Plymouth, using original style replacement outer tie rod ends. I tapped the original tie rod, that I'd cut, to match the metric thread adjuster on the Cavalier. Works well. I had a 318 Magnum with Saginaw pump, which was too much for the Cavalier rack. I installed a flow reducer fitting in the pump and it feels great, not really sensitive at all.
  3. This is the one I have also, under the dash.
  4. First car I bought was a 72 Challenger Ralleye 340, then 10 years old, for a nod-nod, wink-wink $100 (actually did some work for my aunt and she put $100 on the title, for tax purposes, but really gave it to me). Here's the rest I've had, unless I forget one: 79 Stepside - Warlock 85 Shelby Charger 85 Minivan 90 Minivan 93 Dakota 80-something Colt turbo, but that was really a Bitsu 99 Ram 2WD 63 Dart - 360 Current: 2003 4WD RAM - Hemi 2010 Charger R/T - wife's car My Plymouth has a 98 318 Magnum....if that counts
  5. Here are mine. 70 something Mopar steelies, painted, ribbed trim rings, baby moons.
  6. If you're interested, I have (5) 15" rims that still have the center clips, all in great shape. I also have (4) excellent full wheel covers that are in excellent shape. They're just gathering dust in the garage. They came off my P15.
  7. Telecom Equipment/Network Engineer, 25 years.
  8. Where was the swap meet? I was in Nashville this weekend. Had I known, I would have dropped the wife off at Opry MIlls yesterday and came down, instead of sitting on a bench in the mall for two and a half hours.
  9. I used the Newport wiper kit also. Good fit. I forget the name of the distributor, but, I actually bought mine on-line for $15-$20 less than Newport direct was...last year. Probably on your own to fab up something on the brake/clutch. I bought an under floor pedal, booster, and m/c combo off eBay really cheap, but had to modify the floor just a bit, but, I'm running an automatic, so clutch is nixed. I like the MP3 idea above. I've been trying to figure out what to do on mine. I put a heat/air/def kit on it, and it already takes up half my glove box space. Going to have to make a new glove box.
  10. Looks like ol' Ma Mopar made it that way. Great job!
  11. Robert, I've been up to the Fly-In Cruise-In about every year. My dad and I always look forward to it, along with a few of our friends. Do you usually go? We saw, today, that it'd been cancelled for this year. Have some of the classic birds cancel? Heard any real reason why?
  12. I bought a new 318 Magnum long block a couple of years ago, and put in my P15 last year. It had a leak coming from around the RMS area from the get go. It got a bit worse as time progressed. I've now replaced it twice and it leaks worse than ever now. My other thought is that it might be coming from the oil gallery or cam plug? I've kind of ruled out the oil gallery plugs because it's leaking staight down below the rear seal, and I can get my hand up under sides of the block and it's dry as a bone. So, my question is, if it's the cam plug, would it leak straight down around the rear main? From the beginning, there's been zero oil on the flex plate or torque convertor. I would think if it's the cam plug there would be some oil puddled back in the bell housing and on the flex plate and torque convertor woudln't there? I would just pull the tranny loose and check it out, but, I've got other reasons I can't do that right now.
  13. But, it's been in the 20's at night. Maybe it'll kill that Bradford pear tree I hate so much!. I was supposed to go cruising with my Pop today, he's got a '48 Ford pickup, but need to attend a funeral of my wife's distant relative instead. Unfortunately, cars aren't the only thing getting older. Guy was in the Navy in WWII. He lied about his age and enlisted at 15. WWII vets are disappearing every day. He had some interesting stories. To all those (WWII to IRAQ adn Afghanistan) that have served to protect our freedom and liberty, A BIG THANKS!
  14. Glad to hear things are looking up.
  15. early for a HEMI? It looks like a 53?
  16. Seriously thinking about buying it. If I do...it WILL be MOpowered. If I can't get an early HEMI, I know I can get a 318 POLY motor cheap (free, needs rebuilt), or, I could go Big Block, although I'd hate to separate it, I know where there's a low-mile 63 Newport with a push button 361 sitting and trying to rust. A push-button 361 would look cool in there, and for the casual observer it'd look like a 383.
  17. My dad's got a '48 Ford F1 that started life in Washington State. How long it was there, I don't know. I've never seen a more rust free body. Absolutely zero rust in the original cab or anywhere in the bed. It definitely wasn't garage kept. What it lacked in rust, it made up for in dings. When he got it, the hood looked like kids had used it for a trampoline.
  18. and Camaros, in the floorboards, and in the vent/cowl of one. It won't stick to smooth surfaces. It has to be roughed up or etched. They have a pre-treatment, which is a phosphiric acid spray, that neutralizes the rust, and the paint then seals it. The one cowl area I did, there wasn't much way to pre-treatment, so I painted it directly on the rust. I painted the entire floorboard, which was pitted badly and had a few pin holes in it, plus one hole about as long and wide as my index finger. With three coats, the pin holes sealed well. The paint covers very well. A little goes a long way. After treating and painting the floors, I soaked some fiberglass mat with the paint, and laid over the hole, then one more coat on that area. I also painted over the hole and fiberglass mat from underneath. Afterward it was as solid as new. I could jump up and down on that floor and it didn't give. I had that car for five years before I finally got it painted and the drivetrain/interior etc. and I never had any of the POR paint peel or rust poke through it. The other cars I've done, one hasn't been done long and the other is in progress now, so I don't have a track record on them. On the first one though, it lasted as long as I had the car, and the cowl was good also. So the jury's still out on them. One of my friends liked the looks of my floors so well, he had me help him do the trunk of his Nova. It was similar to my floors. Heavily pitted with one hole about half dollar size. We treated it the same, and then we used the POR primer. POR paint doesn't stick very well to slick surfaces. They have their own primer that's supposedly "formulated" to stick to it. I'm sure there's probably other primers that are cheaper that will work. All the paint and primer were brushed with sponge brushes, same as I've done all mine. After the primer, my friend sprayed his trunk with the GM speckled paint. It looked great. That was seven years ago and, although he sold the car locally, it's still holding up great and has won a couple of times at Super Chevy. I'd never put it on a part that shows, or try and use it anywhere that has structural support. For floors, trunks, cowls (not Fred Flinstone), until I have a bad experience, I'll continue to use it.
  19. A-Body kit before and was familiar with them. It's pretty straight forward and works great. I had a bushing issue and called them, had the correct one right away (best I can remember I got it next day, but won't swear that). On the other hand, I've heard nothing but good things about Old Daddy's kits also. Everyone says he/they are great also. Probably wouldn't go wrong either way.
  20. I saw this add on local Craigslist. Can't always tell by pics, but it looks pretty solid in the pics. $800 http://tricities.craigslist.org/cto/2808305883.html
  21. I like the disk brakes, and they're very stout. The Exploder rear is supposed to be much stouter than the 8.8" Ranger, from what I've heard. I've heard some folks says they're about as strond as a 9". Again, the main reason I picked one up was the disk brakes. I almost grabbed an 8 1/4" Cherokee instead. If it'd had disk, I'd done it to keep it Mopar...haha! One other minor nuisance is they use 3 1/4" u-bolts instead of 3"...wide housing.
  22. kept the local Chrysler/Plymouth dealer in business. Dad had a '65 Belvedere that was our family car (and only car) that he'd take to the local strips, throw some slicks on it, and race it on weekends. The late Shirl Greer even helped him tune that car. It was a very stout 383/4 spd. Between Dad and Richard Petty, I was hooked on Plymouths, even though I was under 10 yrs old. Then, when I was a teenager, Dad got into Street Rods. He was building a Model-A, but wound up seling it. Then he had a '47 Chevy. The first car I owned was a '72 Challenger 340 Ralleye. I traded a little construction work when my aunt was finishing her basement for the car, in 1983. She'd bought it new. It was in really good condition. It was her daily driver for 10 years. Don't let anybody tell you all E-bodies rust. Although it was properly maintained, it didn't see a garage until about a year before I bought it. It was always parked outdoors. Then, five or six years ago, I got to wanting another hotrod. I wanted another Challenger, but a decent one was out of my range. So, I found a good deal on a '63 Dart, bought a welder, new quarters and floors, changed it to a 360/904 combo with an 8" rear out of a Maverick. I wound up seeling the Dart a couple of years ago because I wanted a Street Rod. I looked around for a project, and almost bought a '47 Dodge pickup and then a '29 Model-A Tudor. Both were extensive projects. I was cruising Craigslist and found my '49 P15 at a new car dealer in Charlotte. Somebody had traded it on a new Jeep Liberty. I drove down, bought it, and drove it around the rest of the year with the original drivetrain, then started modifying it after the summer was over.
  23. Sorry. I've had so much going on, haven't been on in a while. It's a 3.55. It's wound a little too tight on the highway for me, but does well for cruising around the back roads.
  24. They're stout enough for a 318/904 combo. I ran across a good deal on an Explorer 8.8". It's a really stout rear, but, the only reason I chose it was the disk brakes. 4 wheel disk, rack and pinion steering, king pins...modern marvel huh? Actually though, it does handle much better than I'd expected.
  25. open around here. One still does it the way they did 55 years ago. When you pull up, if you flash your lights they come take your order. Otherwise, you're going in to eat. Of course, Sonics are everywhere, but the old traditional drive-ins are fading almost as fast as the drive-in movies. That pick above reminds me a lot of American Graffiti. Ironically, I just watched that movie for the 47000th time a couple of nights ago, because my daughter's boyfriend hadn't seen it. She said "Dad, you're not going to pull out the American Graffiti DVD again are you?". They laugh because I know the actors lines inside out. Yeah, it's my favorite movie, just because of the scenery. After I watched it again the other night, I got to thinking about Hollywood Knights. Although a more risque knock-off of American Graffiti, it still had a bunch of great hot rods...so I went on Amazon and ordered it. Now, when it arrives in the mail, I'll force them to watch it too!
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