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Everything posted by billrigsby

  1. I plan on a good spray of under-coating in those badly prone areas, but not too much to be highly visible unless you are looking for it. (front light mounting areas, side upper fender mount and some hand painting in the creases of the fender) Colorado is not too big on salt, but Mag-Chloride is almost as bad, probably be a summer vehicle though.
  2. Got some questions on the 1 Ton wheels. In going through parts it seems I only have three of the four rubber wheel liners needed for tube tires. 1. Is there a good source for these? (I need two more, one for the fourth wheel and a spare) 2. Are these wheels designed or 'can they be' used with 'tubeless' tires? (suggestions) 3. Do people still do these kind of wheels with the split rings, and who? (local shops do not, have not checked in the 'big city' yet, semi truck tire dealers?) 4. Good tire options for a resto look? Thanks, sorry for my ignorance on old tires.
  3. Compare New Dodge Job Rated Trucks feature for feature - 1948.pdf View File 1948 Print Ad Submitter billrigsby Submitted 02/27/2021 Category Marketing Brochures  
  4. BEST.... in every weight class - 1949.pdf View File 1949 Magazine Ad Submitter billrigsby Submitted 02/27/2021 Category Marketing Brochures  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    1949 Magazine Ad
  6. Version 1.0.0


    1949 Magazine Ad
  7. Yes Sir That's My Baby - 1949.pdf View File 1949 Magazine Ad Submitter billrigsby Submitted 02/27/2021 Category Marketing Brochures  
  8. Here's what Job-Rated means to you.. - 1949.pdf View File 1949 Magazine Ad Submitter billrigsby Submitted 02/27/2021 Category Marketing Brochures  
  9. Compare New Dodge Job-Rated TRUCKS feature for feature! - 1948.pdf View File 1948 Print Ad Submitter billrigsby Submitted 02/27/2021 Category Marketing Brochures  
  10. Got the canister all painted, still working on a decal; still not sure what to do about the mounting bracket, the one I have is definitely not correct compared to other photos, If any one has any good photos and dimensions for the correct one I would appreciate it, do not have a good shot of the back;
  11. Almost forgot..... Complete Seat Bottom Cushion Will probably NEVER find a matching Seat Back Cushion (this is NOT to be considered a parts request) ? Also picked this up on EBay last week, not sure if it is NOS, but a nice collectable, does not seem to have been used, but not stored correctly either;
  12. Thanks I'll look into the Napa FIL 1002 the other two you mentioned are the two that, everything I've read really just don't fit, they're too big, you can force them in, but I don't know what that would do for the filtration quality. I also do vaguely remember in the back of my brain, that I once saw something that implied paper filters were designed to filter in one direction, while the sock type filters filtered in the opposite direction making the paper ones less if not ineffective.
  13. The thread on the Deluxe JC Oil Filter got me started on not only reverse-designing the label but since I pulled out the filter, decided to clean and paint. Not too cold to paint but too cold for paint curing, so in the house it goes. The winds have picked up so color tomorrow. Still trying to ID the element that came with this, will also need new mounting brackets, these are not correct for a B1D.
  14. This was the element that was with it, took some do'in to get it in and out, not as bad as the Napa and WIX filters, sounds like you need a hammer to get them in. Literally no identification marks, does anyone have any idea as to make/model? Suggestions on a decent element? How do the Baldwin JC405s fit, they seem to be much simpler in design than this one. What about a new paper filter cartridge? Providing it is the same dimensions?
  15. This thread keeps bringing more questions than answers, I went out to the crates today and unpacked my filter canister. It appears to be "IS" a 'DELUXE JC' but with differences, the bottom is not smooth like all of the photos in this thread, but has embossed ridges. The drain plug is also not at an angle but points straight down? Any whoose, I broke it down and will get it blasted and painted this weekend. May not be 'proper' but will give me that filtration, not sure where this one came from? Mine also does not have the single mounting bracket like @bkahler's does but two with longer screws/square nuts, not a bolt/nut, plot thickens. May need to make a mounting bracket. Brad, can you send me some good photos/measurements of the mounting system on yours? ?
  16. I have been staring at these photos for way too long, but I noticed there are two different applications of the decal. One centered under the Outlet and one to the right of the Outlet, wondering which is correct or both? I think I am almost there with the decal, at least close enough for my use. ?
  17. Does it have a T-Nut on top or a standard bolt, can't tell from your photo but looks like the T Handle? I believe Dodge made some with a nut, the Deluxe JC uses the T Handle, this is what the top looks like on the Deluxe JC;
  18. Went through some of my photos to see what NOS Parts I had accumulated for this project over the years. Crankshaft Gauge Set and Speedo Faceplate Kingpin Bushing Set and Seals Seals for Rear Axle Rear Spring Bolts Ever Dry Kit 1 Ton Running Boards (long ones)
  19. Yes, very time-consuming especially with pencil and paper albeit probably more accurate if you have that kind of talent which I do not. The girl definitely has that kind of talent however lacks the fortitude to see something completely through in a timely manner, I would like this done before I am converted to ashes. As long as I can get it to the point where I'm happy, that's all I care about and I'll slap one on my filter.
  20. Correct, I am using Corel Draw, the problem remains - there are not any decent photos I can find to get as accurate as I would like. It is getting closer, still not happy - yet. ?
  21. First go at it, needs a lot of tweaking, no real good photos out there.
  22. My original cardboard one was in sad shape, re-made one of heavy cardboard, better las more than a few days.?
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