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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. This car was featured in Hemmings Classic car a few years ago too
  2. Lots of good stuff, at Princess Auto, there motto is "No Sale Is Ever Final, till your satisfied". A lot of there stuff is off-shore made, but a lot is of decent quality.....Fred there link, if the prices seem higher they are, as it is in Canada, in Canadian dollars. http://www.princessauto.com/
  3. Don't forget you had the head shaved, did you not, more compression = more zip
  4. Rodney this day and age, no doubt would be Detroit or Cummings powered, years back a Chrysler flat head 6 with all it's low rpm torque.......Fred
  5. Here you go Rodney, a website that deatails tundra buggy tours of Churchill and it's Polar Bears, they even have a Polar Bear Jail, for wayward Bears. You cannot driveall the way to Chruchill, the furthest north you can drice is about Thompson, then the rest by train or you can fly in from Winnipeg Or Thompson. Here is a link for you http://www.tundrabuggy.com/
  6. Hi Rodney, Churchill is 850 mile to the north of where I sit now, in the sub-arctic region of this province, thank God for that. Winnipeg and area is in the very southern part of the province, in the temperate zone, much like Minneapolis, Chicago, summer is hot here, but winters can be nasty at times, this winter wasn't too bad, not as much snow,wind, or extreme temps like -20 to -40 farentheit temps. Now Pat S is going to chime in and talk about his 1972 experience here,LOL, but Calagary enjoys Chinooks( warm pacific air) and milder temps in winter, but we have much warmer, longer summer than Calgary. I will post some pics of my home town Winnipeg Manitoba. PS our former Premier(Governor), is now the Canadian Ambassador in Washington DC, drop in and say hi to him his Name Is Gary Doer
  7. Just noticed, is that a frost shield in the back window. You guys down south who have never seen such an item, have a looksy. I am not sure you can even buy these anymore, at least I have not bought one since the early 80s here in Canada........
  8. Here are some prices for Raybestos parts, -front wheel cyls $33.79 X 4 = $135.16 -drums machined $30 -brake hose front $14.63 X 2=$29.26 -brake shoes relined $100 -approx total for front brakes = $294.42 plus taxes and shipping if needed -front disc brake conversion could be $500 to $600, so it could be an extra $300, but wellworth it in performance and reliability, as compared to sotck brakes, and no headache to set-up the lockheed brakes. I know now what I would be doing. Rockauto has Raybestos MCs for $181.79..........Fred
  9. Glad to hear your making progress, nice little car BTW. Just be darn careful if you plan to crawl under the car, with your stands on the wheel dollies, add some more blocking or stands, if you plan to crawl under her. Those look like Princess Auto stands..... PS, you can get new wheel cyls from Rock Auto, they have the Raybestos brand, also if you can have your MC sleeved with stainless, all the better. The lines, hoses you can get from NAPA, as well as the MC kit. Have your drums measured, and get them machined just enough to clean them up, be sure they measure them first, 10 plus .060 over is whats allowed, this means the drum can havea total of .030 machined, for a total of of .060 on overall cross measurement, the brake shop should know this anyway. If you have a problem with thie drums, to be honest, this is a good time to convert to front disc brakes, not a whole lot more in money terms when you factor the price of the 4 new wheel cyls, drums turned brake shoes re-lined, sure wish I di it that way first. I also used DOT 5 silicone brake fluid, not for everyone, but works well for me, especially with cars like ours that sit for months on end in winter.........Good Luck Fred
  10. Chrysler pentastar
  11. Here it is.. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/LOC0/LC14400.oap?keyword=lc14400
  12. Thanx Greg, any idea what CFM those may have....
  13. Here Joe, NAPA $15.99. http://www.napaonline.com/Search/Detail.aspx?R=ECHKS6482_0182380975
  14. Here is a plate topper I have, it was from a Farmer out of North Dakota, he passed away years back, not sure where he got it from.........
  15. Hi Johnny 5, if I decided to go with the 2bbl to 1 bbl intake adaptor,split exhaust, engine stock, which carb might be best for a driver.The engine is a 218 Canadian Long Block 6, the same engine as a 251, except for a smaller bore and slightly shorter stroke.....Fred
  16. Yes that makes sense, thanx for explaining
  17. 1/4 inch foam, works great on door panels or kick panels, and is exaclty what I used, lot of shops do to........Fred
  18. Thanx Ed, now I gotya......Fred
  19. Hey, I was perusing the latest issue of Hot Rod Deeluxe Magazine, came across a feature on Car Club Plaques, featuring a plaque collector Stan the Plaque Man. I was amazed at the many different plaques, most of which are from the Southern California area. But I was sure surprized when I saw plaques from my Hometown, Winnipeg, and surrouding area of Manitoba. Clubs such as Coiquistadores, Pacemakers, King Pins, Coils Customs, Thunderbirds, Strokers, and Catalina Car Clubs. Now that is anot a bad number of clubs for little old Winnipeg and area.......Fred
  20. Ed, I used ordinary terminals on my voltage reg, what type should I have used?
  21. Yes you are correct, no direct battery conection goes to the reg, meaning no cable from bat to reg. It flows regulator to ammeter, then to igntion switch, then to sol switch, to complete the circuit ..Fred
  22. Joe, you be making a funny, are you feeling the effects of Cabin Fever.............LOL
  23. Jon, glad you started her up, but having to cut open the major adjustment slot under the dizzy, that I do not get. Can you or anyone else explain this to me. Is it possible your plug wires to diz cap were on correct? I am happy for you it's now running, but having to make more adjustment on the bottom major adjuster is got me wondering, infact you should be fine tuning the diz with the top adjuster, the bottom should have plenty of movement in either direction......Fred
  24. The 6 volt starter will run fine on the 12 volts, might last for years....
  25. They don't build em like they used to......
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