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Everything posted by HanksB3B

  1. Hello Mark, Living Dangerously Eh ? Hank P.S. I've made a folding 2 piece 1/4" pegboard protective liner for my truck. The holes act like a drilled brake rotor and keep items from sliding around. (works great)
  2. Thanks Tim, I was half expecting the demo guy (working without a respirator) to pass out and be laying on his garage floor overcome by phosphoric acid fumes during the video. Back in the days I first got my truck (used as an old roofing truck) there was a place in Santa Fe Springs that dipped my entire cab and front clip into an acid bath (which was subsequently nutralized) It was rediculously inexpensive like $160 for my entire truck which was returned to me as shiny metal. It was way cool driving my Raw Shiney Metal Cab back home that day. Saved a whole lot of hard work removing coat after coat of paint that had been applied by the P.O. Glad that's over, Hank P.S. EPA put a stop to their business years ago
  3. I know my shop used a self etching primer that I think had phosphoric acid or something like that if I remember correctly Hank
  4. Really nice job ! Now let the real fun begin ! Hank
  5. I'm so glad you are o.k. (Rod drives on the highway..I don't) and that your truck got off so easy. With your knowledge of tools Rod, somehow that 's crazy fix doesn't suprise me. Remember yesterday when the guy was using a crescent wrench for a hammer? I guess your motto "The right tool for the right job" flew out the window on this one. Glad it wasn't one of your vintage Pebble Finish Plumb Tools. . Let me know if you need help. (my power brake bleeder might come in handy) Check out the Vintage Oil Plug Wrench Rod spotted for me yesterday at the Rodium Open Air Market.(no big deal unless you don't have one) I couldn't resist the $10 Made in USA; in-the-box-never-been-used handrill either. Meanwhile, I better check my nuts...yours fell off and I sure don't want that happening to me, Hank
  6. all the resource you need to know.. http://www.tcpglobal.com/ now do your homework, and good luck ! Hank
  7. After much agonizing and believing I could only achieve maximum stopping power by either owning or renting an Ammco 1750, I came to realize the Ammco 1750 main advantage (and what will get you the most stopping power) is that it is primarily used for shaping the brake lining to match the inside diameter of the brake drums. While the tool would be great to own, a good brake shop can both grind the brake drums and properly hone the brake linings. So basically owning/using the Ammco 1750 real value is if you live in the country and don't have access to a good brake shop. Here's a link to a brake thread from a while back, see Post #82 http://p15-d24.com/topic/35370-factory-brake-job/?hl=hanksb3b Hank
  8. Davin, Are you sure you want to do that I haven't measured mine yet but I'm pretty sure they are the correct ones. Thought for sure I could get them to you before the sandblaster got his work done. Hank (will look tomorrow)
  9. I guessed JohnT and I also know who the other person is but just like Merle I'll keep it quiet for now too. Hope yur wives turn out to be as cool as my Blanca...I highly recommend that you ask them for help with an oil change and a grease job before you get into anything too deep. Right from the get go let them know your first love is your truck. If they are o.k. with that then I say go for it ! Congratulations to both you guys, recommended reading: (take this seriously) Hank
  10. Joe, It looks great ! and you did it pretty fast too ! Hank
  11. Good research Davin... Hank
  12. I guess it depends on whether the outhouse is full or empty. Let's see it ! Hank
  13. Wait...I'm confused, he took the semi not the Harley..Tim can't you come up with something better like a bed full of hay or steer manure and put all us City Pilothouse Slickers to shame. I expect more from you Tim. Hank
  14. Do something else, don't waste time...there is always more stuff to do..Heck until it snows a hood shouldn't hoild you back. Hank
  15. I have and idea...why don't you take your fenders off. and sandblast your cab. Hank
  16. Not-a-Dodge..but you get the idea...all fixed up and ready to roll. Personally I'm not a fan of patina, but in some cases (like the bike below), I understand the sentiment. (in the background is the famous "Munchkin Hotel" where all the little people stayed during the filming of the Wizzard of OZ). and there's the bike for Paul... that I'll buy him next time I see it Looks like there is some challenge to it that's for sure and no the "diff" is extremely "diff" er ent. Great Project ! Hank
  17. I'm really enjoying using my truck for what it was made to do. I'll have to take a picture of my pegboard Bed Floor Protectors. The holes in the pegboard act as drilled rotors and I can drive all over town without things sliding all over the place. That and a new Movers Blanket works great for flip-top contaners and lumber. I do want to design/fabricate some removeable inner sidewall truck bed wall liners. Hank
  18. I remember those days though they were a long time ago. Mine did come loose once and slid off along a curve. I did finally did get mudflaps though... Problem is no bed...no fenders.. My truck is a lot happier now (me too) Your truck is coming out real nice, Hank
  19. First time is tricky...(at least it was for me..but yes now I'm an expert and it is a piece of cake) Hank
  20. Could have been worse...you do run with a Fire Extinguisher I presume... Fuel Pump Rebuild...Oh what fun but when you get the rod into the arm your're good (You'll also discover just how foul your language can be along the way) (get Chris on the line from Then & Now he'll walk you through it) http://then-now-auto.com/ http://www.maritimedragracing.com/which_kit_do_you_need.htm Hank
  21. Nice to know you have friends. Hank
  22. I wish I knew him. I hope there are Pilothouse Trucks in heaven and you can just ride through the clouds and skim over wheat fields. Rest in Peace and thank you for your great contribution. Hank
  23. Sounds Unbelievable ! Have a Great Time ! (and take a lot of pictures) Hank
  24. Brent B3B, Wow I forgot all about this thread and it's sort of good timing for me. (want to bring the clutch into factory spec with the components I use). VPW sells NOS throwout bearings with the true (non-re-pop) housing and don't forget to but the $5 throwout bearing return spring along with it. If I had a birthday wish it'd be for an authentic Mopar Pressure Plate and complete clutch kit from Don Coatneys favorite place Tennesee Clutch. Somehow asking my wife for stuff like that doesn't fly.... Do it right the first time! Hank P.S. Beaver Creek..humm, sounds interesting. Our neighbors just got back from a 1,000 mile loop (inc. mt. Rainier). Post a few pics of your truck and surrounding landscape.
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