Rob, well said, yes I think somehow it went a little too far, too bad, I know some have been well intentioned on steering/helping the Warshaw in the right direction. Some have went out of there way to make MW, a target of there intolerance, myself included to a minor degree. Yes when someone is different, they easily can become a scapegoat/target for the intolerant.
I believe in your career as Teacher, you have witnessed this many times, over the years,.
I stilll believe firmaly that this is the greatest Old Car Forum, I have been a Member on a few elsewhere, some are wild and crazy, others are so dead, you have to check your own pulse to see if your alive. This is why I enjoy this forum so much, much more than just Old Mopar talk, good people, lots of ideas, but many different personalities and dynamics.
What just happed with MW, is not a Win-Win situation,the sad part is this, he was not alone in making that possible.....